On BNET: 2-year-old's iPad critique
start talking » Do you ever feel the need to check on your DC's nanny? DH and I work full-time, and cannot take time off to drop by at the playground or at home during the day. We have reason to think that she does not follow our instructions at all...
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What You Didn’t Know About Your Sunscreen

sunscreen.jpgA report recently released by the consumer advocacy watchdog Environmental Working Group, Sunscreens Exposed: 9 surprising truths, is an eye-opener for parents who slather their kids with ’screen every day before school. The first sentence ...

05.27.10, 12:39 PM

They Grow Fast
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Weekend Events

CMOM - Operation gameThis Memorial Day weekend: beach, barbecue and blockbuster-to-be Sex and the City 2. Need more options? The city’s got some real toy stories before the Disney-Pixar movie hits the big screen next month. Plus lions, and tigers and bears &# ...

05.27.10, 10:00 AM

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This Weekend

astronaut.jpgGo to the bathroom in space, pull crabs on the pier, or watch a feathered dancer let loose. Living In Learn how astronauts eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, and work in space at the opening weekend for this cool exhibit. When: Sat., 5/29 (thr ...

05.27.10, 01:00 PM

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