National Committee to Free the Cuban Five

Comité Nacional para la Liberación de los Cinco Cubanos
Gerardo HernándezRené GonzálezAntonio GuerreroRamon LabañinoFernando González

Free the Cuban Five Heroes Unjustly Held in U.S. Prisons!

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Latest Updates...

4/22/10: Por siempre con los Cinco (Esp.)

4/20/10: April 25, Miami: Talk by Salim Lamrani

3/31/10: Things that happen in Miami (Eng./Esp.)

3/26/10: Mirtha Rodriguez highlights the gallantry and hope of the Cuban Five (Eng./Esp.)

3/25/10: Antonio Guerrero art exhibit debuts in Eugene, Oregon

3/20/10: Gloria La Riva at San Francisco antiwar march (QuickTimeYouTube)

3/10/10: Cuba asks for the case of the Five to be reactivated in Geneva (Eng./Esp.)

3/9/10: Humanitarian visas for wives of the Five demanded (Eng./Esp.)

3/8/10: Message from Ramón on behalf of the Five for International Women's Day (Eng./Esp.)

3/5/10: BBC interviews Ricardo Alarcón about the Five (QuickTime)

3/3/10: The terrorist attack on the La Coubre: 50 years later, Washington remains silent (Eng./Esp.)

3/1/10: Interview with Ricardo Alarcón

2/25/10: BBC on the case of the Five (QuickTime)

2/23/10: Please, read the transcripts! (Eng./Esp.)

2/23/10: The Cuban Five: An essential issue on the agenda of the Cuba-US migration talks (Eng./Esp.)

2/20/10: More press coverage of the postponement of the trial of Luis Posada Carriles (Eng./Esp.)

2/19/10: Trial of Luis Posada Carriles postponed indefinitely (Eng./Esp.)

2/19/10: Mar. 1: Vancouver, BC: Protest the trial of Posada Carrilles in front of the U.S. Consulate

2/18/10: Feb.24: Albuquerque, NM: Film showing: Posada Carriles, Terrorism Made in U.S.A.

2/18/10: Nadine Gordimer, Nobel laureate, fighting for the Five (Eng./Esp.)

2/15/10: New books on the Cuban Five (Eng./Esp.)

2/12/10: Hidden injustice surrounding the Five

2/11/10: Posada Carriles y su abogado conceden entrevista para pedir dinero (Esp.)

2/9/10: Cuban Five call on education experts to fight for a better world (Eng./Esp.)

2/7/10: Irrumpen agentes en oficinas del benefactor de Posada Carriles en Miami (Esp.)

2/6/10: Luis Posada Carriles trial for perjury, fraud is set for March 1

2/5/10: Larga lista de testigos en juicio a Posada (Esp.)

2/5/10: Los Cinco: Injusticia y doble moral sostenida por EE.UU. (Esp.)

2/5/10: Califican de circo futuro juicio del terrorista Posada Carriles (Esp.)

2/5/10: International solidarity more necessary than ever (Eng./Esp.)

2/3/10: Cinco agentes cubanos, un caso político (Esp.)

2/3/10: Feb. 5: Antonio Guerrero art show to open in Louisville, KY (opening reception Feb. 9)

2/1/10: Posada: "I lied because the CIA taught me how" (Eng./Esp.)

1/29/10: Judge in the Posada case reacts to his legal technicality (Eng./Esp.)

1/25/10: La jueza del caso Posada Carriles reacciona ante un tecnicismo legal del terrorista (Esp.)

1/22/10: National Committee announces protest at Posada trial in El Paso, TX, March 1 (Eng./Esp.)

1/20/10: Mother of one of the Cuban Five asks Obama to release the prisoners (Eng./Esp.)

1/20/10: Message from the Cuban Five to the people of Haiti (Eng./Esp.)

1/19/10: US Judge allows terrorist to travel on private jet (Eng./Esp.)

1/19/10: Young Fabio di Celmo Inspires Italian Artist (Eng./Esp.)

1/13/10: Argentine climbers summit Mt. Aconcagua in solidarity with the Five (Eng./Esp.)

1/13/10: US again denies visa to Olga Salanueva (Eng./Esp.)

1/4/10: Call for Obama to release the five Cuban heroes (Eng./Esp.)

12/31/09: New Year's messages from the Five (Eng./Esp.)

12/30/09: Relatives of the Cuban Five urge Obama to release them (Eng./Esp.)

12/28/09: Abogados consideran apelar condenas en los casos de Fernando y de Ramón (Esp.)

