<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español | Portugués | Italiano | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands June 16, 2010 | Issue #65

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Narco News Issue #64
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The Other Journalism with the Other Campaign

[EN] The Other Campaign

[ES] La Otra Campaña

[PT-BR] A Outra Campanha

[IT] L’Altra Campagna

[DE] Die Andere Kampagne

[FR] L’Autre Campagne

[FR] De Andere Campagne

[FR] «کارزاری ديگر» Farsi

Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion

The Bogotá Connection: Narco News Investigates DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

The House of Death: U.S. Law Enforcement Complicity with Murder in Ciudad Juárez

Narco News is supported by The Fund for Authentic Journalism


Publisher: Al Giordano

David B. Briones

Newsroom Coordinator:
Chris Fee

Opening Statement, April 18, 2000
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Narco News is supported by:
The Fund for Authentic Journalism

Banamex vs. Narco News: The Drug War on Trial

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Site Design: Dan Feder

All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2006 Al Giordano

The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," and "School of Authentic Journalism" © 2000-2006 Al Giordano


The Bogotá Connection

Narco News Investigates DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

Wealthy Colombian Businessman is a Drug-Trafficker, CIA Operative Alleges

Another Source, a Past Employee, Also Claims Narco-Entrepreneur is Connected to Rightwing Paramilitary Forces

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... Millonario empresario colombiano es traficante de drogas, sostiene agente de la CIA

March 21, 2010

Whistleblowers Reveal How Time Magazine Dropped the Ball on the "Bogota Connection"

The Backstory to How a Mainstream Media Powerhouse Was Beaten to the Punch on the Story by Narco News

By Bill Conroy
Special report from Sibel Edmonds

June 11, 2009

Money Laundering & Murder in Colombia: Official Documents Point to DEA Complicity

Kent Memo’s Corruption Allegations Bolstered by FOIA Records, Leaked U.S. Embassy Teletype

By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

May 18, 2008

Bogotá Connection “Informant” Files Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Against US Government

Using the US Court System, Baruch Vega is Attempting to Force Both the Government and the Compliant Media to Confront DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

September 24, 2007

Welcome to the Drug War ... pick a card, any card

The Narco-Trafficking Shadow Lands: Complicity and Corruption

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

June 25, 2007

A Muse in the State of the Drug War

“Our Own Government’s Insane Drug Policy... Seems to Reward, even Encourage, the Corruption and Death, From the Top Levels of Power Down to the Street”

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

June 22, 2007

Did “Bogotá Connection” Embassy Leaks Doom U.S. Spy Plane in Colombia?

Claim: The Coordinates of Flights Over the Colombian Jungles Were Being Leaked Out of the U.S. Embassy to Drug Traffickers

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

February 16, 2007

Mystery Man Baruch Vega Helps to Untangle More of the “Bogotá Connection”

US Intelligence “Asset” and Fashion Photographer Speaks Again with Narco News

By Bill Conroy
Via the Narcosphere

en español... El hombre misterioso Baruch Vega ayuda a desenredar más de la “Conexión Bogotá”
en français... Le mystérieux Baruch Vega aide à démêler un peu plus la « Bogota Connection »

February 16, 2007

Colombian Narco-Trafficker's Pending Extradition Puts "Kent Memo" Back in Focus

Major Player Involved in the Bogota Connection Appears to be Headed for the United States

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

February 9, 2007

The Bogotá Connection on WNUR

Listen to the Interview with Narco News Journalist Bill Conroy on Corruption of U.S. Agents in Colombia from Chuck Mertz’ This Is Hell Radio Program

WNUR 89.3 Chicago

May 26, 2006

Leaked Report: Drug Traffickers Obtained Classified DEA Documents from U.S. Embassy in Bogotá “At Will”

Informant Told Lie Detector that Corrupt U.S. Agents Helped Narcos Protect Drug Crops from Fumigation Raids

By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

May 15, 2006

Colombia’s Secret Narco-Police

Claims of Collaboration with Drug Traffickers and Paramilitaries Sting the Country’s DAS Security Service and Support Allegations of DEA Corruption Published in Narco News

By Dan Feder
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... La narco-policía secreta de Colombia

April 29, 2006

DEA, FBI, CIA Informant Weighs In on U.S. Law Enforcement Corruption in Colombia

Baruch Vega: Narcos, Colombian Police, DEA and U.S. Customs Collaborate in a “Devil’s Cartel”: Baruch Vega

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

en español... Informante da su perspectiva sobre la corrupción de las entidades de seguridad estadounidenses en Colombia

March 19, 2006

Bogotá DEA Corruption Allegations Intersect with Covert FBI, CIA Activity in Colombia

New Document Unravels More Mysteries in Kent Memo; Narco-Trafficker, Informant Drop the Dime on Suspected DEA Foul Play

By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

March 6, 2006

New Documents Shed More Light on Alleged DEA Corruption in Colombia

Names of Two of the Whistleblowers in the “Kent Memo” Are Revealed; DEA’s Former Bogotá Chief May Be Involved in Cover-Up

By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Nuevo documento deja entrever más luz sobre supuesta corrupción en la DEA en Colombia

February 22, 2006

DEA is Caught in the Chicken Coop in Bogotá Corruption Case

Spokesman’s Letter Claiming that Internal Investigations Cleared the Agency from Allegations of Collusion with Narcos Doesn’t Add Up

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

January 22, 2006

Semana Magazine Claims Colombia DEA Corruption Story As Its Own

By Dan Feder
Via The Narcosphere

January 18, 2006

DOJ Shadow Man Strikes at Nashville Scene in DEA Scandal Story

“Anonymous” Source Refutes Allegations Published in Narco News, but Claims of an Internal Investigation Don‘t Add Up

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

January 18, 2006

Doubt Cast on AP Story's Claim of “No Wrongdoing” in DEA Corruption Scandal

Reporter Claims Internal Investigation Cleared Bogotá Agents of Allegations They Worked with Narcos and Paramilitaries

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

January 18, 2006

Sources Offer New Tip in Bogotá DEA Corruption Case

Claim: Narco-Trafficker Told Lie-Detector Test He Received Secret Documents from Dirty Agents, But the Test Results Were Buried

By Bill Conroy
Via The Narcosphere

January 17, 2006

Nuevo Herald on DEA Colombia Scandal

January 14, 2006

DEA to Investigate Agents in Colombia Alleged to Protect Drug Traffickers and Paramilitaries

“The allegations that are reported in the Narco News Bulletin are extremely serious,” Says the Agency, in an Email Memo

By Dan Feder
Via The Narcosphere

en español... La DEA investigará a sus agentes en Colombia acusados de proteger a narcotraficantes y paramilitares

January 13, 2006

Leaked Memo: Corrupt DEA Agents in Colombia Help Narcos and Paramilitaries

Internal Justice Dept. Document Alleges Drug Trafficking Links, Money Laundering and Conspiracy to Murder

By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

en español... Memorándum filtrado: agentes de la DEA en Colombia colaboran con narcos y paramilitares

January 9, 2006