Society | The Nation


Boycott Phil Jackson: Why Lakers Fans Should Root for Los Suns

The Lakers Coach's views on Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 make his team's upcoming series against Los Suns a battle between fear and resistance.

Dave Zirin

On the eve of Tuesday's primaries, the metaphors for powerful women are getting downright ferocious.
Posted 05/17/2010
If the boom years failed to lift poor mothers into the middle class, how are they faring now that the middle class is becoming the new poor?
Posted 05/13/2010
Those who most strongly believe that the world is fair are most likely to reconcile their distress about unearned suffering by blaming the victims.
Posted 05/13/2010


News and Features

The Tea Party’s guide to American exceptionalism: It is all about race.

With the Olympics coming to town, the state seeks to reclaim the favelas.

What you need to know to make the most of the new healthcare law.

Fox News is getting ever more brazen in its refusal to distinguish between journalist and politician—but so is everyone else.

Instead of an endless platform of policy ideas, progressives need to tell a shared narrative.



Greta Van Susteren says "advocating ethnic solidarity" is wrong.

As a historian and activist on the subject of the atomic bombing of Japan, I was relieved to watch the HBO series conclude two days ago with an unusually non-triumphal treatment of the subject. And here's why that still matters.


Katrina vanden Heuvel argues that Arizona’s immigration law will further marginalize the already male, pale and stale Republican Party.


Ari Melber debates the legality of SB 1070 with Eliot Spitzer, guest-host of The Dylan Ratigan Show.

Today's politics and media roundup features a "family values" rep quitting over an affair, a Democrat in trouble in Connecticut over Vietnam, and 1000th U.S. military death in Afghanistan.