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Web Sites To Upload Your Own Music To

1/21/2010 6:43:19 AM

Looking for somewhere to upload your music and get it heard by people? I've put together this list of places where you can upload your music today. All of them are free or have free versions of accounts. I have sorted them by how popular each site is, so expect more listeners at the sites which are listed higher up in the list.

    MySpace - We all know this one, still very much alive and almost essential for musicians to have a profile here.
    IMEEM - Change a standard account into a musicians account and you can start creating your artist profile.
    Last.fm - Allows you to see how many people are playing your tracks, you can also upload full tracks or clips.
    The Internet Archive - Not just music, but you can easily store your own music tracks on here for people to download.
    SoundClick - Upload your music, widgets for your music and genre separated charts based on plays.
    MP3.com - Upload your music for listening via streaming or download.
    Jamendo - Upload your music and release it under a Creative Commons license.
    OurStage - A site which puts your song into genre specific contests and allows listeners to vote for your tracks against other tracks.
    ReverbNation - Create your artist profiles and site includes loads of widgets giving you the ability to integrate your ReverbNation into Facebook, Bebo and
    PureVolume - Signup to create your artist profile and upload your tracks.
    SoundCloud - Allows you to upload, share and also receive tracks. Free users can upload 10 tracks for listeners.
    Virb - This one is not just for music but there is a lot of people who do use it specifically for music.
    Amie Street - An interesting site where your music starts out being free and as it gets more popular it increases in price.
    TheSixtyOne - A site where listeners are playing a game for points and voting for your tracks if they like them.
    BroadJam - A social network where you can win prizes and explore licensing opportunities in TV and film.
    GarageBand.com - More of a review system, but your music will still get listens and therefore exposure.
    Fairtilizer - Upload your music and gives you a single player for all your sites and has charts based on plays.
    iSound - Upload your music, videos and photos and create an online profile.
    CCMixter - Upload your music if it is licensed under Creative Commons for others to download and remix.
    mTraks - Music community for independent artists to promote their traks.
    Humble Voice - Another place to upload your artistic creations, not just for music though.
    Jukebox Alive - Another place to upload your music to, list your gigs and publish your music bio.
    ArtistServer.com - Another place to upload your music and create an online presence.
    Unsigned.com - Create your online profile and from the name I presume it is best to be unsigned .
    Muzic - Upload your music and it could become the free and legal mp3 of the day in the mp3 jackpot.
    WorldSings - Upload your songs and the best 20 throught the year will get to compete in a song contest.
    Tribe of Noise - Get exposure for your music and get listened to by the industry.
    World's Best Producer - Battle to become the worlds best producer for each month throughout the year - mostly HipHop based.
If there is any notable sites that I have missed and I'm sure there are, please add them to the comments and if I think they are worth listing I will add them to this list.

Update: This post seemed so popular, we actually started a whole site dedicated to sites you can upload music to. Check it out... Uploading My Music.

Other Sites

A Guide to Entering a Remix Contest - Free eBook from RemixComps.com

11/6/2009 9:14:57 AM

Although Rhythm Creation hasn't been updated in a long time, my other site Remix Comps has become the top site for finding out about which Remix Contests are running. Because I haven't updated in a while please find download my eBook for free below which is available from Remix Comps to newsletter subscribers.

The Remix Comps Guide to Remix Contests and Remixing
The book contains information on getting started with remixing, choosing a suitable remix contest and much There is even a section on running your own remix contest and how to go about it.

PDF ebook
Zipped up version

If you also want to join the new newsletter on Remix Comps which is sent out every day with the latest remix contests, then put in your details below and you will receive it via email, there's no requirement so if you just want to download the ebook above, by all means do but make sure that you bookmark Remix Comps so you can always find out the latest remix contests.

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For Beginners
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10 FREE VSTi Soft Synths To Download

6/29/2009 1:03:03 PM

Here I have chosen 10 really great synths which are not only pretty decent for various sounds, but also free for you to use. I haven't written anything about each one, but I have tested and used them all out myself and I wouldn't put them here if I didn't think they were useful for use in your own music. Personally I feel the more VSTi instruments that you can call on to use in your music the better and these should be some of the first that you try out.

Click on the name of each one to visit the homepage where you can download them for free. I have provided a screenshot of each one for you. If you are new to VST Instruments then check out our Beginners Guide to Using VST Instruments, if you need a free VSTi Host check out SAVIHost.

Enjoy your new collection of soft synths, by using this wide variety you should be able to make some pretty good sounds for use in your music.

For Beginners

Preparing Your Space for Music Production

6/26/2009 1:08:39 PM

I don't think anyone will disagree that your music working space needs to be comfortable, but we also want to make it so that everything in our workspace is easy to use, easy to reach and make us want to be in our music studio. To achieve this our music making area should be clean and free from clutter and also keeping it that way too. Sort out all your wires so that you don't have to keep going behind your equipment, if you have some cable ties it could be a good idea to use them to declutter too.

Most of us will be using software on a computer to make music and therefore clean and free from clutter doesn't just apply to the physical world, it also applies to our desktop environments too. To declutter our computer we should make sure that our software is easy to startup and get going quickly. Solve those computer problems and make our applications quick to get going by setting up the preferences to our liking. It might be worth creating a template file in your software too to allow you to get going as quickly as possible. We basically should streamline our computers ready for knuckling down to making some beats.

Whilst we are making music one thing that could improve our productivity during our precious music making time is to take away all the distractions from the room. For example games consoles and telephones could be removed and also internet could be disconnected to stop you from checking your email and social networks and getting distracted.

I'm not one to plan specific times to make music, but if your area is comfortable and it is quick and easy to start making music you are going to end up spending more time actually making music when you are in there and you won't have to plan specific times. You'll just be able to go and do it. By making your music making studio more comfortable and time friendly, you will probably improve not only your music making productivity but also your music too.

What do you do to improve your music making studio/area to improve your music making time usage?

Album Project
For Beginners

Win A Bunch of Samples from Zenhiser

6/25/2009 11:18:35 AM

Over at our other site Remix Comps we have teamed up with Zenhiser to offer you the chance to win $150 worth of samples from their exciting and affordable range of sample packs.

Just head on over to The Contest to find out all the details of how to enter.

Simply download the samplepack on the page which contains drum loops in various genres, bass loops, pads, fx and crashes from Zenhiser's sample libraries. Then using your music abilities cut them up, play with the samples and rework them into a 1 to 5 minute track using as much or as little of the provided samples as you want.

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