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Direct Action Movement
International Workers' Association (DAM-IWA)
[Affiliate of the IWA-AIT from 1979, became the Solidarity Federation (SolFed-IWA) in March 1994]
Aims and Principles
- The Direct Action Movement is a working class organisation.
- Our aim is the creation of a free and classless society.
- We are fighting to abolish the state, capitalism and wage slavery in all their forms and replace them by self-managed production for need, not profit.
- In order to bring about the new social order, the workers must take over the means of production and distribution. We are the sworn enemies of those who would take over on behalf of the workers.
- We believe than the only way for the working class to achieve this is by independent organisation in the workplace and the community and federation with others in the same industry and locality, independent of and opposed to all political parties and trade union bureaucracies. All such workers' organisations must be controlled by the workers themselves and must unite rather than divide the workers movement. Any and all delegates of such workers' organisations must be subject to immediate recall by the workers.
- We are opposed to all states and state institutions. The working class has no country. The class struggle is worldwide - and recognises no artificial boundaries. The armies and police of all states do not exist to protect the workers of those states, they exist only as the repressive arm of the ruling class.
- We oppose racism, sexism, militarism and all attitudes and institutions that stand in the way of equality and the right of all people everywhere to control their own lives and environment.
- The Direct Action Movement is resolved to initiate, encourage and wholeheartedly support the creation of independent workers' unions based on the principles anarcho-syndicalism.
- The Direct Action Movement is a federation of groups and individuals who believe in the principles of anarcho-syndicalism: a system where the workers alone control industry and the community without the dictates of politicians, bureaucrats, bosses and so-called experts.
DAM-IWA Pamphlets
- Winning the class war - An anarcho-syndicalist strategy (Industrial Commission DAM-IWA) First Published 1991 [HTML]
- Anarchist Economics: An alternative for a world in crisis (Abraham Guillen) Published and translated by DAM & La Presa (1992) [HTML]
< Website under construction > This website is part of an ongoing initiative of the Archive Commission SolFed-IWA. If you, your group or your organisation has any material relevant to the development of anarcho-syndicalism and you are willing to make this available to us please e-mail or post to AC-SolFed-IWA, PO Box 29, South West PDO, Manchester, M15 5HW | | | | | | |