ITM blog
Friday, March 26, 2010
Iraq Election Results Coming Soon
We should hear the election results in about 90 minutes, 7:00 pm baghdad time.
I hope it won't be a 91:91 tie between Allawi and Maliki as some calculations and predictions are showing--such result would be bad for post-eelction negotiations and could seriously complictae cabinet formation. I will try to share some analysis later.

30 minutes after 7:00pm...
Now they say the election commissioners are in a meeting!
Looks like there will be some delay.

Another 30 minutes...
Ok, the election commission press conference begins!

The guy is giving a speech...seriously!?

By the way, the press conference can be viewed live here, but it's in Arabic.

Nice, another speech! This time it's the UN guy.

Ok, at least he's saying there were no evidence of major fraud and that the results ought to be accepted by all.

Yet another speech! (just give me the damn results)

They're talking too much. I sense they have bad news for Maliki.

Finally. They are reading the results, slowly. Will take a while to go through all of them.

Allawi got two seats in Diwaniyah. This may actually be decisive .

And Allawi got another 2 in Wassit. I guess he's getting close.

At the final count:

Allawi: 89
Maliki: 87
Hakim+Sadr: 68
Tawafok: 6
Change (Goran): 8
Bolani: 4
Islamic Union (Kurdish): 4
Islamic Group (Kurdish): 2

Adding the 7 compensatory seats, the final picture looks like this:

Allawi: 89+2=91
Maliki: 87+2=89
Hakim+Sadr: 68+2=70
PUK+KDP: 42+1=43
Change (Goran): 8
Tawafok (Accord): 6
Iraq Unity (Bolani): 4
Islamic Union (Kurdish): 4
Islamic Group (Kurdish): 2
Minorities: 8

Total: 325
Friday, March 05, 2010
Iraq Elects, Again
Here we go again, for the third time since 2003, Iraqis are heading to the ballots to choose their representatives.

It’s a little different this time. In some aspects it's a little less "interesting"... In December 2005 we walked from home to the voting center (which also used to be where I went to school as a kid) to a soundtrack of mortars and gunfire. Indeed, that ten minute walk was wrapped in so much fear and worry, but also in so much hope and pride.

My trip to the voting center will be less interesting this time because I'll be taking the orange line to Arlington where the place is, which happens to be some hotel whose owner will eventually be Paris Hilton.

Yes, that's a little boring.

In other aspects, though, the election will be more interesting. It’s more difficult to decide who to vote for this time. The fact that voters can pick individual candidates from within lists gives us more options. I can see, for example, that there are many candidates who don't seem to fit into the lists they are running with. I think many have done this with the intention of getting logistic support from those lists and then breaking away after the election and joining other blocs where they would be more compatible.

Otherwise, what is this nice young lady doing running on the same list such unsavory characters are running with? Just saying!

Anyway, I will go dip my finger in the purple ink sometime tomorrow.
Now I need to go back to my homework of researching candidate programs because I haven’t decided on a candidate yet. I know that lady is cute, and I was actually tempted to vote for her, but there are other candidates who better represent the ideas and goals I believe in.

By the way, her campaign posters actually caused gridlocks, and in some reports, even traffic accidents!

Before I forget, here are my predictions for what the distribution of the 325 seats in the new parliament is going to look like:

Sate of Law (Maliki, Da’wa): 90-100
Iraqia List (Allawi, Hashimi): 80-90
Iraqi National Alliance (Hakim, Sadr): 50
Kurdistan Alliance (PUK, KDP): 35
Change List (Nesherwan Mustafa): 15
Iraq Unity Coalition (Bolani): 10-15
Kurdish Islamic parties combined: 6-9
Accord Front: 5-10
Christians, Yezidis and other minorities: 8
Small parties (Communists, Mithal Alousi, Ayad Jamal ad-Din, etc): 6-12
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A BigTest for 'Justice and Accountability'
Earlier today, there were reports that thousands of protesters took to the streets in Diyala and Fallujah demanding that MP and senior member of Sadr movement Bahaa Al-Aaraji be prosecuted under the Justice and Accountability Law.

