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Why are you not coming home?

By Hussain Andaryas | June 9, 2010

Greetings in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ!

As I did my TV show yesterday my heart was a bit heavy because early in the morning I received my 11th death threat in the past week. These threats are normal but they have increased due to the recent events in Kabul. 
Most of you must already know about the recent developments among Afghan followers of Jesus Christ. There has been a great threat in Afghanistan with many accusations about Afghans choosing to follow Jesus.

While listening to Afghan National TV today I heard remix of one of the most beautiful songs. It was originally in the Pashto language but now it includes Dari as well. Find the words below and a YouTube version of it with English subtitles. As I was listening to this song, my wife came in my “garage studio” and asked me; “what has happened to you, why are you crying?”

I told her, “If you watch and hear this song, you will know exactly why I am crying?

The Dari version asks the question; Shinware Lawangina; “why are you not coming home… your mother, sister is asking the question, why are you not coming home?”

I wept a lot because most of the same sisters and mothers and fathers and brothers are my countrymen who are calling me a traitor because I am a follower of Jesus Christ – I call my self a follower of Jesus.

I have been sleepless and praying for the lives of my fellow Afghan followers of Jesus, who are either running for a hiding place or they are in jail. There no international reports about Afghan followers of Jesus being denied their human right to choose their own faith. The only person in the recent past who openly come out as a follower of Christ is the Afghan (Abdul Rahman.) He was really fortunate because he received so much media attention eventually Abdul Rahman was declared insane by the Afghan officials and he was air-lifted to Italy never to be heard from again.

Today’s Afghan followers of Jesus are in jails and in hiding for their lives, yet they have no one crying out for them or saying anything to defend their freedom to choose their own faith. At the same time we have hundreds of Western troops risking their lives for the freedom of Afghan people.

These Afghans are not traitors, they are followers of Jesus. They have of their own free will chosen at great personal risk to confess their sins and acknowledge Jesus as the way the Truth and the Life. The have chosen salvation in Jesus, yet their government has the legal right to execute them according to their religious law.

The 18th Article of “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” has been signed by Afghanistan. Look carefully at what Afghanistan has agreed to.

Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Some of my Muslim Afghan countrymen wrote to me in language that is so grotesque it smells of canabolism. He and others threaten to cut me into many pieces. This deeply grieves me because these are my countrymen.

The fact is that there are many Muslims from all over the world who are coming to the United States making a good life here. They take advantage of the opportunity to freely go to their places of worship (mosques), preaching about. Yet, these same people are protesting about accusations that an American preaching about Jesus in a Muslim country.

After all, if the Quran speaks of (إنما يعمر مساجد الله) – So if Muslims have been commanded by Allah to build mosques, should I as a follower of Jesus not have the same right? No one is even being accused of trying to build a church building in Afghanistan. They are just being accused of privately meeting in their own homes to worship Jesus Christ, the faith of their own choosing.

We have been commissioned to by our Lord Jesus Christ:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19, 20 Please also see Acts 1:8

I am an Afghan, and my forefather were Afghans. But the people of Afghanistan were not always Muslims. The Buddhas of Bamyan are a great testimony to this fact, that those people were equally the people of this land now called “Afghanistan.

So what is the problem? Why are Muslims afraid of Afghans choosing to following Jesus? Doesn’t Quran say: “there is no compulsion in religion.” If you force a person at gunpoint to come on the TV and deny Christianity and revert to Islam, do you think that you can also change his heart? After all, only GOD knows the heart.

We have the famous Dari saying; “از دل انسان تنها خدا خبر داره” Only God knows the heart of a man. This brings me to another saying in Dari; “نی به دينم، نی به دنيا، ضرب سوته يا خدا” Yes I have changed the last word a bit. You simply cannot force someone’s heart to change. It is a matter of faith and choice to repent of sins and chose to follow the only path God has given for forgiveness, that is Jesus the Messiah.

What is that message of the followers of Jesus that is so offensive? Is it love your neighbor? Or is it Love your enemies? Love your wife? Respect your father and mother? Do not provoke your children? Do not gossip? Do not lie? Do not kill? Do not take revenge? Are they afraid of the message, If you don’t love you do not know God because God is love? Which one of these messages of Jesus is most offensive? I could write verse after verse from the Old and New Testament that speak of helping fellow human beings, giving to the poor and needy which Christians do. And yes followers of Jesus must preach the GOSPEL (Good News) as well because Jesus has radically changed our hearts. Jesus freed me from being a man full of anger and hatred to all people who were different than me. I hated those who were not from my ethnic group. I hated those who were not Muslims. I hated those who were not Afghan, but Miraculously God Freed Me through my faith in Jesus Christ. He freed me to truly understand how to love God and love my family and love my fellow man.

