The World of Warcraft
is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how, but do you know the why? Each week Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.
Azeroth is hardly the only world with giants. Draenor the Red World had giants of its own. Today we know little of these lost beings. We know that they left behind massive bones used in the construction of the
Grombolar, or
Temples of the Damned (Grombolar means Giant's Bones in Orcish) and that the orcs clearly knew them well enough to have a word for them in orcish. Not only is the Grombolar named for them, but one of the Horde's great figures, Grommash Hellscream, is as well. His name means
Giant's Heart in orcish.
However, even after Ner'zhul's destructive portrals tore Draenor into the shattered Outland we know of today (and it's fair to note that the entirety of Outland, massive though it is, makes up just a fragment of Draenor and there may well be whole other pieces of that world floating in the Twisting Nether for us to discover) there are giants in that land. Indeed, even their name is similar to that of the beings the orcs called Grom. I'm talking about the grim colossi of Blade's Edge, the monstrous and malevolent gronn. Furthermore, the gronn apparently gave rise to the less monstrous but still enormous ogres, who crossed the Dark Portal alongside the orcs of the Horde and made homes for themselves all over Azeroth. You can find ogre clans in Feralas, the Burning Steppes, Blasted Lands, Deadwind Pass... pretty much anywhere there's a hole in the ground big enough, the ogres will throw up a mound.
What then, are the origins and history of these brutes? What do we know about them, their relationship to each other, and their homeworld of Draenor?
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Filed under: Lore, Know your Lore