
Oakland On Fire


Three accounts of the riots after Oscar Grant was murdered by a BART police officer.

Chicago Anti-Racist Action Zine Archive


South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action is making available several old-school ARA zines published many years ago by Chicago ARA.

Contact: http://southsideara.wordpress.com

ARA Research Bulletin #1 May 2001 (No Tears for the Nazis, No Support for the State, The Enemy of Our Enemy: the Southern Poverty Law Center “Badjackets” Anarchists, The Third Position, The New Face of Resistance: White Music for White Sheep, Hale and Brimstone, and News from the Front Lines)  read more »

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad


from Wikipedia April 2010

formatted by pirate press, Oly cascadia  read more »

Adventures of Loneberry, The


From Microcosm:  read more »

Sex, Race, and Class

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“Nothing unified & revolutionary will be formed until each section of the exploited will have made its own autonomous power felt.”

Selma James


Separate But Equal?


Segregation and Tracking in Minneapolis Schools

By Douglas Mann


Looking at the White Working Class Historically

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Looking at the White Working Class Historically by David Gilbert

A dialectical, historical, materialist analysis of the white working class in the US.

Mellow Yellow II

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Radical Asian womyn in Aotearoa declare: "We do exist!"

As a counter to patriarchal Pakeha-dominated capitalist systems, Dumpling and Bamboo discuss racisim, ethnocentrism, colonialism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, poverty/classism and multiple forms of oppression in the context of Aotearoa/New Zeaalnd.

In the spirit of feminism, Mellow Yellow is about the personal being political. It also opens a space for Asian womyn in Aotearoa to speak out, create understanding between all oppressed people, and organise collectively for a better world.

In Issue 2:  read more »

Third Reconstruction, The


Global Economic Decline and Reconciliation

By Scott Holliday Wilson

Spatial Deconcentration


by Yolanda Ward

"How could it have been possible for the surgical demolition operations in the minority neighborhoods of the cities to be so identical in all major American cities? Could any organization other than the Pentagon have done this?"

Off the Hook #12


The newsletter of the Missouri Prisoners' Labor Union

Issue 12 Sept. 2006

At the dawn of industrialism, factories were modeled after prisons...

in its twilight, prisons are modeled after factories.

Collective Liberation


on my mind

essays by Chris Crass

Download At:

http://zinelibrary.info/files/collectiveliberation.pdf (12.3 mb)

Neoliberalization Of Higher Education, The: What’s Race Got To Do With It?


As the California population has grown more ethnically diverse, the privatization of the public sphere has been sold to the electorate through a seemingly endless parade of racist bogeymen: immigration, affirmative action, bilingual education.  read more »

Freedom, not Reform: If we don’t demand it, it can’t happen

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Freedom, not Reform
If we don’t demand it, it can’t happen  read more »

Secure Our Borders?

"What does it mean that Homeland Security has nothing to do with making sure we all have homes?
Especially when so many people are losing their homes, security should mean shelter, food, health care, safety… Not more creepy biometrics devices. The government clearly is more concerned about fortifying the military and helping big business than it is about us.  read more »

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