So the question is for my Afghan Muslim brothers and sisters, can’t we as human being live together and share our faith with each other with love, dialogue and politeness and humility and grace and bearing one another and without anger or force. After all, God gives breath of life even to those who totally deny His very existence and yet God gives them chance so that they can find out and know about God. Are we bigger than God? No! Let us therefore learn from God who even when every human being everyday does against His law and yet he graciously extends days of our lives so that we can honor Him in finding about Him. Otherwise if God starts to think that, Okay they don’t obey Me? I am going to teach them a lesson. And if that happens brothers and sisters, what do you think will happen? Yes, we all are no more. So if God wants everyone to live and search for Him, can’t we who are His creation do the same and respect everyone to share our hearts and reason and find about who God is? Why then it is that my fellow Afghan followers of Jesus brothers and sisters are being hunted and tortured and put in prison and forced to accept a religion that is not of their choosing?

May I beg you to please recognize in DEED the rights of those who want to choose to follow Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, AND Jesus Christ? And LET God decide between us.

We love you with the love and commandment of Jesus Christ:

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven… Matthew 5:43… (for full passage, please click here)

Here is my prayer:

O dear God, please provide wisdom for our leaders to acknowledge you.

O dear God, please bless Afghanistan with your goodness – the Good News of Jesus Christ.

O dear God, please bring to Afghanistan the Peace that surpasses all human understanding.

O dear God, please humble our people so that they can be blessed by You.

O dear God, please forgive the enemies of Afghan believers in Christ for they do not know what they are doing.

O dear God, please help our people to respect each other even if they disagree with each other.

O dear God, Afghanistan is Yours and the fullness thereof and let every thing that has breath in Afghanistan bless Your Holy name.

In Jesus’ name. Amen

Topics: Faith | 2 Comments »

Oh the time…

By Hussain Andaryas | November 7, 2009

Greetings to you in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ!

I have been very slow in writing anything for over a year while this is suppose to be a blog or better a journal.

God has brought many changes into my life and as the good book of the LORD says:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

I have no complains. Surely for the timely manner there was some discouragements but God does work for the good and I praise Him.

God has been using the live tv show for Afghanistan and changing lives. This is my encouragement when I see people give their testimonies live on the tv while millions watch and some give their lives to Christ and some share the worlders of God in their lives, it gives me joy.

Sometimes people ask me about threats to my life and yes I do get them on regular bases just like having food and trust me, this is all because it is working. I would like to look into: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Phil. 1:21) whenever I get threats and also I do very much believe that I “have been called according to His purpose

Yes, this is the purpose, to honor God be His witness until that glorious day.

So you see, it is all good news for Christians everyday. Yes it is! Even if we don’t think it is, but the fact does not change that God has  everyone “in His hands.”

Our 60 minutes live show on Tuesdays now will become 90 minutes due to audience demand and that shows even more of God’s grace and mercy. This will be effective November 10, 2009 and I would like to invite you to please be in prayers for us during this wonderful time.

We are going through some wonderful times and through there are economic troubles around the world and yes there is H1N1 and so many others and yet God’s word is clear:

…No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord… (Please read Romans 8:18-39)

May our dear LORD Jesus bless you all and may your feel and experience His goodness in your lives and as my pastor always says: “May we become those who surrender instead of committing to God.”

Hussain Andaryas,

Topics: Faith | 3 Comments »


By Hussain Andaryas | October 9, 2008

I worship the God who “is God” because He tells us that “He Really Is God” both by words and by actions.
Every tuesday I am priviledged to host a live TV show in which we bring the good news of Jesus Christ in the first half and in the second half we have a guest who shares his/her testimony. During the second half one person responds the telephone calls and he gets all kind of calls from “I will kill you and slit your throat” to calls that tells us that How the Lord just changed thier lives and some who want to follow Christ.

One such call this past tuesday said: “I am calling from the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, my name is ***** and I need to know right now how to become a Christian. I have been watching your live TV shows for sometime now but today I know that the kind of person I am, only and truely Jesus Christ can save.”

Another caller Kabul said: “My name is **** and my address in Kabul is **** and my telephone number is ****. I desperately need a Bible and I need it now. Please, please help me to have a Bible….”

Of the 150 calls that we received for this past tuesday’s live show, the above calls stands as “CRY FOR HELP” and cry to received peace.

