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  1. Store 7795 init lumi = 396 ub^-1/s, ended with quench during thunderstorm after only 2 hrs. 12 hr access for D0; CDF & Tev going in too. #fb
  2. After a few hours of beam studies, store 7794 terminated intentionally after delivering 8500 nb^-1. #fb
  3. Store 7793 was terminated intentionally after delivering 9100 nb^-1. Store 7794 is now colliding with initial luminosity = 364 ub^-1/s. #fb
  4. Store 7792 terminated intentionally - 7300 nb^-1 delivered. Store 7793 initial luminosity = 397 ub^-1/s - a new 2nd highest ever! #fb
  5. Faulty door interlock switch repaired. Store 7792 initial luminosity = 358 ub^-1/s. #fb
  6. Store 7789 aborted after 12.9 hours - 5600 nb^-1 delivered. Safety system indicated a tunnel door was opened - faulty latch or switch? #fb
  7. Store 7789 is now colliding with initial luminosity = 269 ub^-1/s; much lower than expected, poor beam efficiency through Main Injector? #fb
  8. Tevatron delivered 70.5 pb^-1 last week and 267 pb^-1 for the month of April! (Record is 272 pb^-1 in March, but it had 1 more day.) #fb
  9. Store 7784 was terminated intentionally after delivering 7400 nb^-1. Next shot-setup after CDF and D0 accesses to their experiments. #fb
  10. Store 7784 now colliding with initial luminosity = 354 ub^-1/s. #fb
  11. Store 7780 terminated intentionally 8700 nb^-1 delivered. Shot 7781 quench in squeeze - higher proton losses, nothing obviously wrong. #fb
  12. Store 7779 was terminated intentionally after delivering 9000 nb^-1. Store 7780 is now colliding with initial luminosity = 382 ub^-1/s. #fb
  13. Store 7778 was terminated intentionally after delivering 8000 nb^-1. Store 7779 is now colliding with initial luminosity = 373 ub^-1/s. #fb
  14. Store 7774 terminated intentionally - 8000 nb^-1 delivered. After some RF troubles, store 7778 initial luminosity = 378 ub^-1/s. #fb
  15. Store 7774 initial luminosity = 350 ub^-1/s. #fb
  16. Store 7771 was terminated intentionally after delivering 7900 nb^-1. Following recovery from D0 access, expect HEP shot-setup soon. #fb
  17. Store 7770 was terminated intentionally after delivering 8700 nb^-1. Store 7771 now colliding with initial luminosity = 386 ub^-1/s. #fb
  18. Store 7769 was terminated intentionally after delivering 8700 nb^-1. Store 7770 is now colliding with initial luminosity = 375 ub^-1/s. #fb
  19. The Tevatron delivered 52 pb^-1 to the experiments last week. We have now exceeded 1.5 fb^-1 since October 1 (US fiscal year 2010).
  20. Store 7768 terminated intentionally - 8700 nb^-1 delivered. Store 7769 initial luminosity = 391 ub^-1/s - a new 2nd highest ever! #fb