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Rogers announces HTC Dream (G1) and Magic coming in June

It's Android time, Canadians. Mark your calendars for June 2nd as Rogers Wireless has just announced the exclusive arrival of both the HTC Dream (aka G1) and HTC Magic (aka QWERTY-less G1) next month. Details are a bit scarce for the moment but Rogers' release promises that clarification is forthcoming. For the time being, it's safe to say that at least the HTC Dream will become available on June 2nd. The HTC Magic will arrive in June as well though it is unclear if the actual launch date will ...

Dell working on Android Netbook :: TweakTown

The rumor sprang into life after BSquare announced it had ported Adobe Flash Lite 3.17 over to Android for Dell's upcoming netbooks. Funny thing though, Dell has not announced any netbooks using Android. Dell has not responded to the PR ... ...

Android Market Gets Some Updates

The Android Market Support Team have today sent out an email to Android developers informing them of a number of updates to the Android Market. The new Android Market updates include: Allowing developers to target new countries for free applications Improvements to local language support for more countries All published apps will be required to indicate a minimum SDK version in the manifest file. The full email text can be found after the jump - Thanks to everyone that sent this in! Hello, ...

Palm Pre banner hits Best Buy website, acts like a total tease

Filed under: Handsets, Palm, Sprint Given that Sprint and Palm are no stranger to Best Buy shelves, it was only natural that the Pre would be headed that way, and it looks like a sure thing now that a bright yellow Pre banner landed on Best Buy's website. Oddly, the banner only seems to show its face under specific searches for "pre" or "palm pre," and isn't linked to any further info -- like a super-convenient launch date and price or anything special like that. What it does suggest is that Pal ...

Ericsson CEO: Sony would make "logical buyer" for its stake in Sony Ericsson

Filed under: Sony EricssonIn an interview with the Financial Times this week, Ericsson chief Carl-Henric Svanberg reiterated his earlier stance that the company can and would inject capital into its Sony Ericsson joint venture if absolutely necessary -- an overture Sony is currently making, too. More interestingly, though, he casually tossed out that Sony would be a "logical buyer" for Ericsson's share of the firm, which we suppose makes sense since... you know, they already own half of the thin ...

Canada's Bell to get the Palm Pre in 2H; could TELUS follow soon after?

Good news for Canadians who have been so patiently waiting for news as to which carrier will be offering the Palm Pre — Bell has announced that it will be offering Palm's first WebOS powered device some time in the second half of 2009. As one would expect, both Bell and Palm are not offering up any specific pricing details or a release time-frame other than 2H. Of particular interest in the press release is the language that Bell used as it noted that the Pre "will debut in Canada exclusi ...

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