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Insurrectionary Mutual Aid


The Screwball Asses by Guy Hocquenghem


Two versions: one for reading, one for printing. Enjoy!

Pink and Black Attack 5

This is the fifth issue of Pink and Black Attack, an anti-assimilationist queer anarchist periodical.

Let's Spit on Hegel by Carla Lonzi & Rivolta Femminile


Text from "Italian Feminist Thought: A Reader", includes two text published in 1970 by the group Rivolta Femminile, their first manifesto & "Let's Spit on Hegel" written by founding member Carla Lonzi.



This crucial guide to woman's health gets older but not less useful. It features a well organized resource with a clear index of health problems along with remedies. Also contains a glossary of herbs and their properties. A very handy resource to share with a friend in need.

Download at:

http://zinelibrary.info/files/hotpantz.pdf (11.3 mb)

Oakland On Fire


Three accounts of the riots after Oscar Grant was murdered by a BART police officer.

Liberator Lolita


by Yaz

A short biography Puerto Rican Independenista, Lolita Lebron.

Chicago Anti-Racist Action Zine Archive


South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action is making available several old-school ARA zines published many years ago by Chicago ARA.

Contact: http://southsideara.wordpress.com

ARA Research Bulletin #1 May 2001 (No Tears for the Nazis, No Support for the State, The Enemy of Our Enemy: the Southern Poverty Law Center “Badjackets” Anarchists, The Third Position, The New Face of Resistance: White Music for White Sheep, Hale and Brimstone, and News from the Front Lines)  read more »

An Anarchist Project on Freedom and Love

Despite its problematic affinities for primitivist idealism, and despite—or because of—the current vogue for equating non-monogamy with “lifestyl- ism,” this piece deserves to be read. There is an ongoing popular “wisdom” which says it is reasonable for people navigating the murky waters of relation- ships to resolve emotional discrepancies through the creation of rules, “compromises” that no one is really happy with and that only lead to control games and catastrophes later on.  read more »

The Riot or the Attack?: Questions for U.S. Anarchists after May Day


What happened in Asheville on May Day was not a riot, and not because of its size or any matter of scale. A riot expands. It is spontaneous, or it takes hold amidst a backdrop of social struggle. Countersummits provide the unique opportunity of a planned riot, because there is a larger crowd of people assembled there among whom the riot can spread, and the mass protest situation already creates such a logistical nightmare for the police that the risk, normally idiotic, of trying to start a riot right where the cops are expecting it is often neutralized.  read more »

Peter Gelderloos - Insurrection v. Organization


A formatted article by Peter Gelderloos about how insurrectionists and those who tend to be more involved in organizational projects could learn a lot from each other-in turn, creating a mongrel breed of organized, community-strengthened, and insurrectionary...anarchists

Catamount Tavern News: "The Voice of the Vermont Left!" -Fall, 2008, #21


Catamount Tavern News was a leading statewide (underground) Vermont newspaper between the years 2002-2010. CT News was founded by the Green Mountain Anarchist Collective and was affiliated with the Teamsters Local 1L from 2007 on. At its hight CT News cerculation was 1,500 an issue, reaching all corners of Vermont. Vermont's total population is just over 600,000.

Inside This Issue:

*Vermont's General Election and the Future of the Green Mountain Electoral Left
By David van Deusen

By Doug Hoffer  read more »

Right To Be Lazy, The


A strange delusion possesses the working classes of the nations where capitalist civilization holds its sway. This delusion drags in its train the individual and social woes which for two centuries have tortured sad humanity. This delusion is the love of work, the furious passion for work, pushed even to the exhaustion of the vital force of the individual and his progeny.

Fire To the Prisons #9


Download at:

http://zinelibrary.info/files/firetotheprisons9.pdf (7.21 mb)

Fire to the Prisons-Issue #9-Summer 2010

For this issue, we will be giving copies out for free to anyone who requests them that is not a formal business.

All we ask is for you to pay the price of postage. Please let us know if you would like to order hard copies of the newest issue, or any other questions regarding distribution by contacting us at:

firetotheprisons (at) gmail (dot) com

Feel free to download past issues in PDF form on our website as well:

http://firetotheprisons.com  read more »

Funniest Man in the World, The



All Horrible Things We Do to Ourselves

Some drawings and some short stories about some kinds of sickness.

Anarcha-Feminists Take to the Streets...Because We Don't Need Anyone's Permission


From May Day 2010 San Francisco

by Anarcha Feminists

Posted to Indybay.org

formatted for print by pirate press Oly, Cascadia

Against Leviathan, Against His-Story


Fredy Perlman's classic text. Copied it off the Noble Savagery blog @ http://noblesavagery.blogspot.com/ but got it all in a single PDF, paginated it, fixed some typos and grammar and spelling errors. Hope you enjoy it.

How Nonviolence Protects The State - Peter Gelderloos

How Nonviolence Protects The State-1.jpg

Peter Gelderloos' immensely accessible and useful book, now available as a professional-quality, printable booklet.

Noam Chomsky - Government In The Future

Noam Chomsky - Government In The Future-1.jpg

Noam Chomsky's classic work on Anarchism, now available as a printable, professional quality booklet.

Unemployment #2

Unemployment #2

Unemployment #2 is a 26 pages comic made in 2009/10 by a citizen of the country where fascism was invented, that spent 3 years of his life in the isolated island of Iceland.

The comic contains stupid stories but also reflections about disillusionament from anarchism, gender roles, art, animals, daily routines and deadly diseases.

If you are interested you can find Unemployment #1 on Flickr

I CHING (THE BOOK OF CHANGES): A New Anarchist & Pocket Friendly Addition

I Ching PDF - reading-1.jpg

The I Ching is an ancient Chinese oracle and spiritual text. All you need is three coins and you can consult it for an eerily appropriate reading, gaining awesome taoist insight and advice on whatever topic you have in mind. It's also just a great way to learn about the cycles of nature and all their transformations. From Jungian psychologists to Wicca folks, the I Ching is a well-trusted ally for anyone who looks to it for help.  read more »

Luddite Worker #4, The

Luddite Worker #2, The

Luddite Worker #1, The


Theory Head № 1


A zine on the role of theory in activism.

Luddite Worker #3, The


Empire Strikes Back, The : A Posttranssexual Manifesto


Sandy Stone’s classic essay confronts the ways in which both the medical complex and feminism had been used as a tool for the regulation of gender/sex systems and the management of trans bodies. While the essay is certainly dated in many ways, we see a usefulness in making sure that it continues to be distributed. Stone captures the paradox of the trans subject’s will to be recognized as the gender/sex of their choosing while at the same time questioning the maintenance of gender/sex systems on a systemic level.  read more »

Melbourne Black #2


Monthly anarchist journal outta Melbourne, aus
2nd issue

attached is an online readable version, as well as a printable zine layout (cover separate file)

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