12/28/09: New poetry from Antonio (Eng./Esp.)

12/28/09: New Year's message from Fernando (Eng./Esp.)

12/17/09: 8th ALBA Summit demands freedom for Cuban Five (Eng./Esp.)

12/15/09: Jimmy Santiago Baca, famous Chicano poet and author, headlines event to free the Cuban Five

12/14/09: Atty. William Norris discusses Ramón's resentencing (Eng./Esp.)

12/14/09: Attorney Richard Klugh talks to Radio Havana Cuba

12/14/09: Las audiencias de resentencia de Ramón y Fernando (Esp.)

12/8/09: Ramón and Fernando receive new sentences (Eng./Esp.) [UPDATED]

12/9/09: Reunión en Miami por Los Cinco (Esp.)

12/8/09: Statement from Ramón, Fernando, and Antonio on resentencing (Eng./Esp.)

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In Defense of Cuba

The recent death by hunger strike of a prisoner in Cuba has generated a round of attacks against Cuba, including a resolution from the European Parliament. The Cuban Parliament, the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), has condemned that resolution, declaring in part (full text at the link below):

If there is one field in which our country does not have to defend itself in words, given that the reality is irrefutable, it is in that of the fight for the lives of human beings, whether born in Cuba or in other countries.

Sign the Petition!

In response to the action of the European Parliament, the Mexican chapter of "Network in Defense of Humanity" is gathering signatures on an international petition, which condemns the unwarranted and hypocritical interference in Cuba's internal affairs. Signers include Ramsey Clark, Noam Chomsky, Evo Morales, and Danny Glover.

The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five urges supporters to lend their names to that petition (link below). Stop the attacks on Cuba!

New Year's Message from Antonio Guerrero

Dear friends:

Tony, Mirta, and Tonito

2009 is coming to a close. Time doesn't stop, still we stop to reflect and make a balance of things.

We meditate on personal things that we wanted to improve and achieved, at the same time that we make a list of those things that are left to complete.

We meditate today on the pluses and minuses in our beloved countries, analyzing how much more we can do each day to build a better society.

In the personal, as a Cuban, like millions of Cubans, with each Dec. 31, we think of the Revolution that gave us full independence, the Revolution which demonstrated to the world that a determined people can take the reins of its destiny and say no to brutal capitalism, which is only capable of generating more inequity, more exploitation of man by man, more individualism and more wars.

We think of socialism as a solution to the problems of the peoples, aware of its diversity, the complexities, of its richness and of its justice that we have to defend and perfect daily.

We meditate today on the world in which we live, of its grave problems, of those who are most responsible for its problems, and how they could resolve those problems. How different would our planet be, if each morning, as in this morning that I write you, we were to make as our own, the tragedy of 2.5 billion human beings who live in poverty, the more than 1 billion who suffer from hunger, those who have no access to potable water, and that we were to say with one voice, ENOUGH!

With respect to our own battle, 2009 was a very significant year. Our appeals process, rejected by the Supreme Court, finally yielded some results in which solidarity played a vital role. We could never call the new sentences justice. To resolve the brutal outrage against our brother Gerardo continues being the most important goal in the road ahead.

Happy New Year!
A better world is possible! The peoples will have the final word. Love and peace will conquer.

On behalf of the Cuban Five I send you a strong revolutionary and victorious embrace, wishing you success in your goals and much health and happiness.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
December 31, 2009
F.D.C. Miami

Queridos amigos:

Culmina este 2009. El tiempo no se detiene, pero, asi y todo hacemos un balance.

Meditamos hoy en cosas personales que quisimos mejorar y lo logramos, al tiempo que volvemos a poner en una lista aquellas que se nos quedaron por cumplir.

Meditamos hoy en los logros y los males de nuestros queridos paises, analizando cuanto podemos hacer para construir cada dia una sociedad mejor.

En lo personal, como cubano, como millones de cubanos, al arribar cada 31, pensamos en la revolucion que nos dio la plena independencia, la revolucion que demostro al mundo que un pueblo decidido puede tomar las riendas de su destino y decirle no al capitalismo brutal que solo es capaz de generar mas diferencia, mas explotacion del hombre por el hombre, mas egoismo y mas guerras.

Pensamos en el socialismo como solucion a los problemas de los pueblos, conscientes de su diversidad, de sus complejidades, de su riqueza y de su justicia que a diario hay que defender y perfeccionar.

