Greenwashing and You!, a primer on "green" capitalism

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This short zine explores the concept of greenwashing, and, more broadly, the idea of green consumerism. Also suggests some less-than-subtle solutions for the problems arising from industrial society.

Pass these out at an Earth Day festival near you!

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad


from Wikipedia April 2010

formatted by pirate press, Oly cascadia  read more »

Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing, The


The Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing
by Kristian Williams

Zinelibrary Torrent

all the media files from March 2010

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in other words, the situation is excellent - an interview with julien coupat


Q. The police consider you the leader of a group on the point of tipping over into terrorism. What do you think about that?

A. Such a pathetic allegation can only be the work of a regime that is on the point of tipping over into nothingness.

Animal Farm by George Orwell

When the animals take over the farm, they think it is the start of a better life. Their dreams are of a world where all animals are equal and all property is shared. But soon the pigs take control and one of them, Napoleon, becomes the leader of all the animals. One by one the principles of the revolution are abandoned, until the animals have even less freedom than before.

united fruit corruption: what chiquita, dole, and fresh express are up to


the United Fruit Company (and its given factions -- chiquita, dole and fresh express) have a history of horrible human rights abuses and imperialism. this zine contains information on the history of United Fruit. see other pdf attachments for a sticker campaign against them.

Ask First!

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A zine about consent & sexual assault. Resources for survivors, supporters, and perpetrators.

4strugglemag Issue 15: Views, Thoughts and Analysis from the Hearts and Minds of North American Political Prisoners and Friends


Issue 15 – International Women’s Day, Revolutionary & Prison Struggle, Book Reviews, Sri Lanka and National Liberation, Political Prisoner Updates

Read online at
Download printable version at:  read more »

May Day and Anarchism


remembrance and resistance from Haymarket to now

Edited by Anna Key

Kate Sharpley Library

Theory of Bloom, The (Tiqqun)

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Here it is, the first (known) English translation of the Theory of Bloom. All apologies for the previous confusion, this is the new-and-improved version with fewer typos/awkward wordings and an extended appendix to facilitate your reading experience. Note: The Theory of Bloom is by Tiqqun, who also put out The Coming Insurrection. This theory is useful reading for the complete understanding of the concepts therein. The Appendix is intended to make your life easier, its use is highly recommended. This is a labor of love.

Marijuana and Hemp: The Untold Story

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During the 1930s, the American media ran many blatently false stories dipicting marijuana as an extremely dangerous drug. Because these lies went un-challenged, marijuana and hemp where effectively banned in 1938. Recently, hemp has been re-discovered as a natural resource that has great environmental potential. Ironically, it is possible the real reason marijuana was banned was to prevent hemp from ever becoming a major, renewable, natural resource. This booklet reveals many astonishing facts about marijuana and hemp-facts that will shock most people.

Stockade Stood Burning, The : rebellion and the convict lease in tennessee's coalfields, 1891-1895


This zine covers an obscure but phenomenal story of coal miners' and convicts' joint rebellion against the convict leasing system in post-Civil War Tennessee. Touching on the issues of prison growth, racial identities in the south, the limitations of demand-oriented movements, and the application of contemporary insurrectionary perspectives in understanding historical phenomena, it is "required reading" for anyone interested in appalachian social movements, insurrection, or historical positioning of the southern white worker. Brought to you by the North Carolina Piece Corps.  read more »

Infinite Relationships: Relationships without bounds or boundaries, love without limits, without ends


This is a re-made version of the older zine, "Infinite Relationships", about open relationships/polyamory. The older version that's online ended up looking worn and photocopied, so I typed up the text, created a new layout, added some resources for further reading, explained where the zine originated, and made a new front and back cover. Enjoy, distribute, and discuss with your communities!

entarchy distro

Pink and Black Attack #4


This is the fourth issue of Pink and Black Attack, a queer anarchist periodical from Olympia, WA.

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