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Mon. May 3, 2010 | Breaking News
US Homeland Secretary Napolitano cautioned against "premature decisions" ruling in or ruling out any suspects in the case of the Times Square car bomb • That includes foreign terrorists, she said in reference to the Pakistani-Taliban claim of responsibility • Netanyahu-Mubarak end one-on-one meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh Monday • Muhammad Ajmal Kasab found guilty of 166 murders and waging war on India in 2008 Mumbai terror attacks • The Indian prosecution demands death sentence • North Korean ruler pays visit to Beijing • Weeks after his reported killing by a US missile, Pakistani Taliban's Hakimullah Mehsud threatened to hit back at US states and major cities • He spoke on a nine-minute video allegedly made on April 4 and released May 1 after failed Times Square bombing • Indirect Israel-Palestinian talks begin Wednesday • US envoy Mitchell will shuttle between Jerusalem and Ramallah • Agenda is first issue - Israel wants to kick off with security, the Palestinians with borders • UN conference on nuclear nonproliferation opens in Washington Monday night • Non-signatories of the NPT including Israel and India are not attending • Ahmadinejad is there to deliver a speech •
Taliban-Pakistan claims failed NY Times Square bombing
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 2, 2010, 10:06 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Al Qaeda   Bomb car   New York   Taliban-Pakistan 
Robot used to detect car bomb

On April 30, twenty-four hours before a smoking SUV Nissan containing an improvised bomb was defused among the teeming crowds of Time Square, New York, the Pakistani Taliban's top bomb-maker, Qari Hussain Mehsud, recorded an audiotape taking "full responsibility for the recent attack in the USA" and promising "a jaw-breaking blow to Satan USA."  

He vowed to make the US and NATO countries pay for both Taliban and al Qaeda "martyrs" in Iraq and Yemen as well as Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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Obama Signs Secret PPD for Iran
He opts for preventing Iran's nuclearization without saying how.
US and Iran Gear up for Showdown
US Indian Ocean bases are preparing, Iran wants proxy conflict.
Iran's Missiles: Fictional or Real?
Some of the missiles on parade are cardboard cones. Others may be hidden.

Times Square sequel to botched terror by Shoe-bomber Reid, Abdulmutallab
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
May 2, 2010, 12:14 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Al Qaeda   Bomb car   New York 

Times Square in lockdown

New York and other US cities are on high terror alert after the failed car bomb attempt to blow up Times Square, New York, Saturday night, May 1. Our terror experts note the similarity in methods of operation between this failed attack and two past bungled al Qaeda attempts to cause massive loss of American life: The British "shoe bomber" Richard Reid in 2002 and the Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on Christmas Day 2009.  New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg said the wiring "looked amateurish."
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NY Mayor Bloomberg: A deadly event prevented
DEBKAfile Special Report
May 2, 2010, 6:36 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Al Qaeda   Bomb car   New York 

Time Square, New York, evacuated

New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters how the police evacuated the heart of Times Square, New York, for several hours Saturday night, May 1 when a smoking bomb car was found there. Shortly after a street vendor alerted the police to smoke coming out of a parked Nissan SUV, the NYPD bomb squad secured an unexploded car bomb improvised from 3 propane tanks, 2 gasoline containers, electric wire, white powder, consumer grade fireworks, electrical wiring and two clocks.

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Abbas asks China to support Iran sanctions as Palestinians would die in ME war
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
May 1, 2010, 11:16 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Hu Jantao   Mahmoud Abbas   US-Iran 

Abbas welcomed by Hu Jintao

Chinese president Hu Jintao was taken by surprise by the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas's plea to support tough sanctions against Iran's nuclear program when they met in Shanghai Saturday, May 1, debkafile's Middle East sources reveal. A Middle East war, a real peril in the absence of sanctions, would cost the lives of many Palestinians who would be caught in the middle.
Abbas said he spoke for most Arab rulers.

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Iran, Syria, Hizballah gear up to provoke summer war
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 28, 2010, 1:31 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Ehud Barak   Hizballah   Robert Gates 

Syrian Fateh A-110B for Hizballah

US and Israeli defense chiefs Robert Gates and Ehud Barak told reporters at the end of their talks in the Pentagon on April 27: "Syria and Iran are providing Hizballah with rockets of ever-increasing capability...  and we're watching it very carefully" - Gates; and "We do not intend to provoke any kind of major collision in Lebanon or with Syria, but are watching closely..." - Barak.

debkafile: Neither sounded ready to halt the headlong Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah drive for a summer war.

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Who will pre-empt whom?
DEBKAfile DEBKA-Net-Weekly
April 29, 2010, 10:48 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Barack Obama   US-Iran 

What next after failed sanctions?

The US and Iran are racing ahead towards their next moves in case sanctions fail to deter Iran from building a nuclear bomb. DEBKA-Net-Weekly's coming issue out this Friday opens a window on President Barack Obama's new Iranian policy and Iran's plans to loose its allies against Israel in August - or sooner.
Don't miss our detailed analysis of the buildup for a Middle East war this summer and its prospects.