Meditamos hoy en el mundo en que vivimos, en sus graves problemas, en los mayores culpables de esos porblemas, en como podrian resolverse esos problemas. Cuan distinto fuera nuestro planeta si en cada amanecer , como este en que les escribo, todos hicieramos nuestra la tragedia de 2 500 millones de seres humanos que viven en la pobreza, los mas de 1 000 millones que sufren hambre, los que no tienen acceso a agua potable y en una sola voz dijeramos !basta ya!.

En lo relacionado con nuestra batalla fue el 2009 un ano muy significativo. Nuestro proceso de apelacion, rechazado por la corte suprema, por fin arrojo algunos resultados en los que la solidaridad jugo un papel vital. Las nuevas sentencias jamas podriamos llamarlas justicia. Resolver el brutal ensanamiento contra nuestro hermano gerardo sigue siendo lo mas importante en elcamino a seguir.

¡Feliz 2010! ¡Un mundo mejor es posible! Los pueblos tendran la ultima palabra. El amor y la paz venceran.

A nombre de los Cinco les envio un fuerte abrazo revolucionario y victorioso, deseandoles exitos en sus metas y mucha salud y felicidad.

Antonio Guerrero Rodríguez
31 de Diciembre de 2009
FDC Miami

Read more New Year's greetings from the Five

Ramón and Fernando Resentenced

Ramón receives 30-year sentence; Fernando 17 years 9 months.
Read the details
Read the statement from Ramón, Fernando, and Antonio
Read reactions from Cuban Five lawyers Richard Klugh and William Norris

Ricardo Alarcón speaks about the resentencing:

Read the legal documents:

On the 11th Anniversary of their unjust imprisonment in U.S. jails

Demonstrations Around the World Demand: "Free the Cuban Five!"

Press Conference Announces FOIA Lawsuit
by the National Committee

Seeks to uncover more information about journalists who were covertly paid by the government before and during the trial of the Cuban Five

Read the lawsuit, listen to the press conference, and read the press coverage

Forbidden Heroes: The Untold Story of the Cuban Five

An important series of articles on the history of the case of the Cuban Five
by Ricardo Alarcón, President of the Cuban National Assembly of People's Power:

Ramon, Fernando, and Antonio transferred to Miami

Read the news of the resentencing, and note their new addresses in Miami

CBC covers the case of the Cuban Five

[Can't see the video above, which requires the latest version of Flash? Click here to view the QuickTime or WMV versions]


Click here to be added to our low-volume email list to be kept informed about developments in the case.

Haz clic aquí para que tu nombre sea añadido a nuestra lista de correos de bajo volumen y mantenerte informado acerca de los acontecimientos que tienen lugar sobre este caso.

Who are the Cuban Five?

The Cuban Five are five Cuban men who are in U.S. prison, serving four life sentences and 75 years collectively, after being wrongly convicted in U.S. federal court in Miami, on June 8, 2001.

They are Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González.

The Five were falsely accused by the U.S. government of committing espionage conspiracy against the United States, and other related charges.

But the Five pointed out vigorously in their defense that they were involved in monitoring the actions of Miami-based terrorist groups, in order to prevent terrorist attacks on their country of Cuba.

The Five’s actions were never directed at the U.S. government. They never harmed anyone nor ever possessed nor used any weapons while in the United States.

The Cuban Five’s mission was to stop terrorism

For more than 40 years, anti-Cuba terrorist organizations based in Miami have engaged in countless terrorist activities against Cuba, and against anyone who advocates a normalization of relations between the U.S. and Cuba. More than 3,000 Cubans have died as a result of these terrorists’ attacks.

Terrorist Miami groups like Comandos F4 and Brothers to the Rescue operate with complete impunity from within the United States to attack Cuba—with the knowledge and support of the FBI and CIA.

Therefore, Cuba made the careful and necessary decision to send the Five Cubans to Miami to monitor the terrorists. The Cuban Five infiltrated the terrorist organizations in Miami to inform Cuba of imminent attacks.

The aim of such a clandestine operation by the Cuban Five—at great personal risk—was to prevent criminal acts, and thus protect the lives of Cubans and other people.

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Billboard in Los Angeles demands:
Free the Cuban Five

On Feb 1, 2008, a billboard was unveiled in Hollywood (Los Angeles), California, demanding the freedom of the Cuban Five. Click here to see pictures and watch a video of that historic event.

March on Washington demands:
Free the Cuban Five

On Sept. 23, 2006, a historic march was held through the streets of Washington, D.C. from the Justice Department to the White House. Listen to speeches from the press conference which preceded the march and the forum which followed it, and watch a slideshow and videos of the march.


National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
2489 Mission St., #24
San Francisco, CA 94110
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