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  • I Am

    I Am is not only a film but a social experiment that took strangers in Philadelphia and asked them to finish this sentence. "I am ___."…

    An Iron Man movie parody starring my baby girl!
  • 5x5 Laundry Day

    Playing around with my Rebel T2i, I made a 5x5 vignette. Lens 18-55 f/3.5-5.6
  • 3x3

    Film festivals selections and awards Grande prĂ©mio ZON (portugal) Cinema Jove Festival Internacional de Cine, spain Festival Internacional…
  • Avatar Days

    Originally created for the Darklight Festival's '4 Day Movie' project, Avatar Days is a portrait of four online gamers in Dublin whose…

    This is a short-film I wrote and directed for LG Portugal. The concept, "Life's good" was the main purpose of this work.


Staff Blog

This Week in Vimeo! May 25th

Hey there Vimeo!

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend, luckily the weather here in NYC was pretty good. Without further ado, let's dig into some Vimeo gems!

This week I'd like to feature Vimeo member Pixel Viking also known as Rico Bergholdt Hansen. Rico hails…

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