Sunday, May 2, 2010

AEI Economic Outlook: Why The Eurozone is Failing

The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power
At this event, Melanie Phillips will discuss her new book, "The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power"(Encounter...
Government Size and Implications for Economic Growth
At this event, the authors will demonstrate that long-term economic development is affected not only by the size of government, but also by what...
The Other Nuclear Threat: Avoiding War in South Asia
At this event, panelists will discuss the simmering conflict between the nuclear-armed states of India and Pakistan.
The British Election: Lessons for America
This event will be the fourth installment of AEI's series, Politics Watch.
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Liberals sadly disdain Sir Winston Churchill, though he ought to be as much of a hero for liberals as he is for conservatives.
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The European Monetary Union will break down, and Europe will be better off for it, notwithstanding widespread warnings from European politicians of what an "unthinkable" disaster its breakup would be.
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The United States should protect the Iraqi electoral process from anyone seeking to manipulate its outcome.
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The latest AEI Political Report reviews public opinion on Wall Street, executive compensation, the free enterprise system, and more. [Download PDF]

AEI's Frederick W. Kagan makes the case that the United States must protect the electoral process in Iraq, which is threatened by a highly sectarian, politicized move to overturn election results. Click here.

General David H. Petraeus will be awarded the 2010 Irving Kristol Award on May 6 at AEI's Annual Dinner. Tickets and tables are still available. For more information, click here.