
An Anarchist Project on Freedom and Love

Despite its problematic affinities for primitivist idealism, and despite—or because of—the current vogue for equating non-monogamy with “lifestyl- ism,” this piece deserves to be read. There is an ongoing popular “wisdom” which says it is reasonable for people navigating the murky waters of relation- ships to resolve emotional discrepancies through the creation of rules, “compromises” that no one is really happy with and that only lead to control games and catastrophes later on.  read more »

984 Miles Until Happiness

984 Miles Until Happiness

This Perzine is about graduating high school in San Dimas, CA (The land of Bill and Ted!), ex-girlfriends, going to a JFA show, work stories, the death of my cat, the Los Angeles fair, a road trip and finally a journal entry that was written as my Grandfather was dying in the other room. 

   read more »

luce irigaray - when our lips speak together

lips imposed-1.jpg

"Let’s hurry and invent our own phrases. So that everywhere and always we can continue to embrace. We are so subtle that nothing can stand in our way, nothing can stop us from reaching each other, even fleetingly, if we can find means of communication that have our density. We shall pass imperceptibly through every barrier, unharmed, to find each other. No one will see a thing."

Consensus: A Brief Introductory guide

gilles deleuze - humor, irony, and the law

"While the sadian hero subverts the law, the masochist should not by contrast be regarded as gladly submitting to it. The element of contempt in the submission of the masochist has often been emphasized: his apparent obedience conceals a criticism and a provocation. He simply attacks the law on another flank."

Animal Farm by George Orwell

When the animals take over the farm, they think it is the start of a better life. Their dreams are of a world where all animals are equal and all property is shared. But soon the pigs take control and one of them, Napoleon, becomes the leader of all the animals. One by one the principles of the revolution are abandoned, until the animals have even less freedom than before.

Ask First!

ask first-1.jpg

A zine about consent & sexual assault. Resources for survivors, supporters, and perpetrators.

affective disorder - journal of common notions - spring 10

ablsh yr slf

[affective disorder [in the spring of a still-born decade]]

a friend once said:
no revolution is going to be generated
out of systemic
or structural laws.

we are on our own, and what we do
we have to do for ourselves.
we are the denizens
of a strange epoch,
the ‘given’ in a surreal situation.

while knowledge of space and time has been democratized, the
modes of inhabiting them (the modes of being) are controlled
more intensely than ever before. while sharing of information
is ubiquitous, understanding and love appear empty at best – at  read more »

Barack Obama Made Me an Anarchist

whoever they vote for, we are ungovernable

february 2010: the story of my personal/political journey...

to read on your computer, download "obama made me an anarchist"

Recipes for Disaster - Non-Monogamous Relationships

Recipes for Disaster - Non Monogamous Relationships-1.jpg

These pages are scanned directly from the crimethINC Ex. Worker's Collective book "Recipes For Disaster" which is copyright free (as if that mattered to me!). It contains only the chapter on Non-Monogamous Relationships.

Infinite Relationships: Relationships without bounds or boundaries, love without limits, without ends


This is a re-made version of the older zine, "Infinite Relationships", about open relationships/polyamory. The older version that's online ended up looking worn and photocopied, so I typed up the text, created a new layout, added some resources for further reading, explained where the zine originated, and made a new front and back cover. Enjoy, distribute, and discuss with your communities!

entarchy distro

Anthrophogical Study About the Nekulturita People

Study about the Nekulturita-1.jpg

This introduction is, so to speak, an instrument that intends to make clear, nothing more nothing less, that this is a non-scientifically politically partial and contradictory study, endowed with a very interesting purpose, that is to rub in the face of who feels its face being rubbed, that there are possibilities to not conform with the relational, philosophical, political, cultural, esthetical, corporal, mental and orgasmal misery and decadence that lives human civilis, with its sick relations, colonizers and colonized, relations full of games that are typical from the last religious traditi  read more »

Dealing With Our Shit: Six Years of Men's Group and Accountability Work


This zine is by Dealing With Our Shit, a men's group for men and male-identified people from the Twin Cities who later took on the task of mentoring other males through accountability processes for sexual assault. It's over 100 pages of interviews, reflections, and analysis about their history, their experiences, and their effectiveness. A great resource for anyone interested in working on community response to sexual assault outside the prison/court system. Lots of art, too!

Download at: (7.42 mb)


(large file, beware!):  read more »

affective disorder @ new school

from plans for new 65 5th avenue

affective disorder @ new school

[neo]liberal arts && broken hearts

the empire strikes back...  read more »

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