Al-Aaraji infuriated the Sunni community when had made what many Iraqis considered inflammatory statements in a recent appearance on a TV show: "Shiites, who make up the majority, had been the target of conspiracies since the days of Abu Bakr, to the days of Ahmed Hasan Al-Bakr's party" Aaraji said, referring to the 7th century first Caliph and to Saddam's predecessor who ruled Iraq from 1968 to 1979.

Sunni politicians and protesters considered this statement sectarian incitement and an insult to a major figure of Islamic history. The protesters reportedly held banners that said "Ban sectarian instigators the same way you banned Ba'ath sympathizers" in reference to the recent ban on hundreds of candidates over suspected ties to the Ba'ath Party.

The cabinet, in a press release, condemned Al-Aaraji's comments: "...this statement violate article (7) of the constitution, which prohibits such [sectarian and racist] remarks...those who propagate these [ideas] may be banned from political participation."

Will Al-Aaraji be a scapegoat to give some credibility to the highly divisive and controversial Justice and Accountability Law and the commission in charge of it?
We shall see soon!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Who is the Ban Targeting?
Feeling the need to provide an explanation, Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki asserted that the decision to ban 500 candidates from general elections is not targeting Sunni Arabs. He said that Sunni Arabs are more than necessary as partners in the political process and that their participation in the March elections is even more important than it was in 2005.

Maliki told al-Iraqia TV on Tuesday night that although the list of banned candidates includes many Sunni names, it also includes Shiites, perhaps in greater numbers, according to Maliki. He also pointed out that 70% of the Ba’ath Party members were Shiite.

Maliki might be right in saying that more Shiites were banned than Sunnis. However, it is obvious now that, unlike with Sunni candidates, none of the banned Shiite candidates is a prominent political figure. In fact, the media so far has not mentioned the names of any of those disqualified Shiite candidates. I suspect that even of the names are made public no one would recognize them nor would I expect their disqualification affect their blocs in any significant manner.

The other important and suspicious point about the ban is that the banned politicians have been part of the political process for several years. This and the timing raise suspicion about the intentions of the Maliki government and the “justice and accountability commission.” While major existing partners in the political process are banned over alleged ties to the Ba’ath Party, the government is at the same time making deals with hostage killers like the group known as Asaib Ahl Al-Haq and is trying to persuade them to join the political process.

In light of these facts and suspicions, the ban is perceived by some in Iraq as a systematic targeting of the Sunni political class. Others think the target is nationalist non-sectarian blocs. I agree more with the latter in that the targets are actually blocs that identify themselves as nationalist/anti-sectarian. We can see for example that Salih Al-Mutlaq and Saad Aasim AL-Janabi (two prominent Sunni banned politicians) are members of the coalitions led by Iyad Allawi and Jawad Al-Bolani respectively. Considering that both Allawi and Bolani are secular nationalist Shiites, it would be wrong to consider the ban as to be targeting Sunni Arabs.

These two coalitions I mentioned (Allawi’s and Bolani’s) represent the most viable and credible attempts at creating political blocs that transcend sectarian affiliations. That’s why I think these heterogeneous coalitions were seen as a serious threat to coalitions that are more homogenous in their ethnic and sectarian composition like Maliki’s, ISCI-Sadr, PUK-KDP. The ban is therefore a manifestation of the struggle between the proponents of a consensus-based political process (like the one in Lebanon) and those of an actual democracy.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Several hundred candidates from about a dozen political blocs will reportedly be banned from Iraq's upcoming general elections in March.

The problem with this decision is that it seriously threatens to pull Iraq back to the political and security instability of several years ago, when boycotts and political sidelining put the country on the road to civil war.

The selective enforcement of law is not justice. It is also outrageous when the entity in charge of enforcing the "justice and accountability law" is led by a terror suspect.

Ali Faisal Al-Lami, the current head of the commission that issued the ban admitted that he supports one of the most notorious Iran-sponsored armed militias in Iraq.

To appoint a "reconciled" terrorist facilitator in a position where he judges who's qualified to run for office and who's not is a disaster. Whether Mutlaq and the other 500 candidates deserve to be banned or not is now irrelevant.

