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Photosynth Integrating into Virtual Earth

Photosyth is a great product and under-appreciated I believe. Less well recognized than the integration of images and user photos into Google Maps, Microsoft has offered Photosynth collections/synths in Live Search Maps for some time. However the company is now integrating Photosyth more fully into the Virtual Earth platform (B2B): Microsoft Corp. today announced updates to its Photosynth technology that enable commercial use through integration with Microsoft Virtual Earth. The Photosynth integ ...

MSN City Guides Gets a Facelift with Live Search

Today MSN announced a new version of its local offering MSN City Guides, one step in a long term plan to help users stay in the know wherever they are. The new MSN City Guides is an entirely re-vamped site, featuring a new design with integrated Live Search, Live Search Maps, video, content sharing, and New integration with popular social networking services such as Windows Live and Facebook makes it easy to organize events with just a few clicks. With Live Search and Live Search Maps integrated ...

Friday Fun With Google Maps

The Virtual PaintoutThe Virtual Paintout is a blog that is encouraging the use of Google Street View as a resource for virtually travelling the world to find interesting locations and subjects to paint.Each month a new city is chosen and artists can then use Google Street View to find a subject to paint The blog is currently showcasing the paintings produced from Street View images of Amsterdam. The quality of art is very high. The picture above is clipped from Bill Guffey's 'Amsterdam Canal Boa ...

CityVoter's New Strategic Direction

I always like talking to Josh Walker, CEO of CityVoter. He's smart but he's also a former Forrester analyst who made good (maybe one day I will too). Being an analyst is a little like being a movie critic — or at least that's how I think about it. But whether because he's smart or because he was an analyst Josh is good at seeing where the market is heading. The newly redesigned CityVoter is heading squarely in that direction with an emphasis on connecting people and "real-time" (or quasi r ...

Jane & Robot Meetup Wednesday @ MS, Mountain View

Are you going to be in the Bay area tomorrow? Do you have a vested interest in search marketing? Know any web developers? Well then, make sure drop in to the Microsoft technology center in Mountain View, CA for a hearty discussion of search marketing hosted Microsoft, with guest speakers: Vanessa Fox, famed creator of Google's Webmaster Tools, and Sean Suchter, previous VP of Yahoo. Microsoft Campus in Mountain View Event: Jane & Robot SEO Meetup When: May 6, 2009 from 7:00 pm - 10:0 ...

Introducing 'Google Earth Featured Modeler Profiles'

The Official SketchUp blog has introduced a new series called 'Google Earth Featured Modeler Profiles' where modelers that have submitted their work to the Google 3D Warehouse for display in Google Earth will be highlighted on a regular basis.Our first featured modeler, "IntotheWest," has almost single-handedly enabled visitors of Calgary, AB, Canada to view this city in 3D in Google Earth. "IntotheWest," aka Andrew, has modeled over 40 skyscrapers and buildings in Calgary - you can check out h ...

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