War and Imperialism

Liberator Lolita


by Yaz

A short biography Puerto Rican Independenista, Lolita Lebron.

Noam Chomsky - Government In The Future

Noam Chomsky - Government In The Future-1.jpg

Noam Chomsky's classic work on Anarchism, now available as a printable, professional quality booklet.

Over-Wrought Monkey, The


The Grandiose Fairytale of the Over-Wrought Globalization & Militarization Monkey

contact: ashi_rede@graffiti.net

united fruit corruption: what chiquita, dole, and fresh express are up to


the United Fruit Company (and its given factions -- chiquita, dole and fresh express) have a history of horrible human rights abuses and imperialism. this zine contains information on the history of United Fruit. see other pdf attachments for a sticker campaign against them.

George Bush; the Super-Spy Drug-Smuggling President


by Bill Weinberg

Illustrations by Eric Drooker


Download at:

http://zinelibrary.info/files/georgebush.pdf (13.5 mb)

Tiqqun - Theory of the Young Girl - full


"Raw Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl," Tiqqun, 1999-2001.

An english translation of Theorie de la Jeune-Fille recently appeared at younggirl.jottit.com.

As 1) reading long work off blogs can be somewhat unpleasant and 2) someone else seems to be serializing a fancy illustrated version of this, I felt a simply typeset version of the whole text, suitable for reading or printing, might be appreciated.

It will print into a fat 88 page booklet.



youth for peace and revolution

Military out of our schools now!



youth for peace and revolution



youth for peace and revolution

Women of Colombia, The


by Comite for a new Colombia

Free Trade and Colombia


US out of Colombia

Let the Colombian People Decide!

tri-fold pamphlet

Collapse or Explosion?


An exploration in images and words of the most troubling political event of our new century.

by Liam Scheff. find out more at http://www.liamscheff.com

Fort Hood Shooting


A rapid response to the news of a shooting at Fort Hood, Texas. Republished from Prison Planet (wingnuts certainly, but someone's gotta do the work they do) and from Derrick Jensen's Endgame.

Against the Violence of Capital

Contra los Violentos del Capital.jpg

from the 325 Distro

English y Español

Not So Great Place #2


Issue #2 of The Not So Great Place, the unofficial, unauthorized, underground newspaper - The Not So Great Place

Issue #2 features...

* Fog of War
* Loss of a Son
* From the Editor’s Desk
* Letters
* Afghanistan War Resister Sentenced
* Meeting Meena
* Cartoons
* Leo’s Story
* Fort Hood War Resisters
* Resources

More info at www.notsogreatplace.com

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