If the "justice and accountability law" is to be enforced, it should be enforced impartially on all Iraqi parties that have had a role in violence, before and after 2003 alike. Otherwise the law must be revised, suspended or, discarded altogether. After all, having two separate penal codes in one country does not foster justice and rule of law.

The ban has inflamed suspicions that the "justice and accountability law" is about exterminating the Sunni Arab constituent from political life to serve the Maliki's ambitions and Iran's interests--it is not about justice.

Since the surge began in 2007, Americans and Iraqis paid an immense price in blood and treasure to defeat our mutual enemies and make progress happen. We cannot allow this progress to be undone.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Maliki's State of Law bloc to pay for campaign with member donations
The State of Law coalition, which is led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his Da'awa Party is soliciting donations from members to finance the bloc's electoral campaign, Aswat al-Iraq reports. An official with the State of Law coalition said donation would be collected at a designated account with the Iraqi Rafidain Bank.

This is the first time a major political bloc solicits donations from its members with the declared aim of making these donations the primary source of campaign money.

If successful, this initiative could significantly boost the image of the coalition and give it an advantage over rivals whose campaign finances remain much more obscure.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
If your house is made of trash, don't kill the pigs.
Egyptians learned this, the hard way, heh!
Thirty Mahdi Army commanders assasinated in Damascus
Unknown gunmen assassinated 30 Mahdi Army commanders in the Syrian capital Damascus. The killings, made in the past few weeks, were all made "quietly, inside the victims apartments", said an unnamed source in the Sadr movement. The source added that among those assassinated was Laith al-Ka'bi, who commanded the Mahdi Army in the Palestine Street neighborhood in eastern Baghdad. The report adds that large numbers of Mahdi Army operatives left to Iran out of fear the assassinations wave could expand to target them.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
One-time enemies become ‘brothers’
An amazing story of two men, two wars and four jammed missiles:

The moon was full the night of Jan. 17, 1991, and Air Force Capt. Bill Iuliano, an F-111 bomber weapon systems officer, was in the air. It was the second night of Operation Desert Storm, a U.S.-led combat operation in opposition to Saddam Hussein's forces.

"We were flying from Incirlik Air Force Base in Turkey that night to take out some targets in northern Iraq," Iuliano recalled. "We flew south down the border between Iraq and Iran, turned southeast toward Baghdad, and were going to head back north to hit our targets on the way back to Turkey."

Iuliano said they detected "bandits" in the area, which turned out to be Iraqi IL-76 transport aircraft, heading east toward Iran. The F-15 fighter jets accompanying the F-111s were scrambled to intercept them.

"They came in behind the IL-76s and locked them in as targets," Iuliano said. "Each of the two jets fired two missiles apiece at the Iraqi planes, but something went wrong. Due to a maintenance issue, all four missiles hung and never fired. It turns out they were loaded wrong."

Iuliano, now a lieutenant colonel and commander of the 84th Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron and air liaison officer for Multi-National Division - South, said he was upset when he didn't get to see Iraqi planes shot down that night. It was a feeling that would stay with him for 18 years.
"I arrived in Iraq about four months ago," said Iuliano, a native of Boise, Idaho. "I took an interest in helping strengthen the Iraqi Air Force any way I could, and it was through that effort that I met Col. Sami [Saeed]."

Saeed, who commands the 70th Iraqi Air Force Squadron stationed at Contingency Operating Base Basrah, made fast friends with Iuliano. They have worked together and enjoyed each other's company for three months now, but only knew each other about a month when Saeed told Iuliano a story that shook him.

"He told me about being on a mission back during Desert Storm," Iuliano said. "When he told me the moon was full on the night he was talking about, I put two and two together and realized he was talking about that same night. He was piloting one of the planes we engaged that night."
Iuliano said he didn't want to say anything about being in the air that night and he didn't tell Saeed the jets fired on him.

"We had such a good friendship and I didn't want this to get in the way of our work," Iuliano said. "Some of the pilots in the 70th Squadron have asked me if I flew in Desert Storm and I told them I didn't. I just thought it would be better that way."

