Avtonom #31, Autumn 2009. English summary

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Avtonom #30 English summary. All articles in Russian language

Front cover: Illegal demonstration in Moscow in January 2009 after murder of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

Page 2: A liberal dead-end. Arina Mayhova writes about internal controversies of contemporary Russian liberalism.


Page 3: Russian translation of CrimethInc. Interview of the Void Network, “How to organise an insurrection”. English version available here: http://www.crimethinc.com/blog/2008/12/25/how-to-organize-an-insurrection/
Page 10: Action chronicle – tree spiking in Butovo park of Moscow, leafletting in city of Kropotkin, Antifa-March in Kiev 10th of October, anti-militarist action in Minsk, Center of Counteraction against Extremism raids and closes anti-fascist musical festival in Saratov, “March of administered” in Omsk, guerilla gardening in Irkutsk, street gallery agianst police in Bolotnaya square of Moscow, closing action of eco-camp against coal terminal in Sevastopol, silent protest against “anti-extremist laws” in Ufa, anti-fascist mixed martial arts tournament “No surrender” In Moscow, support for workers of Cherkisovo market and “Detski Mir” toy chain store in Moscow, anarchist pop art in Vinzavod gallery of Moscow.
Page 13: list of regional distributors of Avtonom
Page 14: “Chernobylski shlyah 2009” in Minsk, report from the biggest annual anti-nuclear demonstration in Europe.
Page 16: Stones to NATO. Eyewitness report by a Belarussian participant to Anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg in April of 2009.
Page 21: Going it alone - translation of CrimethInc. Report from protest against democrat and republican party conventions of 2008. English original available here:


Page 28: Final crisis – Tere Valden argues why present model of world economic has no future.
Page 29: Whatever you are told, it is a lie – Sergey Verepetov writes on how nature of the current crisis is being falsified in both conservative and “progressive” media.
Page 30: Without a penny in Russia. Fyodor Tkachinskiy writes on how to freeride through Russia by using local trains.
Page 32: Swedish, vodka and veganism. Gonzo-report of Gennady Radonezhkiy on his euro-speaking tour to benefit Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow.
Page 38: Patriotism as a diagnosis. Stanislav Markelov is having a clear position here.
Page 42: He was... Pyotr Ryabov commemorates Stanislav Markelov, whom he knew for 15 years.
Page 43: Nastya. Anonymous friend writes down his memories on Anastasia Baburova, murdered with Stanislav Markelov.
Page 48: What is real cost of a house? Interview of an anonymous fighter against urban densification in Moscow.
Page 49: A shareholder. A short story from Moscow metro.
Page 50: Ad, authorities and poachers. On famous incident of president's representative in Duma Aleksandr Kosopkin crashing in a helicopter with local officials, while poaching rare Argalis in Altay mountains.
Page 52: On usefulness of reflection. Pyotr Ryabov reviews a new book series of publishing house URSS, “Reflections on anarchism”.
Page 53: Internet did not killed anarchist press yet. Pyotr Ryabov reviews anarchist papers and zines published during year in former Soviet Union, including Anarkhiya of RKAS, Volnaya Sibir from Irkutsk, Volya from Moscow, Libertarnaya mysl and Pryamoe deystvie of KRAS-AIT, Namerenie and Svoboda ili Smert from Minsk, Situatsiya from Nizhni Novgorod and Moscow and Chernaya Zvezda of MPST.

History of libertarian resistance

Page 56: Notes without a celebration. Pyotr Ryabov commemorates KAS (Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists) in occasion of 20th anniversary of the important but short-lived organisation, which once united vast majority of all anarchists in the former Soviet Union.
Page 60: Thimbles of the history. Interview of historician Valery Stolov on controversial presidential commission against “falsification of history”, which echoes Soviet-era politics of politicization of historical science.


Page 62: Organisational fetishism. Semen Vaynakhovsky makes a point that there are no universal organisational models for social revolution, criticizing dogmatics from both sides of the eternal anarchist debate on organisation.
Page 64: Lie and cheat. Translation of Practical Tips for
CrimethInc. Agents, English original available at http://www.crimethinc.com/texts/harbinger/practical.php
Page 68: Coming insurrection – extracts from a revolutionary bestseller. More exactly, Russian translation of the “5th circle”, English version of the whole text available here: http://libcom.org/library/coming-insurrection-invisible-committee

Kind fists – skinhead bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 71: Interview of Oleg Rush from St. Petersburg, who used to sing in Oi!-group Bukaneros and is now singing in Brigadir, hailing from the same city and playing in the same genre.
Page 73: Interview of Ska-P from Spain, made in prior to their concert in Moscow.

Loudspeaker (opinions)

Page 75: Is police an enemy worth of us? In opinion piece of Avtonomets, he is proposing that current media frenzy against police brutality is managed by authorities in order to find scapegoats for flaws which are inherent for the system.
Page 76: To trash or not to trash. Yulia Lizerginova comments moral panic, which was raised in January 2009 in mainstream media after anarchists trashed some windows and lamps in a demonstration after murder of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasiya Baburova in Moscow.
Page 79: Anarchy, not chaos. Igor Adsov writes how you may live without state and capitalism.

Mother of order – anarcho-feminist bulletin inside Avtonom

Page 80: Actions across the world in 8th of March 2009.

Anarchist Black Cross

Case of Marie Mason. List of anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners in Russia. Amadeu Casellas, Enric Duran.


Page 82: On usefulness of unculture. Ilyas Falkovsky from Moscow art group “PG” criticizes separation of “high culture” from “mass culture”.
Page 83: A belief in good TV show. Valery Listev comments Slumdog millionaire.
Page 84: Music reviews: Brigadir/Krasny Horizon split, Gnev, Moscow ABC benefit, Crowd Control/Agathocles split.
Page 90: Youth subcultures 20 years ago. Valery Listyev writes about photo exhibition and book “Hooligans of the 80's”, released in spring of 2009.

Loudspeaker (opinions - continued)

Page 91: Anarcho-communism and success in life. Sergey Sloschev continues topic from the last issue. Announcements of various anarchist projects.

Back cover: Anti-anarchist advertisement from Finland.

Poster: Anarchist Calendar for year 2010