'As Many Enemies as There Are Slaves’: Spartacus and the Politics of Servile Rebellion in the Late Republic


A short essay on the politics (real and imagined) of the Three Servile Wars that shook the Roman Empire, with an emphasis on the rebellion led by Spartacus between 73 and 71 B.C.

'As Many Enemies as There Are Slaves’: Spartacus and the Politics of Servile Rebellion in the Late Republic

"Join the banana club": Memories of the Brambles Farm Peace Camp, 1982

A personal recollection of one of the many 'peace camps' which sprang up as part of the movement against nuclear and other weaponry in the UK in the early 1980s. It muses on some of the factors which distinguished this camp from others of the time, particularly the implicit tension between a diffuse social criminality or indiscipline associated with younger participants, and the po-faced respectability of those happy to affirm the elitist 'political criminality' of peace activism on the one hand, or parliamentary democracy on the other .

Memories of Brambles Farm peace camp

Asimos, Nikolas (1949-1988) Athens’ anarchist troubadour

Nikolas Asimos, born Nikolaos Asimopoulos, was the greatest troubadour of the anarchist movement in Greece and one of the figures that made Exarcheia diachronic habitat of radical thinking and practice. This is an attempt at a first synoptic biography of Asimos in English with some integrated translations of his poems and songs. The biography is based on Asimos’ book “Searching for Crockanthropus” as well as information posted at http://asimos.gr

Nikolas Asimopoulos was born on the 20th of August 1949 in Salonica and spend his childhood in the city of Kozani in North Greece. His first clash with the system was in 1966 when he sent a translation of the French song “Monsieur Cannibal” to a newspaper column edited by Nikos Mastorakis, the then authority on rock music and later collaborator of the Colonels’ Junta.

Ferlosio, Chicho Sánchez (1940-2003)


A short biography of the Spanish anarchist militant, poet and songwriter Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio

Chicho (real name José Antonio Julio Onésimo Sánchez Ferlosio) was born on April 8, 1940 in a family with strong ties to the Francoist regime - his father, Rafael Sánchez Mazas, having been one of the founders of the Falangist movement.

Anarchists in court, England, April 1945

Cartoon from War Commentary

This article describes the British state's efforts to suppress the anti-militarist views expressed by the anarchist paper War Commentary and the Freedom Press group during World War II, and the subsequent popular campaign that sprung up in defense of the paper in particular, and freedom of the press in general.


During the last difficult months of World War II, four anarchists were prosecuted by the British authorities on the suspicion of having disseminated ideas that might incite members of the armed forces to desert. While the Allied victory was almost certain, the English authorities wanted to make clear that discipline would be maintained until the final shot had been fired.

Antoni, Voldemar Genrikhovich aka Volodya aka Zaruthustra aka Grigori Andreivich Lyapunov, 1886-1974

Voldemar Antoni as a boy

A short biography of Voldemar Antoni, mentor of revolutionary leader Nestor Makhno and one of the founders of the Gulyai-Polye anarchist movement.

"In my life I had the good fortune to fall as a teenager under the ideological influence of the anarchist and revolutionary Vladimir Antoni (known in revolutionary circles as " Zarathustra ").” Nestor Makhno in Gulyai Polye in the Russian Revolution (1929)

Edo, Luis Andres, 1925-2009

Luis Andres Edo

A short biography of Luis Andres Edo, one of the last historic figures of the CNT-FAI

I had the privilege of meeting many outstanding anarchists of both the French and the Spanish movement whilst living in Paris in the early 1970s. One of those that I encountered was the tough Spanish worker, Luis Andres Edo. He was then making a living working on building sites, spending his spare time in activity against the Franco regime.

Dos Passos, John, 1896-1970

John Dos Passos

A look at the life and works of John Dos Passos , one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

John Dos Passos was born in 1896 in Chicago, the love child of a widow and an important corporation lawyer, whose estranged Catholic wife had rejected divorce. His mother took her son abroad to Belgium, where they remained until 1901. He was then looked after by his father who adopted him as a stepson.

Diego Camacho aka Abel Paz

Diego Camacho aka Abel Paz

A short biography of anarchist militant and historian Diego Camacho aka Abel Paz

Diego Camacho aka Abel Paz (1921 – 2009)

Tsironis, Vasilis (1929-1978), the rebel assassinated doctor

A biography of doctor Tsironis, the radical maverick killed in his apartment in 1978 by the greek special forces after declaring it "an independent state".

Vasilis Tsironis was born in Athens on the 15th of August 1929 to a family of Asia Minor refugees who had fled the coast of Turkey after Greece's defeat in the 1922 war. At the heart of the Civil War, Tsironis entered the Medical School of Athens in 1947, despite his family's wish to become a military officer.