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central america / caribbean / imperialism / war / news report Saturday June 12, 2010 18:28 by Batay Ouvriye   image 1 image
18 de mayo 2010, ¡conmemoración del día de la bandera! Pero: ¿Cuál de las banderas? ¿La americana, la francesa, canadiense, chilena, brasilera, argentina, boliviana, ecuatoriana, paraguaya…? O ¿será la de Jordania, de Nepal, de Congo, Senegal, China, Israel, Sri Lanka…? O tal vez ¿la de los médicos sin fronteras, de los funcionarios de Oxfam…?
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central america / caribbean / imperialism / war / news report Saturday June 12, 2010 18:20 by Batay Ouvriye   image 1 image
May 18th, 2010, Flag Day commemoration! But: what flags? The American one, the French one, the Canadian, Chilean, Brazilian, Argentine, Bolivian, Ecuadorian, Paraguayan ones…? Or those of Jordan, Nepal, Congo, Senegal, China Israel, Sri Lanka…? Or, perhaps, those of Doctors without Borders or the Oxfam team? read full story / add a comment
Diamo alla FIFA il cartellino rosso & nero
southern africa / miscellaneous / press release Saturday June 12, 2010 08:47 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Questi mondiali di calcio 2010 sono una vergogna e bisogna denunciarlo. Il ZACF condanna fortemente l’arroganza e l’ipocrisia del governo sud-africano nel presentare questa occasione come una opportunità “irripetibile” per il miglioramento delle condizioni economiche e sociali degli abitanti del Sud Africa (e di tutto il continente). Quello che invece è del tutto chiaro è che è stata ed è una “opportunità” solo per gli appetiti del capitale globale e nazionale nonché per le classi governanti del Sud Africa. Infatti, l’evento dei mondiali ha avuto ed avrà conseguenze devastanti per i poveri e per la classe lavoratrice del Sud Africa – un processo in corso ed invisibile. [English] [Français] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / history of anarchism / review Saturday June 12, 2010 07:40 by Dmitri
Από το Δωδέκατο Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο “Ο Σταύρος Κουχτσόγλους“ του έργου “Για Μια Ιστορία του Αναρχικού Κινήματος του Ελλαδικού Χώρου”. Ολόκληρο το έργο δημοσιεύεται στο read full story / add a comment
iberia / economy / press release Friday June 11, 2010 16:38 by Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
La Confederación General del Trabajo propone a CCOO que la huelga general se convoque el próximo 30 de junio. La clase trabajadora y los sectores populares no entenderían que no se actuara con prontitud ante otro nuevo ataque del Gobierno y el capital que supone una nueva pérdida de derechos laborales y sociales. read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
southern africa / miscellaneous / feature Friday June 11, 2010 16:37 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 3 comments (last - friday june 11, 2010 08:23)   image 2 images   video 1 video file
The 2010 Soccer World Cup must be exposed for the utter sham that it is. The ZACF strongly condemns the audacity and hypocrisy of the government in presenting the occasion as a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for the economic and social upliftment of those living in South Africa (and the rest of the continent). What is glaringly clear is that the “opportunity” is and continues to be that of a feeding-frenzy for global and domestic capital and the South African ruling elite. In fact, if anything, the event is more likely to have devastating consequences for South Africa’s poor and working class – a process that is already underway. [Italiano] [Français] read full story / add a comment
iberia / economy / news report Friday June 11, 2010 16:13 by icea   image 1 image
Entrevista a Endika Alabort miembro de ICEA en Radio Delirio read full story / add a comment
netherlands / germany / austria / workplace struggles / news report Friday June 11, 2010 14:06 by FAU   text 1 comment (last - saturday june 12, 2010 17:24)   image 1 image
La sentenza che pesava sulla FAU di Berlino e che le impediva di sviluppare
la sua attività sindacale è stata revocata oggi dal Tribunale Superiore di
Berlino. read full story / add a comment
netherlands / germany / austria / workplace struggles / press release Friday June 11, 2010 13:54 by Freie ArbeiterInnenunion   image 1 image
Vor dem Kammergericht Berlin wurde heute die Einstweilige Verfügung zum de-facto-Verbot gegen die FAU Berlin aufgehoben. Infolgedessen darf sich die Gewerkschaft auch wieder als solche bezeichnen. read full story / add a comment
italy / switzerland / anarchist movement / anarchist communist event Friday June 11, 2010 13:07 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
Il 3-4 luglio 2010 al Parco Marastoni, San Polo d'Enza (RE) si svolgerà la 4a edizione delle Giornate Libertarie, con il tema: A 50 anni dal "luglio '60" - la memoria non si cancella!
Organizzano la Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici - Reggio Emilia ed il Gruppo Comunista Libertario "F.lli Cervi".