Iuliano, who is now at the end of his tour in Iraq, knew he couldn't leave the country without telling Saeed. He had a plaque made to present to Saeed and prepared to tell him the truth about that night.

"I'm going to get emotional when I tell him," Iuliano said with a sigh. "I don't know how this is going to go, but I'm ready."

The men met at Saeed's office building Sept. 14 to present gifts to each other in a brief ceremony. Saeed presented Iuliano and two other service members with tokens of appreciation, then Iuliano took the floor. He cleared his throat, looked around the room and began with his story – the part of Saeed's story he didn't know.

"A lot of you have asked me if I flew in the war in 1991," Iuliano said to Saeed and other Iraqi Air Force officers in the room. "I told you at the time that I hadn't, but that wasn't exactly the truth. I said that at the time because I didn't really know how to answer your question, but now I do. On the night of January 17th, under a full moon ..." Iuliano began.

Saeed looked at him in surprise, but allowed Iuliano to continue.

"... I flew in an F-111 bomber as part of a package sent to destroy targets in northern Iraq," Iuliano continued.

When Iuliano got to the part about IL-76s flying east toward Iran, Saeed put his hand on his chest and simply said, "Me?!"

Iuliano looked him in the eye and nodded. The next thing he said caused his voice to catch in a brief display of emotion. "The F-15s were sent to intercept you. They locked you in and fired, but due to a maintenance malfunction, the missiles hung. You are alive today because they were loaded wrong."

Saeed said he was never aware he was engaged by the U.S. Air Force during that mission.

"I had no idea I was being fired on," he said in amazement.

After Iuliano finished telling his story, he presented Saeed with a plaque that read, "Praise Allah for faulty maintenance. Major Sami, 17 Jan 1991, my enemy. Colonel Sami, 17 Jul 2009, my friend. LTC Bill "Julio" Iuliano, USAF."

The two men shook hands and embraced following the presentation, and Saeed told Iuliano, "Don't worry. Please don't worry about that."

Saeed said he was very fortunate to have survived that night, though he didn't know it at the time. He has certainly lived life to the fullest since then.

"When I took off on my mission that night, I was father to a six-month-old son, Ali," Saeed said. "Now I am father to four children. I also have a daughter, Noor, another daughter, Sama, and another son, Muhammad. Life is good because of them, but it has sometimes been hard."

Saeed said he saw his wife shot in the neck while hanging clothes out to dry, was thrown in jail by an associate of Saddam Hussein and was forced to participate in three separate wars as a result of Hussein's administration.

"I could not understand why we were always at war with Saddam in charge," Saeed said. "The Americans have always tried to help the people of Iraq and he had to make it hard for all of us."

Iuliano agreed with Saeed, saying, "The last people who ever want to see war are those of us in uniform."

However, it was war – two, actually – that brought the two men together. The first war, though neither man knew it at the time, made them enemies. The second has made them more than friends.

"We are now brothers," Saeed said with a smile.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Iraq Needs a Real Air Force
Austin Bay and I have a piece today in the Wall Street Journal on Iraq's air force and air defense needs. You can read it here.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Presidency council criticizes Maliki over standoff with Syria
Iraq's leaders seem very uncomfortable with what they consider a monopoly of decision-making by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

The Iraqi presidency council called for "containing the situation with neighboring Syria and for cooperation between the two countries to resolve disputes through dialogue and diplomatic channels".

A statement released after the council's meeting in Sulaymaniyah stressed the need to do what is in the best interest of both countries and to prevent "enemies" from using one country against the other. The presidency council includes president Jalal Talabani and his deputies Aadil Abdul-Mahdi and Tariq al-Hashimi.

The statement sounds like an attempt to water down Maliki's attitude toward Syria "the call for considering terrorist attacks as crimes against humanity and the proposal to form an international tribunal for this purpose is not about Syria, but about terrorism as a whole". The council intends to send messages to Maliki and to the secretary general of the Arab League to "explain the position of the presidency council which must be consulted and give approval" when it comes to fundamental and important issues.

VP Abdul-Mahdi was the most vocal in his criticism of Maliki. He basically warned against "having one party make dangerous decisions" in reference to Maliki's call for an international tribunal to investigate Syrian involvement in violence in Iraq.

