
Animal Farm by George Orwell

When the animals take over the farm, they think it is the start of a better life. Their dreams are of a world where all animals are equal and all property is shared. But soon the pigs take control and one of them, Napoleon, becomes the leader of all the animals. One by one the principles of the revolution are abandoned, until the animals have even less freedom than before.

Esperanto: The International Language That Works!


Esperanto is a language designed to facilitate communication between people of different lands and cultures. It was first published in 1887 by Dr. L. L. Zamenhof (1859-1917) under the pseudonym "Dr. Esperanto", meaning "one who hopes", and this is the name that stuck as the name of the language itself. Esperanto is considerably easier to learn than national languages, since its design is far simpler and more regular. Also, unlike national languages, Esperanto allows communication on an equal footing between people, with neither having the usual cultural advantage favoring a native speaker.

Taking the Left to Task


by Dan Raphael

Invisible Politics: An Introduction to Contemporary Communisation


An essay originally appearing in Mute magazine:

In the wake of the organised left and the demise of working class self-identity, communisation offers a paradoxical means of superseding capitalism in the here and now whilst abandoning orthodox theories of revolution. John Cunningham reports from the picket line of the ‘human strike'  read more »

From the Bottom Up


Three texts by Anton Pannekoek

Party and Class (1941)
Strikes (1948)
Why Past Revolutionary Movements Have Failed (1940)

Trotspotting: Everything you always wanted to know about sects (but were afraid to ask)...


A guide to the mysterious world of the British far left.  read more »

Worker-Student Action Committees: France May 1968 by Fredy Perlman and Roger Gregoire


An in-depth look at the worker-student action committees of France May '68

Taken from the excellent John Gray site -

Manifiestos y comunicados del movimiento revolucionario 26 de julio en Cuba


Manifiestos y comunicados escrito por el Movimiento 26 de Julio Cubano, encabezado por Fidel Castro, que derroco la dictadura de Batista en 1959. Importante para entender las condiciones que han llevado a la dictadura comunista estatal que existe hoy en dia.

Manifestos and communiques written by the July 26 Movement, headed by Fidel Castro, which overthrew the dictatorship of Batista in 1959. Important for understanding the conditions that have led to the current state-communist dictatorship in Cuba.

The Twilight of Vanguardism, by David Graeber


"The Twilight of Vanguardism" by David Graeber, analysis of Marxism and Anarchism--particularly authoritarian Marxism--and why there are so few Anarchists in the academy.

Your Politics are Boring as Fuck


CrimethInc.'s essay "Your Politics are Boring as Fuck" in zine format for distro.

Marxism: the Negation of Communism


Marxism: the Negation of Communism
Jeff Stein

Constructive Anarchism in Aotearoa

Anarchy Logo-worker copy.jpg

This pdf text — 'Constructive Anarchism in Aotearoa' — puts forward some ideas on constructive anarchist action, in oder to encourage discussion. Please read, forward widely to anyone interested, and most importantly, respond!

The text is probably too long to place here in full, but it deals with ideas around constructive action we as anarchists can take in our current state of low visibility, especially in the workplace and in our communities. I've tried to write a text I've always wanted to read with regard to concrete anarchist action in NZ.  read more »

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a Capitalist Society, The


by Raya Dunayevskaya (Freddie James)

February 20, 1941 

Socialism and the State


by Rudolf Rocker

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