
Commune in Chiapas?, A Mexico and the Zapatista Rebellion, 1994-2000


from Aufheben #9

"Since the occupation of January 1994, many have projected their hopes onto this ‘exotic’ struggle against ‘neo-liberalism’. We examine the nature of the Zapatista uprising by moving beyond the bluster of the EZLN communiqués, on which so many base their analysis."

Chiapas After Acteal: A View of Complicity


Download At: (14.1 mb)

A brief review of the positions of the people of the international civil society and the institutions with the international political society

A complitation of excerpts of articles from the mainstream press

"Masks and Silences" communique from Marcos

The 5th Declaration of the Lacadon Jungle

Chiapas Resource Guide from the EZLN;s Home Page

A glossary of names and words commonly seen in information about Chiapas including Zapatista support sites on the World Wide Web

Mellow Yellow II

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Radical Asian womyn in Aotearoa declare: "We do exist!"

As a counter to patriarchal Pakeha-dominated capitalist systems, Dumpling and Bamboo discuss racisim, ethnocentrism, colonialism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, poverty/classism and multiple forms of oppression in the context of Aotearoa/New Zeaalnd.

In the spirit of feminism, Mellow Yellow is about the personal being political. It also opens a space for Asian womyn in Aotearoa to speak out, create understanding between all oppressed people, and organise collectively for a better world.

In Issue 2:  read more »

Skinning, Tanning, & Working Animal Hides

Skinning, Tanning, & Working Hides PRINT-1.jpg

This zine is a DIY guide to skinning, tanning, and softening animal hides without the use of industrial chemicals.

How Did Colonialism Dispossess? Comments from an Edge of Empire


An article that shows how the state, at the behest of capitalism and settlers, provided the framework for settler colonialism and the murderous state-capitalism alliance that rules our lives.

by Cole Harris

Department of Geography, University of British Columbia

Documents from the Struggle of Six Nations


This mostly is a compilation of news articles during the reclamation and defense of Kanastaton (the reclamation site in Caledonia- formerly called Douglas Creek Estates) in 2006.

Free John Graham


Honour Anna Mae Aquash

Biographies, Stories, Letters, Resources

Download at: (12.2 mb)

Rumble in the Jungle


Fighting for freedom in West Papua

Edible, Medicinal, & Utilitarian Plants, Volume I

Edible, Medicinal, & Utilitarian Herbs, Volume I  MK2Edit  PRINT-1.jpg

This is the first volume in a series of zines involving plants that can be used as food, medicine, and functional tools. Volume I details "weeds" and common plants that can be found worldwide.

Please visit Yggdrasil Distro at for more free anarchist literature.

2010 Convergence Poster


No Olympics on Stolen Native Land

Anti-2010 Information Against the Olympic Industry


No Olympics on Stolen Native Land

VOCAL: Comunicados de la lucha popular libertaria en Oaxaca

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Comunicados escritos por Voces Oaxaquenas Construyendo Autonomia y Libertad (VOCAL) y David Venegas Reyes, integrantes de la APPO en Oaxaca.

Communiques written by VOCAL and David Venegas during the APPO struggle in Oaxaca.

La Comandanta


Recopilacion de escritos referente a Comandanta Ramona del EZLN: La ley revolucionaria de mujeres; un entrevista con la comandanta; y algunos obituarios y elogios sobre la comandanta despues de su muerte. En espanol.

Collection of articles pertaining to Comandanta Ramona of the EZLN: The Revolutionary Law of Women; an interview with the comandanta; and a few obituaries and eulogies about her. In Spanish.

Escritos escogidos de Ricardo Flores Magon


Escritos escogidos de Ricardo Flores Magon, anarquista indigena de Oaxaca, Mexico, y escritor revolucionario, que dijo "Tierra y libertad" aun antes de Zapata y empezo la Revolucion Mexicana. (en espanol)

Selected writings of Ricardo Flores Magon, indigenous anarchist from Oaxaca, Mexico, and revolutionary author, who began wrote "Tierra y libertad" before Zapata made it popular, and who is responsible for the Mexican Revolution. (in Spanish)

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