The presidency council also seems very upset by Maliki's orders to fire several senior officers and the arrest warrant that was issued against Iraq's ambassador to Jordan. In this regard, the statement adds that "The council has taken steps to prohibit acts of defamation or other unconstitutional measures against ambassadors and senior officers as such acts damage Iraq reputation and disrupt the legal frameworks of the state".
Accord Front considers aligning with Maliki
A member of parliament from the Accord Front said the bloc was considering a political alliance with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law bloc.

MP Rasheed al-Azzawi told Radio Sawa that "We will announce our new alliance before Ramadan's end [a couple weeks from now]. Our talks with Maliki's bloc continue and it's not unlikely to have an alliance with them...Negotiations are moving within this framework"
Amendments more likely than replacement for Iraq election law
A member of parliament said lawmakers were more likely to agree on amendments for the existing election law than to agree on a whole new legislation.
MP Wa'ail Abdul-Latif, who is also a judge, explained that there is simply not enough time to draft and pass a new election law to replace the existing one that has been in use since 2005. The parliament has to meet a mid-November deadline for agreeing on a legislation under which the next general elections can take place in January.

"Time is not enough to pass a new legislation, therefore we will rely on the 2005 election law and introduce certain amendments, such as replacing the closed slate system with the open slate system" Abdul-Latif added. The open slate system would allow voters to vote for individual candidates instead of whole party slates.
Anti-Syria demonstrations in Babil
More than 300 Iraqis protested on Monday to demand that Syria stop its alleged support for "terrorists and assassins" determined to carry out attacks in Iraq.

The demonstrators gathered in Hilla, 120 kilometres (75 miles) south of Baghdad, and held up banners, declaring: "Immorality, Bashar, means killing innocent people in cold blood" -- a jibe at Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Assad has dismissed as "immoral" and politically motivated allegations by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that Syria is harbouring terrorists.

"The Baathists and Takfiris (Sunni extremists) come from your country, Bashar," said another banner at the protest in Hilla, capital of Babil province, referring to the outlawed Baath party of ousted dictator Saddam Hussein.

It is worth mentioning that Babil was hit by a series of synchronized bombings on August 20, a day after the deadly August 19 attacks in Baghdad.
Syrian intelligence smuggled top suspects in Baghdad bombings to Lebanon
Syrian intelligence used fake IDs to smuggle the primary suspects of masterminding the August 19 bombings to Lebanon, Lebanese security sources revealed.

The report says that Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed and Sattam Farhan were sent to Lebanon using fake passports. Other insurgents are waiting to be sent to Sudan in a similar manner.

Al-Ahmed and Farhan are the two senior Ba'ath Party members whom Baghdad accused of masterminding the August 19 attacks in Baghdad. A crisis between Iraq and Syria started when the Iraqi government asked Damascus to hand over the two men.

In related news, al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that Iraqi Ba'ath Party members residing in Syria are anxiously following developments in the crisis between Baghdad and Damascus and are preparing for the worst. Abu Al-Walid, a Ba'ath Party member told al-Sharq al-Awsat from Syria that he and his colleagues are "following the news and preparing to relocate to another country in case the Iraqi government decided to prosecute them or, in case the Syrian government had to hand over all Ba'ath members; wanted or not".
U.S. sponsored talks between Nineveh's Arabs and Kurds
Al-Sharq al-Awsat:

The US Embassy sponsored yesterday the first session of direct negotiations between Al-Hadba bloc that has an Arab majority and the Ninawah Fraternity bloc that has a Kurdish majority which boycotted the Mosul-based Ninawah Governorate Council's tasks since April.

The negotiations are aimed at achieving rapprochement between the two sides and forming a joint administration for the governorate which has been suffering from a real administrative crisis since the elections of the governorates' councils in January in which Al-Hadba List won 19 out of37 seats and got most of the sovereign posts in the local government after excluding the Ninawah List.

