
Earthquake and Disaster Capitalism in Haiti, The

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A pamphlet with a fuller story about Haiti than maistream media is painting.

Print it out! Spread it around!

Justice Bicycle- Frugal Christmas Edition

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Justice Bicycle is a monthly zine committed to the art of truth and truthiness. By using found objects, drawings, short stories and photographs the boundaries between what is original and what is appropriated become blurred. Zines are distributed for free by leaving them in unexpected or odd places, this forces the finder to either steal or leave the zine for someone else. The Justice Bicycle zine is a small part of a larger project by the same name which uses a variety of media to incite a private response within the viewer.

Justice Bicycle-Banana Split Edition

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Justice Bicycle is a monthly zine committed to the art of truth and truthiness. By using found objects, drawings, short stories and photographs the boundaries between what is original and what is appropriated become blurred. Zines are distributed for free by leaving them in unexpected or odd places, this forces the finder to either steal or leave the zine for someone else. The Justice Bicycle zine is a small part of a larger project by the same name which uses a variety of media to incite a private response within the viewer.

Justice Bicycle-Special Editors Edition

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Justice Bicycle is a monthly zine committed to the art of truth and truthiness. By using found objects, drawings, short stories and photographs the boundaries between what is original and what is appropriated become blurred. Zines are distributed for free by leaving them in unexpected or odd places, this forces the finder to either steal or leave the zine for someone else. The Justice Bicycle zine is a small part of a larger project by the same name which uses a variety of media to incite a private response within the viewer.

Justice Bicycle-Ride MF Ride Edition

Sep 09-1.jpg

Justice Bicycle is a monthly zine committed to the art of truth and truthiness. By using found objects, drawings, short stories and photographs the boundaries between what is original and what is appropriated become blurred. Zines are distributed for free by leaving them in unexpected or odd places, this forces the finder to either steal or leave the zine for someone else. The Justice Bicycle zine is a small part of a larger project by the same name which uses a variety of media to incite a private response within the viewer.

Against Amnesia

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On amnesia and the colonization of memory, abandoning imagination and the misery that accompanies it. For online reading and source see link below.

The zine should be printed on a single piece of paper. Fold it half twice (long-ways first), staple it and use a letter opener or something to cut open the unstapled fold.

negativity is the new posi



Salt Lake City, Utah, US
November-December 2008



This is about things that make us angry. It designed to be printed on one page and cut and folded into a tiny eight-page zine. There's a version with assembly instructions to help people figure it out and one without that looks a bit nicer. This CC BY-NC-SA licensed work was produced by kids on the Steal This Wiki forums ( R3s!st, Vov35, Zac Osborn, Dan Copulsky, Glorfon, and Jalor.

Funboat diplomacy


'Funboat diplomacy' is a short satirical fact/fiction about the UK government's latest proposals to counter Internet piracy. This work builds on some of the rumours that were flying around the story.

Format: PDF booklet
Dave Miller (Summer 2009)

(A)BC'S Mini Guide To Protesting by the Imagination Justice Front


A smaller version of the soon too come (A)BC'S Guide to Protesting. A useful guide put together by veteran activists and direct action enthusiasts and other rad folks for everyone. Provides a useful list of things to bring and things to avoid plus some really awesome links. The full version has way more info and links.  read more »

At the base of the mountain

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Quarter-page zine... so there is some cutting involved if you print it.  read more »


Pechyvo #1

It is a literary-graphic almanac.
Languages are ukrainian, russian and english,
but the main language, by the way the oldest language of civilisation is a graphic.
You can download 10 issues at

A week issue 2


this is the second issue of a week for march 2009

A week issue 1


this is a zine about The social hierachy and other important things about middle school

how to public transit: vancouver bc to portland or


tiny color one page (front and back) zine on taking public buses to travel up/down western washington connecting vancouver bc & portland or * includes times maps directions prices alternative routes ~ enjoy

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