To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly, click here

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US Gulf units may not fire on Iranian military without White House say-so
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
April 29, 2010, 7:42 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Iranian spy plane   Persian Gulf   USS Eisenhower 

USS Eisenhower carrier

The US Fifth fleet and USS Eisenhower refrained from shooting an Iranian spy plane collecting intelligence from the American carrier on April 21 because they are under orders not to respond to hostile Iranian acts without permission direct from Washington. Gulf governments fear US military passivity will encourage Tehran to be bolder and more provocative, emulating Pyongyang which got away scot-free with sinking a South Korean vessel.

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Israel will not sell Turkey advanced naval Barak-8 interceptor
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
April 27, 2010, 4:50 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Barak 8 interceptor   Israel   Turkey 

Israel's Barak-8 naval shield

Israel's advanced military hardware sales to Turkey are petering out under the impact of Tayyep Recep Erdogan's alignment with Syria and Iran and his poisonous attacks, with detrimental effect on the Turkish army's operational capabilities. debkafile sources report that Israel refused to sell the Turkish Navy the Barak 8 missile interceptor, whose radar provides warships with 360-degree coverage against incoming missiles or air attack. Its co-developer India is equally adamant against the sale.

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Moscow markets cruise missile launched from a freight container
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 26, 2010, 7:19 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Russian Club-K missile 

Russia's Club-K Freight Container cruise missile

This relatively cheap, extra-smart, easy-to-use Club-K Container Missile System, which Moscow has put on the open market, allows cruise missiles concealed in freight containers to be launched from a prepositioned or moving land or sea platform. It is virtually undetectable by radar until activated. No wonder, Iran and Venezuela were keenly interested when the Club-K was put on the open market at the Defense Services Asia exhibition in Malaysia this week for $15 m.

In Iranian, Syrian or Hizballah hands, it would be a game-changer.

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DEBKA-Net-Weekly    A sampling from past issues
The Nuclear Black Market is Thriving
DEBKA-Net-Weekly #441 April 16, 2010

Tags:  Iran   Nuclear black market   US 

Barak Obama

Iran's intelligence services - MOIS, and its Revolutionary Guards Corps' clandestine arm, North Korean intelligence and Syrian military intelligence are active dealers and brokers in bootlegged uranium, other nuclear materials, equipment and nuclear technology.

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Obama: Borders First, Peace Later
DEBKA-Net-Weekly #440 April 9, 2010

Tags:  Israel   Palestinians   US 

Click on the map for full-size image!

The US president advocates a Middle East peace plan whereby Palestinian state borders would enclose 96 percent of the West Bank and 133,000 Israelis evacuated. The 4 percent left with Israel would include Jerusalem.

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The Scud Crisis Masked Assad's Secret Plan
DEBKA-Net-Weekly #441 April 16, 2010

Tags:  Bashar Assad   Hizballah   Scuds 

John Kerry and Bashar Assad

The Syrian ruler Bashar Assad is afraid to strengthen his own armed forces lest they overthrow his regime in a coup d'etat. He is therefore building Hizballah up into a modern army as the shield for Damascus and his regime.

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US compromise on Jerusalem - but Abbas wants imposed solution
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
April 24, 2010, 10:22 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Jewish housing in E. Jerusalem   Mitchell   US-Israel 

Peace talks still face Abbas "no"

debkafile's Washington sources report that instead of a freeze on all Israeli construction in East Jerusalem, the Obama administration asks Israel to quietly suspend all building licenses and other permits for just four weeks, to give US Middle East envoy George Mitchell a chance to persuade the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to accept US-moderated proximity talks.
Israel did indeed make Abbas an offer of temporary borders, but he turned it down and demanded that the US President "impose" a solution.

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Pakistani centrifuges launched Iran's nuclear program 24 years ago
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
April 25, 2010, 4:55 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  centrifuges   Iran nuclear   Pakistan 

Ex-foreign minister Ali Akbar Velayati

Iran introduced its nuclear program much earlier than previously believed. Ex-foreign minister Velayati now discloses that in 1986, he brought the first centrifuges from Pakistan to Iran aboard the private plane of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Revolution or Iran. DEBKA intelligence and counter-terror sources add that the centrifuges came with the first Pakistani technical specifications for building a bomb and designing missiles for their delivery.

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US debate on military option does not impress Tehran
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 21, 2010, 5:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Iran nuclear   US-Iran 

US Dep. Defense Secretary Michele Flournoy

The Obama administration appeared torn by internal debate when Wednesday, April 21, US deputy defense secretary Michele Flournoy said: "The US has ruled out a military strike against Iran's nuclear program any time soon " - only to be contradicted a few hours later when the Pentagon spokesman denied the United States had dropped its military option.
Iranian officialdom believes the debate is a trick to put them to sleep, while the US gradually builds up its Persian Gulf forces to peak in two or three months.

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Obama recalls bunker-buster bomb kits to bar Israeli strike on Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report
March 20, 2010, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  bunker-busters   Israel   Obama 

Advanced BLU-100 recalled by President Obama

Shortly after the flare-up of a US-Israel row over new homes in East Jerusalem, US president Barack Obama ordered a consignment of Joint Direct Attack Munitions- JDAM already on its way to Israel to be diverted to the US Air Force base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. This step in mid-March, the pointer to a US arms embargo for preventing Israel attacking Iran's nuclear sites, is first revealed here by debkafile's military sources.

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