Khisru Kuran, leader of the Ninawah List which won 12 seats in the council, said: "We welcome any meeting with Al-Hadba even if it was just a matter of courtesy, such as a joint fast breaking dinner, so as to break the ice in the two sides' relations." He added in an exclusive statement to Asharq Al-Awsat at the end of the meeting between the two sides' representatives: "We held a meeting which was attended by two members from Al-Hadba and Ninawah Lists, a member of the Iraqi Islamic Party, and several American friends. The session was dedicated to an exchange of views about the reasons of the estrangement between us and a discussion of the current situations in the governorate in general."

Kuran, who is also in charge of the Ninawah branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party's organizations which is led by Kurdistan Region President Masud Barzani, added: "We were never opposed to dialogue and negotiations for solving problems. Our doors were and remain open and our hands extended for peace because we want what is good for this governorate. But we believe that the problems in the new Iraq cannot be solved except through rational dialogue, common understanding, and political accord."

Regarding his bloc's threats to split Ninawah Governorate into two, one following Baghdad and the other the Kurdistan Region, if the situations remained as they are now, Kuran said: "The governorate is already actually split. There are 16 administrative units like districts and sub districts which have been boycotting for months the orders, instructions, and sessions of the new administration in Ninawah. This is in itself a split in the governorate's administrative structure but we are seriously seeking to solve the existing problems so as to avoid perpetuating this split." He added: "There is no doubt that if the efforts and negotiations sessions bring positive results then the causes for the split or division taking place will disappear and the opposite is true also."
Maliki to send several senior officers to early retirement
There are unconfirmed reports that Prime Minister Maliki has issued orders to send several top security officials to early retirement. The list includes the chief of the explosives department and the director of internal affairs at the ministry of interior (MOI). The news came only a day after Maliki fired the director of operations at the MOI. Less than two weeks ago, the director of the national intelligence service was also fired, or made to resign his position.

There is no concrete information about the reasons behind the decision to dismiss the three senior MOI officers. However, a senior government official told al-Mada that leaks regarding a sensitive security case were behind the firings.
Iraq has satellite imagery of Syria training camps
The Iraqi government showed Turkey's FM satellite imagery of training camps used by Iraq's ousted Ba'ath Party in Syria, a Turkish newspaper reported.

Turkey's foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu was in Baghdad last week for talks on the growing crisis between Iraq and Syria. Iraq had demanded that Syria hands over two senior Ba'ath members suspected of planning the August 19 attacks in Baghdad.

According to the report, Iraq obtained the images of insurgents training camps from a U.S. intelligence service that also monitors PKK (Kurdish separatists) movements in northern Iraq and southern Turkey.

In related news, Iraq's decision to send reinforcements to the Syrian border appears to be part of a greater plan that now has a name. Iraqi newspapers wrote that Iraq launched operation "Iraq Walls" to secure thousands of miles of borders with Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia. The operation, which will focus initially on the Syrian border, aims to create concentric security belts to intercept infiltrating militants before they can reach safe havens in urban areas.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
ISF find drones in weapons cache

Iraqi security forces found this drone in a weapons cache uncovered in western Baghdad yesterday. There is no available information on the origin, model or capabilities of this machine. If anyone has a clue, please feel free to share in the comments section.
Maliki fires senior MOI officer
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki fired a senior officer in the ministry of interior, al-Arabiya TV reported. The officer, Abdul-Kareem Khalaf served for several years as director of operations at the MOI, which oversees the local and federal police forces, among other law enforcement services. The position is roughly the equivalent to that of an army chief of staff.
There is no word about the reasons behind Maliki's decision. There are, however, news that the minister of interior, Jawad al-Bolani is trying to convince Maliki to reconsider his decision.
Syrian Morals
The Syrian regime lashed out at Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki who stressed that Syria must hand over two senior members of the Ba'ath Party. The Iraqi government had accused the two men (Mohammed Younis al-Ahmed and Sattam Farhan) who are believed to be in Syria, of masterminding the August 19 attacks in Baghdad.

A major Syrian newspaper wrote that Syria's "morals" prevent the handover of the two wanted suspects.

Syria never handed over people who took shelter from the threat of injustice, arbitrary acts and death...They all know what their fate would have been if Syria had such political morals," said regime mouthpiece al-Thawra, referring to al-Maliki and President Jalal Talabani.

