LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.2010 Webby Award Winner for Best Political Blog   Truthdig Trek with Chris Hedges
June 7, 2010
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Truthdig collage based on a White House photo by Pete Souza

The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger

Tens of millions of Americans are creating a theocratic state based on “biblical law,” and shutting out all those they define as the enemy.
Featured Reports
White House / Chuck Kennedy

Obama’s Trips to the Gulf Serve an Important Need

Are these visits “theater”? To be sure. But presidential theater of the right kind is not without value. It can be of huge worth especially in times of desperation, and especially in this cynical day.
Featured Reports
AP / Hussein Malla

A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat of Elites

Whether in war or finance, the imperial mentality of elites is increasingly threatening the "unpeople" of the world, as Noam Chomsky writes in his latest book.
A/V Booth

Boy, that Justin Long has come a, uh, long way since his early “I’m a Mac” days. Why, here he is, joining the ranks of other allegedly straight actors who’ve played it gay in this humorous (and racy, workplace viewers!) PSA aimed at overturning California’s Proposition 8.

The U.S. has now been fighting in Afghanistan longer than in any war in American history, including that other quagmire, Vietnam. Our friends at Brave New Films send this mini-documentary, featuring Daniel Ellsberg, Tom Hayden and others.

It was the Week of the Flotilla, and the controversy over Israel’s raid on a Gaza-bound convoy was ongoing as “Left, Right & Center” commentators Robert Scheer, David Frum and Matt Miller took to the airwaves in the latest show.

Arts and Culture
iPad birthday cake

What do we stand to gain from all our gadgetry in this, our wired (not to mention wireless) era? Improved manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination? The ability to soundly defeat pixelated alien hordes via video games?

Bright Sided

In her recent book, Barbara Ehrenreich takes on the excesses, delusions and unsupported promises of the positive-thinking movement, tracking both its naive and its corrupt manifestations in the worlds of health, business, religion and psychology.


Those Hollywood directors, always thinking they can call all the shots. “Avatar” helmer and self-proclaimed “King of the World” James Cameron tried to do his eco-friendly (and global royalty) duty ... (continued)


The Questions Education Reformers Aren’t Asking

Mike Rose notes that no one in power is asking fundamental questions about the purpose of education and whether much-hyped reforms might do more harm than good.


Tens of millions of Americans are creating a theocratic state based on “biblical law,” and shutting out all those they define as the enemy.

Are these visits “theater”? To be sure. But presidential theater of the right kind is not without value. It can be of huge worth especially in times of desperation, and especially in this cynical day.

Whether in war or finance, the imperial mentality of elites is increasingly threatening the “unpeople” of the world, as Noam Chomsky writes in his latest book.

The simple truth is that the most important issue facing the nation is not the oil spill, however horrific its effects will be, but the economy.

A flourishing and unregulated industry of pot delivery services is circumventing bans on storefront dispensaries and bringing medical marijuana directly to homes, offices and more unconventional locations across California, records and interviews show.

Robert Scheer addresses reader questions and comments about his most recent column and Israel’s deadly attack on the aid flotilla.

After Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt delivered a national address making eight references to the “sacrifice” that would be needed in the impending war and three mentions of the “self-denial” we would have to endure.

How is it possible that BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward hasn’t been fired? At this point, how can anyone believe a word the man says? If he told me my mother loves me, I’d want a second source.

The presidency is not a play in two acts. The disaster in the Gulf is not six characters in search of a leader. So why the coverage of President Obama and the oil spill as theater criticism?

Ear to the Ground

Out in the Nevada desert, in a complex circled with barbed wire and guards, a millionaire motelier who believes in U.F.O.s and prayer—but not the Big Bang—is building the world’s first private space station. And it’s inflatable. (continued)

What to make of elite journalists trading their quills and cameras for water guns and a few laughs with the White House subjects they’re supposed to be covering? Glenn Greenwald writes that “all of this just helpfully reveals what our nation’s leading ‘journalists’ really are: desperate worshipers ...” (continued)

Monday was the deadliest day so far in 2010 for U.S. troops in Afghanistan. According to the Los Angeles Times, five American soldiers died in a bombing in the east and two in the country’s southern region.

Apple has unveiled its latest magical device built by suicidal Chinese workers—the iPhone 4. It squeezes four times as many pixels into the same-sized screen. It’s made out of glass and steel, with antennas wrapping around the sides of the phone. The phone runs on the iPad’s A4 processor. It has a front-facing ... (continued)

oil spill

The oily eco-nightmare that the BP spill has become in the Gulf of Mexico isn’t going to go away for a long while. According to Coast Guard chief Thad Allen, it probably will take “years” to restore affected regions to some semblance of their pre-spill existence.

Gaza beach

It’s been a week since the now-infamous flotilla raid, and on Monday, Israeli-Palestinian tensions flared again after the Israeli military killed four men who sources from both sides are claiming were Palestinian militants ... (continued)

Thomas and Obama

White House press corps veteran Helen Thomas, 89, has faced off with nine different presidents—starting with Eisenhower—and their supporting players over the course of her career, but ultimately her own words ... (continued)


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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