The court banned the rally "for free public transport"

May 29 picket Square Povstantsiv Crimean group "Autonomous Action" launched a campaign "FOR FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Carrying picket was timed to the intention of the city authorities to raise fares on public transport, in particular to raise fares in the city trolley with the current tariff 75 kopecks to 1 hryvnia. About these intentions deputy chairman of City Administration Igor Loktionov. The official said today, the fare does not cover the cost of enterprise "Sevelektroavtotrans" and is economically unsound. On Saturday 12 June, as the last time we were going to hold another rally against the actions of the authorities of Sevastopol hill aimed at the destruction of the trolley. But this time, city authorities decided to ban us from holding protests. Yesterday, June 10, Lenin's city state administration at 17:30 administrative lawsuit was filed in the District Administrative Court of Sevastopol, demanding ban on a planned June 12 protest against the increase in value fares for public electric transport, theSebastopol and the appointment of Chief KP "Sevelektroavtotrans" monopolist in the field of road transport Tsybulkina VF which owns three companies: "Private Tsybulkin" PE "Sevtranstrest" and OOO "Etalon-C. The city authorities, represented by the Administration of Saratov want Tsybulkina appoint without competition director KP "Sevelektroavtotrans", resulting in de facto monopoly that will be urban passenger transport.Advantageous to him will develop trolley transportation, competing with his business? In their demand for banning of us protest the authorities referred to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of 1988, which indicates that the application must be filed no later than 10 days prior to the scheduled dates. In addition, they referred to the very place, which is a pedestrian zone, which can not accommodate the stated number of participants and pedestrians as a result will create an emergency situation in the area. The trial began at 11 am on June 11, led the trial judge Olga Minko.As a result, in the conduct of peaceful protest, we were not allowed. We believe that this trial was biased, and specially created. This is due primarily to the fact that 12 and 13 of Sevastopol will celebrate the city. On this day in the streets will be a lot of people, and celebrations will come specially to cover the media as from other regions and countries.And the city authorities not profitable, that the media could see the outrage of citizens caused by the actions of municipal authorities. It's no secret that for several years in Sevastopol is reflected acute social conflict. Direct proof is to increase tariffs on utility services, on public transport, as well as accommodation in the heart of hazardous industrial facilities - coal terminal. Special attention we want to give to another fact. A similar notice in the Lenin district administration and the party filed a "Russian bloc" of its intent to June 12 (the same day that the autonomous action, Crimea) procession in honor of Day of Russia in the center of Sevastopol.June 9 the President referred to the party just got a call from the District Administrative Court of Sevastopol and was invited to 10 June at 15.30 to appear at a hearing on the suit of district administration to ban the procession. But on June 10 in the urban media reported that the Lenin district state administration for not sound, but understandably, withdrew a lawsuit prohibiting the "Russian bloc" in the procession in honor of Day of Russia in Sevastopol.Most likely, the current authorities do not want to relapse with Russia and thus, the claim was withdrawn from the court. But in the interests of the citizens to the authorities do not care. This once again shows that the government as spitting, and will continue to spit on the interests of ordinary people. The only thing that worries vlastpriderzhaschih - a place in the offices of officials and their own koshelki.No not forget that the reduction of national oppression does not remove from the agenda of social issues, but on the contrary, many updates until then <unimportant>> questions. However, even this behavior is the Sevastopol authorities (which increasingly resembles an authoritarian Russian and Belarusian experience) can not stop the residents, individually or as part of our campaign to protest against rising prices for transportation.Thus, in recent days appeared in the city sticker "public transport is not profit, a means of transportation." Interest increases in the cost of travel is very lively debate both in the transport and at bus stops and in other crowded places.City authorities and the owners of minibuses (popularly referred to now only as "Tsybulka"), fear of social explosion, and went back down and increased the cost of travel is not at 1 hryvnia, as previously planned, but at 50 cents. Yes, and date of introduction of new tariffs is constantly pushed away. But this is merely hypocrisy, but not caring about the citizens. People at bus stops saying - "Poor, poor Tsybulkin not build a new cottage." We declare that our campaign will continue.Taxes that are lined with people and without that - a heavy tribute to the officials. Now they want to make our lives more difficult, increasing under fictitious pretexts fare. "Autonomous Action - Crimea" categorically in favor of preventing price increases in public transport, as well as against the appointment of the Director of SOE Sevelektroavtotrans "monopoly trucking in Sevastopol. Public transport is called the public that it provides the basic needs of society.Therefore, it should not be regarded as a way to profit. Public transport should be cheap, but in an ideal - free of charge. PS Although the authoritarian thinking vlastpriderzhaschih gone nowhere, but slowly towards us are turning to legal ways to limit, though the laws are interpreted as possible in the right direction (but it's the law of universal handicap) with strong deviations from the letter. This once again shows that the power of hypocritical, vicious and exists for itself in the near future, in addition to the preparation and conduct of protests, we will analyze the legal nihilism of the authorities and legally prevent their lawlessness.People are more important than profits!

Source: BP-Crimea (