Now let me rewrite this sentence to better reflect the truth:

Syria never handed over people who could be used to undermine its neighbors' stability and further Syria's malicious role in the region. They all know what Syria's fate would have been if not for such immoral practices.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Iraq seeks an international tribunal to investigate foreign interference
Iraq continues to insist on internationalizing the crisis with Syria, which began after Iraq demanded that Syria hands over senior Ba’ath Party members. Iraq now plans to persuade the international community to form an international criminal court, similar to the one investigating the assassination of the late Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki stressed at a meeting with the Turkish FM that Iraq “will move forward to demand that the UN forms an international tribunal to prosecute those who committed ugly crimes that target Iraq’s stability and people and killed many innocent lives”.

Foreign minister Hoshyar Zibari echoed the plan and actually hinted that Iraq would want the tribunal to look into more than just the August 19 attacks. “Iraq is to talk to the UN about forming an international criminal tribunal to investigate all crimes that undermined Iraq’s national security” said Zibari.
Maliki’s adviser, Sadik al-Rikabi confirmed that Iraq intends to open the files of foreign interference and is going to do something about “all countries that foment instability in Iraq”.

Rikabi’s statement sounds like an attempt to appease Iraqi politicians who criticized the government for focusing on Syria but not condemning Iran, In my opinion Iraq can hardly handle this standoff with Syria, let alone Syria and Iran simultaneously.

Iraq has so far succeeded in making the crisis an international issue. First, Turkey and Iran stepped in to mediate between Iraq and Syria and now France and the United States too are trying to contain the escalation and calling for resolving it with dialogue.

However, I doubt that Iraq would be able to garner enough international support for a tribunal similar to the one handling the Lebanese situation. The reason for that is that, in my opinion, Iraq has chosen the wrong time for this. The international community, particularly the US and France are trying to reassure Syria and persuade it to break ties with Iran.
The situation in the Middle East is complex. Syria, while having interest in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, prefers to negotiate the situation in these places not with the people who live there, but rather with the greater powers that can offer something in exchange.

In this context, Iraq’s demands could disrupt Western efforts for rapprochement with Syria who might presume that the US stands behind this unprecedented pressure from Iraq. The US, after all, still has considerable influence in Iraq.

This kind of misunderstanding could derail all efforts to reassure Syria and encourage it to break ties with Iran. As a result, Syria could fall back into Iran’s arms, which of course serves Iran’s interests.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Iraq postpones census until October 2010
Aswat al-Iraq:
Spokesman for the Iraqi government said on Monday that the council of ministers has agreed to postpone the census until October 2010 and to form a high committee with the Kurdistan region to solve all problems between the two sides.

“The council agreed on a suggestion from the operations room of the general census for residents to continue rehabilitations procedures and to implement the census in October 2010,” Ali al-Dabbagh told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“The council agreed also to form a high committee between the federal and regional governments to solve and facilitate all problems,” he added.

On Sunday (Aug. 16), the Iraqi minister of planning and development cooperation, Ali Baban, said that the census, scheduled to be carried out on October 24, will be postponed until further notice following reservations from political blocs in Ninewa and Kirkuk.
Iraq-Turkey railroad opens tomorrow
The Iraqi ministry of transportation announced yesterday that the Iraq-Turkey railroad will be opened September 1st.
The railroad will serve as a link between Gulf and Mediterranean seaports.
Turkish FM: Baghdad's Information "Convincing"
Aswat Al-Iraq:
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Monday described information he received from the Iraqi government on the crisis with Syria as convincing, noting that he will transfer it to Damascus.

At a joint press conference with his Iraqi counterpart, Hoshyar Zebari in Baghdad, the minister called on the two sides to exchange information on the current crisis without revealing them.

The minister said that he discussed with President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Vice President Adel Abdulmahdi the latest developments between Iraq and Syria.

“We understood the Iraqi stance and its persuasive information and I will carry them to the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his foreign minister Walied al-Muallem during my visit to Damascus,” he said.
Relations between Iraq and Syria deteriorated after Baghdad alleged that Damascus was harboring leaders behind one of two devastating truck bombings that killed 95 people and wounded about 600 in the Iraqi capital on August 19.

