Today is my Birthday

It’s true. I’m only 35.

As we do every year at this time, here are my birthday requests for today:

(1) Call your congressman and complain about something. I don’t care what. They just need to hear from you. The number is 202-224-3121.

(2) Give money to Pamela Gorman and Robin Smith. We need these ladies in Congress.

(3) Do what you can to get Rick Barber to Congress.

(4) Do the same for Marlin Stutzman.

(5) Support Mike Lee and Ken Buck.

(6) Let’s get Nikki Haley and Karen Handel elected.

And one day perhaps I’ll get my birthday wish, which involves guest hosting a certain radio show.


The “W” word and the South Carolina Strategy

I got a lot of flack for stringing the media along last week Will Folks style. Even some good friends thought I was grasping at straws and my case for pointing the finger at Andre Bauer was too nebulous.

Guess what?

Following up on Moe, Andre Bauer fired his campaign consultant Larry Marchant yesterday. Why? Well, let’s back up.

Will Folks and Larry Marchant are connected and both are connected to Andre Bauer. Will Folks shops around a story that he and Nikki Haley had an affair.

For a week he dribbles out inconclusive proof of nothing more than what appeared to be an employer-employee relationship — something that in fact existed.

At the end of the week? Nothing. Not even the alleged picture which may or may not be a picture of Nikki Haley’s car parked in front of his house wherein he had his office in which he worked as Nikki Haley’s speechwriter.

Come this week, nothing.

Enter, stage sewer, Larry Marchant. He tries to get a newspaper to run a story that he too slept with Nikki Haley. The media does not take the bite. Andre Bauer fires him.

But in Andre Bauer’s statement, he says something curious — something revealing.

Bauer says, according to the press “he had become aware of a situation several days ago, and reached the conclusion that decisive action was dictated.”

I wonder what happened several days ago that caused him to become aware of the situation. Hmmmmm . . . .

As Nikki Haley notes, Bauer only fired Marchant after the press refused to pick up the story.

Thus we see Andre Bauer’s entire campaign strategy — ignore the issues, ignore the experience, and go straight to calling Nikki Haley a whore. I really and truly hope South Carolina voters will not reward the man for something so disgusting.

As a take away, watch the tape and note how Andre Bauer refuses to make eye contact with anybody. Not even the camera.

Nikki Haley guts Andre Bauer on live television.

It lacked only a 'Bless your heart.'

Get yourself a glass of something nice, first.

This is from a candidate forum from earlier in the evening, where Nikki Haley redresses one week’s worth of filthy innuendos in roughly five minutes, at the expense of Lt. Gov Andre Bauer. You should watch the entire thing…

See also Hot Air and Ace of Spades. [And here's some useful AmSpec background.] [And check out the quickly-remixed video here.]

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Romanoff, White House aide admit jobs talk

Did Jim Messina break the law by offering federal posts to Colorado Senate aspirant Andrew Romanoff?


A senior aide to President Barack Obama approached former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff with the possibility of three federal posts as an alternative to his primary challenge to Beltway-supported Senator Michael Bennet.

Romanoff rebuffed the aide’s suggestions to join the administration. In a statement acknowledging the job talk, Romanoff appended an email from White House deputy chief of staff Jim Messina proposing three jobs: two senior posts at the U.S. Agency for International Development and a third at at the U.S. Trade and Development Agency.

“In September 2009, shortly after the news media first reported my plans to run for the Senate, I received a call from Jim Messina, the President’s deputy chief of staff,” his statement said. “Mr. Messina informed me that the White House would support Sen. Bennet. I informed Mr. Messina that I had made my decision to run.”

While the White House and Romanoff maintain no formal job offer was made, it is apparent the situation in Colorado is far more unseemly than what unfolded in Pennsylvania, where former President Bill Clinton was dispatched an an unofficial envoy to dissuade Representative Joe Sestak from pursing a primary challenge against White House-endorsed Senator Arlen Specter. At present moment, it is unclear the Pennsylvania drama violated any federal law; Colorado, however, is an entirely different, seedy matter, whereby a senior White House official sought to exert influence in an election, presumably at the behest of the president, by means of illegal horse-trading.

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No More Identity Politics; Palin Proves Old School Feminism is Dead

Old school feminism is dead. And I say, good riddance.  What is even more delightful is that old school feminists have hammered the final nail into their own coffin, by exposing themselves for what they truly are and what they truly believe. We can, partially, thank Sarah Palin for that. What we must not do, however, is start another round of identity politics and I’ve seen that creeping up of late. That must not be allowed to continue.

I wrote something recently about Sarah Palin and the new face of feminism, entitled Taking Feminism Back: Sarah Palin Endorses Nikki Haley for SC Governor. My point was that conservative women are strong, capable and are fed up at having faux feminists (who are actually Femisogynists) constantly claim that they speak for us as they strive to turn all women into perpetual victims, at the mercy of big strong daddy government. We are also tired of motherhood being diminished and considered a detriment instead of an attribute. I was taking the term feminist back, not because it’s a necessary or even a desirable term, but so that the LEFT can no longer use it and can no longer continue to use identity politics as a wedge and a way to put people in race based and gender based boxes.