Here are few of the actuall calls with thier names and addresses muted so that you can listen to them and know, how much people are thirsty for the Word of God. Click Here

We have recieved 25 warnings by the Taleban movements and they threaten myself to death. We also get emails from some others Islamists regularly. Here is an example of one such emails we recieved:

“We are some Afghan brothers who jointly swear to get into America and find
Your places and destroy you all there.  
Your dirty life is going to number and you will see if Jesus along with holy-spirit
Will come and save you there?. You can call Jesus when the knife placed on your dirty throat?.
Then you say Amen and Amen.”

We praise the Lord that most of calls we receive are positive and those who really search the Truth and would like to know about our Faith and or reason with us and some who come to know our dear Lord Jesus as Savior and others who boldly share their testimonies like this sister from Holland;

“Hello my name is **** I am your sister in Christ, I am also Afghan, for a long time I thought I am alone and no other Afghans are Christian but today as I was changing channels I found your show and now I am so thrilled. I am also saved, I live alone, my message today is for my husband that Jesus can save you also as He saved me….

Or like this Hazara Afghan from Iran;

“Hello my name is **** I would like to share with you that I started watching your shows two years ago and now that you are live I want to tell you that God saved me after hearing for many months your TV programs. I understood the message and the truth of the Bible.” He went on to sing songs on our live tv show and to share his poems and now he is a regular contributor.

These are some of the people that we share the gospel with. I would like to share my heart with you and join Sait Paul to let you know the reason “why I do what I do” despite real, real threats: “… For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16 please also read 1 Corinthians 1:18…)

In Acts chapter one specially verse 8 Jesus Christ my Lord and my God gives me the message in which is laid my responsibility in this World as I pass; “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

And yes Lord, thank you for giving me the Power which gives me the boldness to obey you and Lord Jesus, yes, I will be your witness to the ends of the earth. Lord Jesus, give me grace, give me wisdom, give me humility, give  me understanding.
Lord Jesus, please rise men and women of faith who will boldly share your message to the World. Lord Jesus, please help us all. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Topics: Faith | 5 Comments »

The Technology Challenge and the gospel of Christ

By Hussain Andaryas | June 6, 2008

The start of the 21stcentury made our world a very tiny one. How much tiny? Just clicks away. The rise of the google map, MS virtual earth, the power of automation in the internet including the mobile browsing, satellite radio and tv etc. has things so much changed that even a person in a remote place of the earth such as deep Hazarajat of Afghanistan has full access to the white house in seconds.


What this means for Christians?


If you just look into what is being feed on the internet you will realize that Christians are way, way behind everyone else in MESSAGING the world.


While Christians hold and have the Power of God (Romans 1:16, 1 Corinth 1:18, Acts 1:8) the time has come for the followers of Jesus Christ to bring a huge change in themselves. To prove that there is more to Christianity then just focusing on beautiful doctrine, nice clothing, and erecting another so called church building.


The fact is that those Churches in the 1st century which did not have a building and were mostly on the run for their lives were a lot, lot more effective and more blessed. They enjoyed God’s fellowship and closeness. They enjoyed practically seeing Jesus Christ through their lives. I always think of a “not so body builder” Telemachus whose simple action of facing God brought a ban on gladiator fights and today’s giants who are confused on what God actually wants from them.  

It is sad to even think about it but it is never late. HaleluYAH! today is the day of salvation!


It is very simple

If you command a Bible “GO therefore and be preached” trust me, the Bible will never move and there is none who could prove it otherwise. For God, He is the mirracle. For others it is the simple Faith (believing) in the True God,  that causes mirracles and thus changing of history and even the destination of life.


In Matthews’ gospel the Lord said: GO YOU (Christians) therefore. I think it is time for Christians to wake up and shake their cloths on which the dust of laziness homed and be practical in bringing the life giving message of Jesus Christ to our World.

It is the Christians who must act as the walking and talking Bible to make mirracles come true. It is this reason that Jesus Christ said; “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” (John 14:12) Yes, you reading right, “not my words” but JESUS’.

So, What Would Jesus Do?

  1. God is Spirit (John 4:24)
  2. The Bible is Spirited (Theopnutos=God Breathed) (2 Tim 3:16)
  3. A Believer in Christ is born of the Spirit… is a spirit(John 3:6-8…)

And JESUS wants all of the three to work together. (1 Corinthians 3:9, Matthew 28:18-20, Psalm 119:11, 105…)
The first ONE being the Leader, the Second One being the Guide and the third one being the carrier.