Earlier this week, Iraq recalled its ambassador in Damascus and Syria retaliated within hours by ordering back its envoy from Baghdad.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
New Shiite-Sunni political coalition formed
A new political bloc involving both Sunni and Shiite political and tribal figures was announced in Baghdad yesterday. The new bloc, Bayariq al-Iraq includes 20 registered political entities.

Prominent and influential members include Yousif al-Haboubi, the independent politician who won most of the votes in the provincial elections in Kerbala earlier this year. There is also Ali Hatem Ali Sulaiman, chief of the powerful al-Dulaim tribes in western Iraq.

According to Suleiman, the coalition involves more than a 100 Sahwat (Awakening) leaders from Baghdad and surrounding areas. However, Suleiman admitted that the other two senior Awakening figures (Hameed Hayis and Thamir al-Timimi) are not part of the coalition.
"Hayis found himself in the National Iraqi Alliance (formerly known as UIA) while Timimi has not made up his mind yet" Suleiman explained.
That stands for Improvised Rectal Explosive Device; Al-Qaeda's newest weapon.
The suicide bomber who tried to assassinate a Saudi prince used an unusual place to conceal his explosive charge; his anus.
Al-Arabiya, a Saudi-owned television network, said the attacker concealed the explosives in his anus, allowing him to evade detection. The network also quoted an expert as saying that the method of concealment aimed the blast away from the target, while blowing the bomber to bits.

Fortunately the attack failed, otherwise Iraqi officials would freak out and demand that all visitors to government offices have their anuses probed before entry.
But seriously, how did he place the explosives in his anus? I don't think he could've done it on his own. But on the other hand if someone else helped him do it then that makes the whole operation unholy, and very gay, right?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Baghdad: Cell involved in Wednesday's attacks captured
State owned al-Sabah reports that a special force of the ministry of interior captured 14 suspects believed to have been involved in the August 19 attacks in Baghdad that killed more than a hundred people.

The confessions of the captured cell members lead to the bomb factory where the trucks used in the attacks were made. Inside the factory, which was in the Ghazaliyah district in northwestern Baghdad, another truck-bomb was found and disposed of.

Security sources told the newspaper that the MOI force identified the owner of the truck that was used in the attack on the foreign ministry through the vehicle's plate.
It is not clear though how the plates survived the force of the massive explosion.

The report adds that the suicide bomber who drove the truck was released from Camp Bucca just three months ago, according to one of his relatives who is in MOI custody. The unnamed bomber was a member of the so called Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group of terrorist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Sadr calls for banning alcohol
He is still hiding in Iran yet he insists on interfering in people's lives.
Moqtada Sadr called for shutting down all bars and liquor stores in all of Iraq. Mr. Sadr said in a statement that was read by his representative in Kofa Dhiya al-Shawki that all bars and liquor stores that spread recently in some Iraqi cities must be closed. he also criticized he phenomenon of not observing the fast in Ramadan.

I guess he's practicing for his future "Ayatollah" job. There were reports that Sadr intends to return to Iraq in Ramadan and declare himself an Ayatollah. The degree traditionally requires 15 years of theological studies. Sadr, being the genius (imbecile) that he is, reportedly claims to have condensed the program in 2 years only.
No suffrage for Kirkukis outside
Kirkuki people residing outside the province are not entitled to vote even if they have food ration forms from Kirkuk, the Independent High Electoral Commission’s Kirkuk office noted. Likewise, the decision applies on Mosul and Diyala as they are areas of dispute between Erbil and Baghdad, the IHEC said.

Political rifts are seemed reflected in the decision as it is a complete loss for Kurds, head of Kirkuk provincial council Rizgar Ali said.

“We will boycott elections if the IHEC would impose and enforce the decision”, he added.

Kirkuk, 255 km from north of Baghdad, has a population of 775 thousand people and is a disputed area between Baghdad and Erbil. The Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution is mainly evoked in the case of Kirkuk province, which is the main source of tension between Erbil and Baghdad.

This decision could further strain relations between Baghdad and Erbil. Actually I don't think the Kurds would ever accept it.

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