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greece / turkey / cyprus / history of anarchism / review Friday June 11, 2010 12:11 by Dmitri
Από το Δωδέκατο Κεφάλαιο με τίτλο “Ο Σταύρος Κουχτσόγλους“ του έργου “Για Μια Ιστορία του Αναρχικού Κινήματος του Ελλαδικού Χώρου”. Ολόκληρο το έργο δημοσιεύεται στο read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
southern africa / miscellaneous / press release Friday June 11, 2010 11:44 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
La Coupe du monde 2010 doit être exposée publiquement comme l’imposture absolue qu’elle est. Le Front Anarchiste Communiste Zabalaza (ZACF) condamne fermement l’audace et l’hypocrisie du gouvernement qui présente cette occasion comme une opportunité unique "une fois seule dans sa vie" pour l’amélioration économique et sociale des personnes vivant en Afrique du Sud (comme sur le reste du continent). [English] read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/parguay / education / anarchist communist event Friday June 11, 2010 06:07 by Tendencia Anarquista en Educación   image 1 image
A menudo se cree que las propuestas libertarias son idealistas o irrealizables. Sin embargo, al calor de grandes luchas o procesos donde vastos sectores sociales se movilizan por sus reivindicaciones, suele aparecer la asamblea y la democracia directa como formas de organizarse; y la acción directa como la forma de conseguir aquello por lo que se pelea. read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / news report Thursday June 10, 2010 23:25 by icea   image 1 image
El Instituto de Ciencias Económicas y Autogestión (ICEA) participó en el Congreso de Educación celebrado en la Universidad Ruhr-Bochum de Alemania
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aotearoa / pacific islands / anarchist movement / opinion/analysis Thursday June 10, 2010 17:40 by Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement
On June 5th, the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement held a public talk introducing the ideas of anarchist-communism, followed by a screening of the film Living Utopia, about the Spanish Revolution and Civil War of 1936-9. About 40 people attended the event, held at the New Crossways Community Centre in Mt. Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / anarchist communist event Thursday June 10, 2010 16:25 by Anti-Privatisation Forum   image 1 image
The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) and allies will be embarking on a march tomorrow (11th June) to coincide with the opening of the 2010 Soccer World Cup. The march will start at 09h00 from Ben Naude Drive, opposite Fons Luminous Combined School Assembly Area and will proceed along the Rand Show Road/Aerodrome Drive towards Soccer City. The APF urges all community and other civil society organisations who share our concerns and who wish to add their voices, to join us. We have no intention of disrupting the World Cup but simply to voice our discontent/concerns. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / history of anarchism / review Thursday June 10, 2010 15:28 by Nick Heath
Σύντομη βιογραφία του David Kogan (Lev Rubin), Ρώσου αναρχικού και ασυνήθιστου δραπέτη read full story / add a comment
international / history / opinion/analysis Thursday June 10, 2010 02:19 by Vlad S.
Ένα σύντομο κείμενο για τη πολιτική κατάσταση των τριών επαναστάσεων των δούλων που κόντεψαν να γονατίσουν τη Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία, με ειδική μνεία για την επανάσταση του Σπάρτακου μεταξύ 73 και 71 π.Χ. read full story / add a comment
Tel Aviv demo against the attack, 31.05.10 (photo: activestills)
mashriq / arabia / iraq / repression / prisoners / news report Wednesday June 09, 2010 15:48 by Ilan S.   image 1 image
Les Anarchistes Contre le Mur et la gauche radicale israélienne on manifesté aujourd’hui en solidarité avec la « flotille pour Gaza ». Nous pensions que l’accueil de la flotille ne seraient pas tendre, mais nous ne pouvions pas deviner que la répression serait aussi brutale et aveugle... [English] [Italiano] [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / history of anarchism / opinion/analysis Wednesday June 09, 2010 15:47 by Felipe Corrêa   image 1 image
O objetivo desse artigo é triplo:
1. Fazer um levantamento bibliográfico da obra de Bakunin daquilo que foi traduzido e publicado no Brasil e em Portugal.
2. Listar as obras sobre Bakunin traduzidas, publicadas ou escritas em português.
3. Fazer um levantamento bibliográfico da obra completa de Bakunin.
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2010 Soccer World Cup: All in the Name of the Beautiful Gain

