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Fahamu has a vision of the world where people organise to emancipate themselves from all forms of oppression, recognise their social responsibilities, respect each other’s differences, and realise their full potential.

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SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa now available!

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SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa brings together the experiences of activists using mobile phone technology on the African continent as well as providing understanding of the socio-economic, political and media contexts activists face.


From Pambazuka Press

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The latest Pambazuka Press publications include Food Rebellions! by Eric Holt-Giménez and Raj Patel, Aid to Africa, which features contributing chapters from Patrick Bond and Khadija Sharife, Demba Moussa Dembélé, Charles Mutasa and Samir Amin, and Yash Tandon's Ending Aid Dependence. Forthcoming titles include a new edition of Dani Nabudere's seminal The Crash of International Finance-Capital and Yash Tandon's Development and Globalisation: Daring to Think Differently.

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Pambazuka News


Fahamu publishes the weekly electronic news and information forum for social justice in Africa, Pambazuka News. With a readership of 500,000, Pambazuka News is produced by a pan-African community of over 1,000 citizens - academics, social activists, women's organisations, writers, artists, poets, bloggers, and commentators - who together produce insightful and thoughtful analyses that make it the most innovative and influential sites for social justice in Africa. 

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Fahamu’s advocacy work aims to support human rights and social justice movements by promoting the innovative use of information and communications technologies and by stimulating debate, discussion and analysis.

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Fahamu courses


As part of its mission to build the capacity of African human rights and social justice movements, Fahamu develops training materials and runs courses, including by distance learning.

Fahamu provides training to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations in Africa to promote and protect human rights and to help them become sustainable and effective organisations.

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