Chandu Thota : Technology + Entrepreneurship    Thoughts, updates and musings from Chandu Thota

  chandu thota   Home Blog    getTwitters('update', { id: 'chanduthota', count: 1, enableLinks: false, ignoreReplies: true, clearContents: true, template: '


' });     on my mind:  Loading updates   » follow me             Products I love building great products. Here are some of the awesome products that I have built: The Dealmap, Center'd, Bing Maps, and MapPoint. My main areas of focus are geo-spatial technologies, local search, web search, IR, machine learning, scalable web platforms and online communities.

   Writings I love writing. I have written 3 books so far and my most recent book, Programming MapPoint .NET, is from O'Reilly. I have also published many articles in leading technical journals including MSDN. You can research more about my books and articles online.

   Research I love tinkering with technology. I experiment with a lot of stuff and some of them go into products and the rest remain as protoypes and experiments. My passion areas are geo-spatial technologies, web/local search, IR, data aggregation and user experience.

    Contact You can always contact me via my blog or email at hello - at - I cannot promise a response, but I do read every email I receive.

   My Selected Works      The Dealmap   Center'd Sentiment Search   Center'd Local Search        Bing Maps   Bing Maps Platform   MapPoint        Programming MapPoint    

   © Copyright 1997-2010 Chandu Thota − Design: Luka Cvrk, Solucija

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