It is very simple, either YOU GO, or YOU SEND! There is no other way that you can be an active Christian. Going to Church, singing songs, paying your dues, hearing a powerful message without implementing, these are all religious things and have nothing to do with Christianity.

If you SEND and don’t put your full heart into it (Be Passionate, Feel the Pain), your SENDING is mere self boast. So SENDING also require your full participation because God already is RICH.


To me, “why would a Christian even live on earth once SAVED?”

Because as Christ came into the world to save, we also have been sent by Him into the world (John 17:18) to bring other to Him to be saved.

Not only what we do is because WHAT we have (GOD) but we do thing because “what we are!” salt of the earth…light of the world.  Matthew 5:13-16

Our purpose? to honor, praise and magnify Christ in the true worship.


Once a man in front of a Church asked me this question: “Why you have so many gadgets, one or two is not enough?” He even went further and said: “Don’t you think it is a waste of money?”

I looked at him and really did not know what to say. So opening my mouth and relying on God I asked him: “What kind of work do you do?” He said; “I am a painting contractor.” He pointed to his van full of tools and many brushes.

This is it. I asked him; “why don’t you use only one brush for the whole work you do, why you have in your van so many brushes and tools?”

Unfortunately he just looked at me with a smile only. Sometimes smiles could become a stumbling block for us.


Your servant is a simple man with simple words. Not the words of a highly educated person,  neither a seminary graduate, nor the one who even can analyze this very writings. But simply putting my heart, which is right now crying out loud; “Where are you O Christian?


Let us be excited. Let us make a joyful noise to the Lord. Let us lift up holy hands. Let us impact the world for the glory of God. Open you Celphone and see what only a tiny thing in your hand is capable of to honor God with.


Don’t you hear what God is still asking you this simple question; “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”


Let us pray and think…

Topics: Faith | 8 Comments »

A song of joy for you to enjoy…

By Hussain Andaryas | December 22, 2007

I am here tonight at the CompUSA where the Lord many times gave me the opportunities to share the gospel with people while shopping or window shopping. But like the old hymn goes:
Change and decay in all around I see
O Thou who changest not abide with me

Yes, that’s so true. The compUSA that I used to shop is closing nationwide in the USA and it is sad because it was close to my home and also a place where I bought my first computer when we moved to the USA and also a place where I share God’s goodness many, many times both with the workers and others around.

I have been very busy but God’s goodness is always available. So I praise my dear Lord Jesus in whom I have all my hope.
As Jeremiah says:
Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”

The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him,
to the one who seeks Him;
Now that another year is going bye bye, for those of us who trust in Jesus, there is eternity of life beyond, and that’s a great good news for everyone who wants to trust in Jesus as Lord.

Here is what God’s word says:
For God so loved the World that He gave His only and ONE Son, that who ever trust in Him will not die but have eternal life.

The question is: do you? My prayer from here in the COMPUSA and from everywhere is that you will decide to trust in Jesus because trusting Him is everything for us.

May the Lord so much bless you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008 of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is now a song for you in the Dari language of Afghanistan. Enjoy and be blessed.
O Christ, Thank you for liberating me
Giving my sad heart a song of joy.

Hussain Andaryas, your fellow human being, saved by the grace of God through and in Jesus Christ.

icon for podpress  O Christ, Thank you for liberating me [3:13m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Topics: Faith | 2 Comments »

I hate you – I love you

By Hussain Andaryas | March 29, 2007

On an average I get at least 10 hate emails from Muslims daily. Some wants to cut me into pieces, some just use the worst kind of language you possibly could imagine and some write a second time with a lower tone in response to my email. Most emails are responded by our wonderful team in Holland but there are those I have to respond sometime.

Take for example this one:
**** you kafir. You low life son of a *****. how dare you leave the noble and peaceful religion of Islam and give your *** up for $$$. Don’t you realize ***********  that Islam is the only true religion? Stop the *******. Islam means peace and you lost that you *******. Email me so that I can teach you some lesson. …

Ok, I went too far to post here one of the probably worst and childish emails that surely some Muslims may not approve but let us look into that later. I really had to pray a lot before answering the above email. So finally I remembered my Lord on the cross calling; “Father forgive them for the they know not what they do.” And I also was confronted by the Holy Spirit through the pen of Paul: “For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge.” Romans 10:2. So, I decided to prayerfully respond:

Dear brother ….(I don’t want to add his name here),

Thank you so much for your email. I totally can understand your frustration. In the bible we call this “sin.”  It is a sickness that All human beings have as a heritage from our father Mr. Adam whose address used to be a beautiful garden called Eden. Now because of that the bible in Romans chapter 3 verse 23 says: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ describes this in the following three verses of Mark’s gospel (injil-e-Marqos) like this:
“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. “All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man.” Mark 7: 21-23

But don’t worry my dear friend, There is a Way and a Cure for this sickness. Trust me, I am Cured myself. Though I did not use the kind of language you are using but I did have an equal measure of hatred filled in my heart toward, Pashtoons, Tajiks, Hindus, Jews, Christians and a lot more. But as you can make out from my writings and my testimony, “I am a changed man!” I was cured on the 14th of October 1990 when I heard the Injil (Good News) of Jesus Christ. I realized that I can never beat hate with hate. Here are the two bible verses or should I call pills that Cured me once in for ever:

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21)
He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (1 John 4:8)

My dear friend, I can understand you, because I have been there. It is a hard life of hatered. Trust me, the night I decided to follow Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life, He changed my history, He changed my heart, He changed the tone of my language, He changed my everything 180 degree. I am not a doctor but I have experienced the touch of the Master’s hand. And this this same Master who is calling you today:

Come unto me all who are weary and burdened, I shall give you rest (Matt: 11:28).

I strongly recommend Him to you. He really does a good job and I think He is the Only solution because His Book of Health also says:“And there is salvation (Cure from sin) in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.

My dear friend, I advise you to read this wonderful Health Book called Injil. It has the complete Cure for you and by the way, since I know the Author personally, I will do a sefarish for you. Because He is a Faithful Friend of mine. He always tells me; ‘Give Me a call and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3.

So you see, I have prepared a sifarish. All you have to do is just go to Him. Although He knows everything ahead of time but you are most welcome to say; this guy Andaryas sent me to You :) . Trust me, even if you go without my sifarish, He is full of grace and kindness to take your own words for it. May God bless you and may you be healed totally as I have been healed by Him.Know that I love you and pray for you.

               Hussain Andaryas.

I am actually still waiting for his email. I don’t know if he will write or not but I pray that this post today will touch the hearts of many Muslim to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. As they cry out in the Qur’an “Ehde na sirat-al-mustaqim,” Jesus Christ is already calling them and saying: “I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one can come the the Father but by Me.” John 14:6

Topics: Faith | 20 Comments »

Work and Rest

By Hussain Andaryas | March 9, 2007


Today I had a lab test. My Doctor always tells me; “I want you to live a little longer.” He is kind. I was thinking on the way back about how much work I am doing. What came to me was; “how much rest I am getting?”

How much rest I am getting? I started calculating my life time. I know it was the Lord. He reminded me: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

I actually rest more! MORE? a lot, lot, lot more! My life because I have been redeemed is now the life measure of God. Because He lives! Yes because He lives! I live in Him and with Him and that’s for Eternity to come!

OK Lord, I am actually not working but resting. It is You who is at work! John 5:17 cp Gal. 2:20. What I do is live! Yes, I was dead and He gave me life and the work I am doing now, I would NOT be doing at all in the first place. And the work that I do now is nothing compared with the rest I will have in the very, very near future:

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ–by grace you have been saved–and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:4-7

Suppose this Earth is my life (age), and in that life how much of it actually I work? NOT even like tiny piece of sand.

O dear Lord, thank you for the Life you gave me and for the rest of eternity with you. You are my Rest. May your name be praised!

Hussain Andaryas 

Topics: Faith | 3 Comments »

Hello world! Blessings and Peace!

By Hussain Andaryas | March 8, 2007

For God so loved the World that He gave His Only begotten Son, that whoever beleives in Him may not die but live forever. John 3:16

Everyone on the Internet is netted through blogs and since I started Interneting since 1996, thought it is a good thing to speak my heart through an online journal. I know, my English is poor. It is because I never studied English. But I also know that you will understand my words and I will pray that God will help.

I thought of starting my blog with a Bible verse and it is so true and God loves each one of us even if we think that there is no God. God is gracious and He still blesses everyone, exactly like an Old servant of His said: “Great is Thy Faithfulness!”

Please do come again and read what is going on in my life and what new things God blesses me with. Trust me, I count everything including the suffering a blessing from God. This is what He said:

“”Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:12.

So you see I am blessed anyway.

If you are a beleiver in Jesus Christ, I urge you to please pray for me that what ever I share daily, will be directed by God and not of my own wisdom. Please pray that God will speak His Word to me and through me to those I make a connection.

The Lord be with you,

Hussain Andaryas

Topics: Faith | 22 Comments »