But, apparently some, even at the pro-Palin New Agenda, are now trying to turn Palin and other GOP women into typical Stepford Feminists. No. We must not allow that.  Sarah Palin and the women of the GOP are “true feminists,” in the original intent of the word, yes. And the fact that the faux feminists on the Left are so up in arms about them using the term, which they have bastardized beyond recognition, attests to that fact.

But the term is not necessary.

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O’Keefe and Adeleye Investigate LA Census

Today, James O’Keefe and Shaughn Adeleye over at Big Government rolled out Round 2 of a series of investigative pieces documenting alleged fraud at the U.S. Census.  Yesterday, James O’Keefe released some undercover video from his investigation of the Census in New Jersey from April 27, 2010.  O’Keefe provided video evidence of ”four Census supervisors encouraging enumerators to falsify information on their time sheets.”  Adeleye’s video report today is from Lafayette, Louisiana and was recorded from May 3rd to May 8th.  Adeleye reported that “with the aid of a hidden camera, I witnessed and captured evidence of wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars–one systemic failure after another of this a Constitutionally mandated entity.”  It is my understanding that there may be more video journalism documenting alleged Census fraud in the next day or two.  Stay tuned.

A- for O’Keefe and Adeleye’s piece of investigative journalism.  These two video’s give us a glimpse into how our tax dollars are being spent by the federal government in Louisiana and New Jersey.  These two investigative journalist get an A+ for video journalism, yet marked down for feeding each other olives at 6:09 into the video.  Great job by a Citizen Journalist - Shaughn Adeleye.

State of the Race: Steve Poizner (R CAND, CA-GOV).

Primary’s in a week: Steve’s in the homestretch.

Steve’s site is here.

Crossposted to Moe Lane.

Hi, Larry Marchant! [UPDATED]

[UPDATE] Prove it, Larry. And no looking at Willy Folks’ test paper, either.

Bye, Larry Marchant!

[South Carolinian] Republican gubernatorial hopeful Andre Bauer said today he has asked for and received the resignation of a political consultant for “inappropriate conduct” but would say little more.

Lt. Gov. Bauer announced that adviser Larry Marchant gave him his resignation at noon today.

(Via CCP Blog)

Funny how things work out, huh?

And, Andre?


[UPDATE]: If you need more background, go here and start scrolling down.

Greg Sargent Serves Up a Whopper

and if there were justice in the world that's what he'd be doing for a living

Everyone does it. My gosh, we’ve heard that refrain from the left for years. Back in 1992 they tried to convince us that every president had multiple, and in some cases predatory, sexual affairs and defrauded investors in land deals. Now, looking an electoral tsunami the face, they are scrabbling desperately to accuse Republican candidates of any peccadillo committed by their candidates.

Case in point is Mark Kirk, the Republican candidate for the Senate in Illinois. To put the criticism in context, Kirk is running against Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, a mobbed up party hack who ran his family bank into the ground.

Unsurprisingly, another party hack, TPM alumnus and Washington Post employee Greg Sargent, tries takes an equally unsurprising cheap shot.

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Does the White House WANT us to keep talking about Sestak?

Is this a cry for help?

Because they keep bringing it to the forefront.  Let me set the scene for this: it turns out that the job offer that Bill Clinton had supposedly offered Joe Sestak was in fact a job offer that Sestak could not take and still keep his House seat.  This is important, because Sestak being able to keep his House seat is kind of critical for somebody in the White House not being possibly on the hook for a federal felony.  But when Robert Gibbs gets asked about this, well, hi-jinks ensue:

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Where has all the outrage gone?

The sound of crickets has all but drowned out the opposition to healthcare socialization.

The conventional wisdom during the health care rationing fight was that the Democrats wanted to pass their so-called “reform” legislation as quickly as possible so it could be swept under the rug and out of the eyes of the electorate, since they knew the American people didn’t like it (oh, but we’d learn to like it later, once we found out what was in it).

Well, it appears to be working.

While those of us in the conservative political sphere obviously have not forgotten, the subject has virtually disappeared from the news pages, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  Oil spills, Gaza-bound flotillas, illegal immigration, perfect games in baseball, and just about any other story has diverted attention from one of the most heinous acts ever perpetrated by the Democrats - legislation to dismantle our health care system.

Today, the editors of the National Review published an editorial calling out the GOP for their “retreat” on health care.  Shortly after passage of the health care bill, the airwaves and news pages were rife with references of repeal (and in some cases, “replace”) of the legislation.  But now, all we hear are crickets.  The NR focuses on precisely the point that I have been promoting: we cannot allow the Democrats’ steamrolling of public opinion to disappear from the public eye.  But the GOP has done just that.

Republicans ought to be seizing on each revelation to press the case for repealing Obamacare. It is, after all, the worst law the Democrats have enacted on Obama’s watch; and it is also the GOP’s best issue in this year’s elections. Instead Republicans have largely allowed the Democrats to switch the subject from their unpopular health-care legislation to financial regulation, oil spills, and immigration. They have been reacting to the news instead of trying to make it.

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