FactCheck.org                     AudioPlayer.setup("/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/player/player.swf", { width: 290 });                 Home Articles The Wire Ask FactCheck Mailbag Archives Classroom              google.load("elements", "1", {packages: "transliteration"});           Labor Falsely Attacks Lincoln. Again. Two union groups are too slick in their claims about the Arkansas senator and oil companies.

     'Dishonesty' in New Mexico A GOP candidate ad is denounced by the party's own chairman. We agree, but find the opposing candidate guilty too.

     Sunday Replay We checked a couple of claims from the Sunday morning talk shows, including two from Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine.

     Mis-Tweets on Twitter For politicians, 140 characters is more than enough to make false and misleading claims.

     Hot Topics Our most frequently asked questions.

       FactCheck Articles    Arizona’s ‘Papers Please’ Law It's not just a mirror image of federal law, and allows some profiling. But, in theory, no more than what the courts permit already. We’ll leave it to others to decide whether Arizona’s new immigration law is a good thing or a bad thing — but here we try to straighten out some of the confusing factual claims. First, a quick summary. Contrary to what the law’s defenders often say, the new statute does more than merely mirror federal law. For example …

   Labor Falsely Attacks Lincoln. Again. Two union groups are too slick in their claims about the Arkansas senator and oil companies. New TV spots from two labor unions try to paint Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas as a slick politician who has done the bidding of big-business donors, such as oil companies. But the claims just don’t stick. One ad claims Lincoln “helped George Bush and Dick Cheney give oil and gas companies …

   ‘Dishonesty’ in New Mexico A GOP candidate ad is denounced by the party's own chairman. We agree, but find the opposing candidate guilty too.  We can’t recall a time when a candidate’s ad was denounced as misleading and dishonest by the head of his own party. But that’s what has happened in New Mexico. Harvey E. Yates Jr., New Mexico’s Republican state party chairman, stepped in to referee a dispute between the gubernatorial campaigns of …

   Critz, Burns Swap False Charges Falsehoods fly in the Pennsylvania 12th In the final days of the May 18 special election in Pennsylvania’s 12th congressional district, Democrat Mark Critz and Republican Tim Burns have escalated their attacks on each other in TV ads chock full of false and misleading claims. Critz wrongly accuses Burns of wanting to “privatize Medicare and Social Security.” But …

   Does Immigration Cost Jobs? Economists say immigration, legal or illegal, doesn't hurt American workers. Do immigrants take American jobs? It’s a common refrain among those who want to tighten limits on legal immigration and deny a “path to citizenship” — which they call “amnesty” — to the millions of immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. There’s even a new Reclaim American Jobs Caucus in the House …

   Ethics Attack Misses Mark In the Pennsylvania 12th, Republican Tim Burns wrongly claims Democrat Mark Critz was investigated by the congressional ethics office.  Ethics increasingly has become an issue in the final weeks of the hotly contested special election in the 12th congressional district in Pennsylvania. Republican candidate Tim Burns has been running a television ad saying Democrat Mark Critz “was investigated …

   Mis-Tweets on Twitter For politicians, 140 characters is more than enough to make false and misleading claims.  Mis-tweet v. To use Twitter to mislead your followers. For providing false and misleading information, a 30-second TV spot crafted by a seasoned media consultant is still king. But there’s another medium this campaign year that makes …

   More Malarkey About Health Care The legislative debate is over, but the false and exaggerated claims just keep on coming. We’ve seldom seen a piece of legislation so widely misrepresented, and misunderstood, as the new health care law. We stopped counting the number of articles and items we turned out on the subject after the total reached 100. Some of that is understandable. The debate went on for more than …

   More articles »        FactCheck Radio In episode 13 of FactCheck Radio, we look at a Republican ad that was condemned by the head of the GOP in New Mexico. Plus, we debunk labor union ads attacking Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, and we update listeners on claims about Muslims and the health care law. 

    Listen to this episode      Subscribe via RSS     Listen to past episodes    Subscribe via iTunes       The FactCheck Wire It’s True: Massages, Saunas For Inmates

  With the June 8 Nevada primary nearing, there was one TV ad in the Republican Senate...Click to read the full post » Sunday Replay

  Did someone in the White House commit a federal misdemeanor by getting involved in the Pennsylvania...Click to read the full post » View the full Wire archives

    Ask FactCheck Q:  Does the new health care law require workers to pay income tax on the value of employer-provided health insurance? 

 A: No. The value will appear on employees’ W-2 forms for information purposes, but will not be considered taxable income. 


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   "Just the Facts" Vidcast  View enlarged video player for Episode 8: "Jobs"

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     FactCheck Mailbag FactCheck Mailbag, Week of May 25-May 31

  Our gulf beaches in southwest Florida are VERY clean and should remain that way. Articles like yours are keeping tourists away when we need them most.   See letters from previous weeks

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