Today's Highlights

Financial Policy

Warren Buffett and Moody's executives testify about 2008 crisis


Last week, Warren Buffett was subpoenaed to testify before today’s Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. The hearing focuses on the role of ratings firms in the financial crisis and is titled, "Credibility of Credit Ratings, the Investment Decisions Made Based on those Ratings and the Financial Crisis.” Executives from Moody’s, including its current CEO, are also among the witnesses. Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is Moody's largest shareholder.

Energy Policy

British Politics

Federal Probe Underway as Cut and Cap Effort Continues

Federal Probe Underway as Cut and Cap Effort Continues


Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder said that authorities have opened criminal and civil investigations into the Deepwater Horizon disaster under power granted by federal clean air and pollution laws.

Currently, BP continues to attempt to shear off the broken pipe a mile under water and place a containment cap that can funnel some of the leaking fuel to ships on the surface. Today, National Incident Commander Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen announced that the saw blade has gotten stuck in the pipe. Engineers are also preparing a pair of relief wells to divert oil and gas away from the damaged well and fill it with cement, theoretically stopping the leak for good. Those wells are not expected to be ready for at least two months.

As a result of the spill, nearly one third of the Gulf of Mexico is closed to commercial and recreational fishing. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration has closed approximately 76,000 square miles because of oil spreading from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
PM Cameron discusses domestic and International issues

PM Cameron discusses domestic and International issues


Conservative Party Leader David Cameron fielded questions on international and domestic issues, from members of Parliament in his first Prime Minister's Questions since the May 6th general election in the United Kingdom. He leads the coalition government with the Liberal Democrats. Harriet Harman is the acting Labour Party and opposition leader.

Currently, British Foreign Minister William Hague is discussing and taking questions in the British House of Commons on the incident off the coast of the Gaza strip.

Recent Programs

White House Briefing with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs The Gulf of Mexico oil spill response and the Israeli raid on a flotilla of ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip were the chief topics in this daily White House briefing. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs spoke with reporters for about 50 minutes.
Washington, DC : 52 min.
watch White House Briefing
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