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All Horrible Things We Do to Ourselves

Some drawings and some short stories about some kinds of sickness.

How Nonviolence Protects The State - Peter Gelderloos

How Nonviolence Protects The State-1.jpg

Peter Gelderloos' immensely accessible and useful book, now available as a professional-quality, printable booklet.

984 Miles Until Happiness

984 Miles Until Happiness

This Perzine is about graduating high school in San Dimas, CA (The land of Bill and Ted!), ex-girlfriends, going to a JFA show, work stories, the death of my cat, the Los Angeles fair, a road trip and finally a journal entry that was written as my Grandfather was dying in the other room. 

   read more »

1914: One or Several Wolves?


from deleuze and guattari's a thousand plateaus:  read more »

folktales: paradise apocalypse

folktales2009 book-1.jpg

Folktales from past and future, as written by Tom Smith and Myra Eddy, plus others. Poetry, art, and stories.

An excerpt from the intro:  read more »

Man Who Could not be Hanged, The (and other True Incredible Stories from Charles Fort)

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Here I've compiled some accounts of the paranormal that may interest anarchists, especially those interested in the power of the mind and the nature of the spirit. I've prefaced them with a short rail against the scientific paradigm inspired and accompanied by Charles Fort, English poet and "the man who invented the supernatural." (Although, of course, the supernatural is simply the natural which is rejected by science!)  read more »

Animal Farm by George Orwell

When the animals take over the farm, they think it is the start of a better life. Their dreams are of a world where all animals are equal and all property is shared. But soon the pigs take control and one of them, Napoleon, becomes the leader of all the animals. One by one the principles of the revolution are abandoned, until the animals have even less freedom than before.

George Bush; the Super-Spy Drug-Smuggling President


by Bill Weinberg

Illustrations by Eric Drooker


Download at:

http://zinelibrary.info/files/georgebush.pdf (13.5 mb)

affective disorder - journal of common notions - spring 10

ablsh yr slf

[affective disorder [in the spring of a still-born decade]]

a friend once said:
no revolution is going to be generated
out of systemic
or structural laws.

we are on our own, and what we do
we have to do for ourselves.
we are the denizens
of a strange epoch,
the ‘given’ in a surreal situation.

while knowledge of space and time has been democratized, the
modes of inhabiting them (the modes of being) are controlled
more intensely than ever before. while sharing of information
is ubiquitous, understanding and love appear empty at best – at  read more »

Fuck You I'm Dyslexic


by Maggie

Romance of Revolution, The #3


by Tommy Nail


Barack Obama Made Me an Anarchist

whoever they vote for, we are ungovernable

february 2010: the story of my personal/political journey...

to read on your computer, download "obama made me an anarchist"


Magic and Happiness


"Happiness and Magic" is a short essay by Italian theorist Giorgio Agamben, which has been formatted into a Zine. Agamben's work on biopolitics and bare life have heavily influenced Tiqqun, The Invisible Committee, Insurrectionist Anarchism, as well as wider currents of Leftist and Anti-Authoritarian academics. It is a poetic and novel way of approaching the subject shortcoming of structuring life around capitalist logic, as well as the joys of desubjectification.  read more »

Justice Bicycle- Frugal Christmas Edition

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Justice Bicycle is a monthly zine committed to the art of truth and truthiness. By using found objects, drawings, short stories and photographs the boundaries between what is original and what is appropriated become blurred. Zines are distributed for free by leaving them in unexpected or odd places, this forces the finder to either steal or leave the zine for someone else. The Justice Bicycle zine is a small part of a larger project by the same name which uses a variety of media to incite a private response within the viewer.

Justice Bicycle-Banana Split Edition

banana split edition-1.jpg

Justice Bicycle is a monthly zine committed to the art of truth and truthiness. By using found objects, drawings, short stories and photographs the boundaries between what is original and what is appropriated become blurred. Zines are distributed for free by leaving them in unexpected or odd places, this forces the finder to either steal or leave the zine for someone else. The Justice Bicycle zine is a small part of a larger project by the same name which uses a variety of media to incite a private response within the viewer.

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