The Anarchists Against the Wall and the Israeli radical left demonstrated today solidarity to GAZA

An anarchist talks on the Greek Crisis "The people have had enough"

Αλληλεγγύη στον αγώνα των Ελλήνων εργαζομένων!

ChuzaDAS: Otra olla podrida de la seguridad democrática


Declaración Política de VOCAL sobre la Agresión Paramilitar en San Juan Copala, Oaxaca

نداء لوضع مانيفستو أناركي تحرري عن فلسطين

Death and the Mielieboer: The Eugène Terre’Blanche Murder & Poor-White Canon-fodder in South Africa

¡Alto genocidio silencioso de las comunidades y los mineros artesanales en Perú!

Anarchist Accountability

The IWW and Music: Creating a Working Class Counter-Culture

Anarquismo e Sindicalismo Revolucionário

Que fait la gauche palestinienne ?

Chile y Haití después de los terremotos: tan diferentes y tan parecidos…

Meeting of European Anarkismo groups in Paris

KDVS Interview with Lucien van der Walt, co-author of "Black Flame"

Tournée «Usines sans patrons»

Una victoria parcial de la memoria. Sobre el fallo contra los asesinos de Nicolás Neira.

Tremblement de terre à Haiti : Solidarité avec le peuple haïtien

Gewerkschaftsverbot gegen die FAU Berlin!

Dossier Conspirationnisme : le boulet de la critique sociale

La importancia del movimiento barrial en la construcción del autogobierno de clase

Vertice di Copenhagen sul clima: "Tutte chiacchiere e distintivo"

Latest News

Sat 12 Jun, 22:56

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460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_pwen_6_1.jpg imageHaití: los trabajadores se toman el Día de la Bandera (18 de Mayo) 18:28 Sat 12 Jun by Batay Ouvriye 0 comments

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_pwen_6.jpg imageHaiti: workers take over Flag Day (May 18th) 18:20 Sat 12 Jun by Batay Ouvriye 0 comments

Diamo alla FIFA il cartellino rosso & nero imageMondiali di calcio 2010: tutto in nome del bel profitto 08:47 Sat 12 Jun by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 0 comments

cgtanimada_1.gif imageCGT propone a CCOO convocar Huelga General el 30 de Junio 16:38 Fri 11 Jun by Confederación General del Trabajo 0 comments

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_icea_col_300cas_3.jpg imageICEA analiza la evolución histórica de la economía española hasta la actualidad 16:13 Fri 11 Jun by icea 0 comments

jcrop_fauverbotwin_0.jpg imageVittoria per la FAU di Berlino 14:06 Fri 11 Jun by FAU 1 comments

jcrop_fauverbotwin_0.jpg imageFAU Berlin gewinnt Prozess um Gewerkschaftsfreiheit 13:54 Fri 11 Jun by Freie ArbeiterInnenunion 0 comments

Give Fifa the Red & Black Card imageCoupe du Monde ... fric immonde 11:44 Fri 11 Jun by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 0 comments

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_icea_col_300cas_1.jpg imageICEA lleva sus propuestas al Congreso de Educación de Bochum 23:25 Thu 10 Jun by icea 0 comments

Tel Aviv demo against the attack, 31.05.10 (photo: activestills) image[Israël] Manifestations de solidarité contre l’attaque de la "flotille pour Gaza" 15:48 Wed 09 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

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Opinion and Analysis

textIntroduction to Anarchist-Communism Jun 10 by Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement 0 comments

textΗ επανάσταση του Σπ&... Jun 10 by Vlad S. 0 comments

imageA Bibliografia de Mikhail Bakunin Jun 09 by Felipe Corrêa 0 comments

textΑντιεξουσιαστικό`... Jun 08 by aixmi 0 comments

text[Colombia] La economía contra la vida Jun 05 by Red Libertaria Popular Mateo Kramer 0 comments

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