Fat Cat Tuesday

On Feb. 16, we took to the streets of Hartford to tell insurance companies and corporate interests to stop opposing the reforms we need. Christine Stuart of CT News Junkie reported on our action:

Carrying pitchforks and torches a group of labor unions and health care groups marched down Church Street in Hartford Tuesday night to let the state’s largest business lobby know that they want health care reform.

John Murphy of the Connecticut Citizens Action Group said the Connecticut Business and Industry Association symbolizes what the group is up against in its fight for quality, affordable health care.

CBIA makes most of its revenue from selling insurance to small businesses, Murphy said. He said it is blocking reform efforts because under a government run system health care system it would lose money.

Visit CTNewsJunkie.com to read the full report.

Other news reports on the action:

  • The Bristol Press - "Action Group Protests Large Insurance Company Profits" by Scott Whipple
  • Public News Service - "Hartford Mardi Gras Parade for 'Fat Cat' Tuesday"
  • The Truth About Financial Reform

    If you've watched any local television lately, you have probably seen an advertisement from the "Committee for Truth in Politics" that is anything but true. Americans for Financial Reform responded to the advertisement in a recent e-mail to its members:

    You may have seen this ad from the "Committee for Truth in Politics" on TV that claims that financial reform is really a $4 trillion bank bailout - a claim that doesn't resemble any truth, as Factcheck.org explains. And where did this group get the idea to say black is white and up is down? From a man named Frank Luntz.

    Frank Luntz is a pollster for many of the corporations that created our financial meltdown, including Merrill Lynch and bear Sterns. This is the same Luntz whose health insurance reform talking points - on how to best stir up fear and confusion in the American people to derail reform and protect insurance industry profits - showed up across the web and in the mouths of lawmakers. So it shouldn't be surprising that he's at it again, this time writing a 17-page memo on how to kill financial reform.

    Learn more by reading Americans for Financial Reform Director Heather Booth's response on the Huffington Post.

    Our Financial Security - Take Action Today!

    CCAG is committed to our financial security, and is partnered with Americans for Financial Reform to push for the change we need in light of the global economic crisis.

    The financial industry is spending millions to block the creation of an independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Please join CCAG and help us stand up to these big special interests.

    In his first State of the Union address, President Obama reinforced his ambitious agenda to fix the economy and enact financial reform, including measures to hold Big Banks accountable for their reckless actions that led to our financial crisis and the loss of millions of jobs:

    "The House has passed financial reform...And the lobbyists are already trying to kill it. Well, we cannot let them win this fight. And if the bill that ends up on my desk does not meet the test of real reform, I will send it back."

    Take Action Now! Click here to write to your Senators and tell them to stand with you. Tell them to hold the Big Banks accountable for bringing down the economy!

    After you've written, be sure to call Senator Dodd at (202) 224-3121. Thank him for supporting the creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) without weakening states' ability to protect consumers and to please continue to fight for an independent CFPA.

    Click on the read more link below to learn about Americans for Financial Reform.

    The Move Your Money Project

    Learn more about moving your money from a "too big to fail" bank to a local community bank at the Move Your Money Project website: http://moveyourmoney.info.

    Let's Finish Reform Right: 2 Ways to Help!

    There is a lot of talk about the recent special election in Massachusetts being a referendum on health care reform. It was not. In fact, Massachusetts has already moved comprehensive reform and 98% of Massachusetts residents have health insurance as a result. It was a referendum on a particular candidate in a climate in which people, hard pressed and frustrated by the economy, are impatient for change.

    And nothing has changed.

    People still need quality, affordable health care. Our friends and loved ones are still being denied care for pre-existing conditions. We still need to address the health care crisis, and cannot continue to allow medical expenses to bankrupt our country's families and businesses.

    It's time to finish reform right. There are two things you can do right now to help:

    1. Write a letter to the editor.

    An election in Massachusetts didn’t change the fact that thousands still lose their health insurance every day. People are still going bankrupt. Insurance companies are still denying care. We still need health care reform, and we need it done right.

    We voted for change in 2008, and politicians in Washington must deliver that change, or else.

    [Click here and enter your zip code to send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.]

    2. Send a letter to President Obama and Congressional leaders.

    Dear President Obama, Speaker Pelosi & Majority Leader Reid:

    After the special election in Massachusetts, I'm sending you this letter again because I feel it is crucial you understand that you must finish health reform right and deliver real change to America.

    To finish the job and deliver a health reform bill that meets the needs of America’s families, we urge that you and conference leaders resolve a number of critical outstanding issues. These issues may be summarized under two goals:

    Low and middle income families must be able to afford health insurance, and employers must be asked to provide good health coverage for their employees so health care is affordable at work. Health care should not be paid for with a tax on health benefits.

    If the insurance companies win, we lose. Insurance companies must be held accountable with strong regulations and consumer protections, and we must be given the choice of a national public health insurance option available on day one across the United States.

    You have my full support in addressing these critical issues before legislation is sent to the White House for a final signature.



    [Click here to sign and send the letter today!]

    Report highlights how Connecticut insurance companies ‘waste premiums’

    HARTFORD — Connecticut Health Care For America Now released a study Thursday that spotlights how private health insurance companies “waste premiums.”

    Health Care for America Now is comprised of more than 1,000 organizations representing more than 30 million people nationwide.

    Connecticut HCAN supports the “Ensuring Value for Premiums” amendment to health care reform legislation pending in the U.S. Senate. The legislation, introduced Dec. 4 by U.S. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., requires private insurance companies to spend 90 percent of their revenue from premiums on health care-related costs. The remaining 10 percent of the premium would be used to build in overhead, profits and other non-medical payout charges.

    Private health insurance companies spend, on average, 81 percent of their premium revenues on health care-related costs. In Connecticut, one company, Wellpoint, spends 83.6 percent of premium dollars on care.

    By comparison, Medicare spends almost 98 percent of its premium revenues on health care-related costs.

    PETITION: Sen. Reid, Ignore Joe's Threats and Pass a Bill with Public Option

    Connecticut Citizen Action Group
    Sign Up for E-Mail Action AlertsFollow us on TwitterFind us on FacebookContribute to CCAG
    Dear Friend,

    As you know, our Senior Senator Chris Dodd has been a champion for health care reform, standing firmly behind a public health insurance option, which 68% of Connecticut residents (and a large majority of the U.S.) support.

    When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced earlier this week that a public option will be included in the Senate Bill, it was a direct result of Sen. Dodd's leadership on the issue.

    And so Senator Reid deserves our thanks for standing with Chris Dodd -- and with us -- to put forward a health care bill with a public option. More importantly, since Senator Lieberman has threatened to side with Republicans and insurance companies, we want Senator Reid to turn a deaf ear to those threats. Let's tell Senator Reid that a majority of Connecticut residents stand with him and Senator Dodd, and urge them to pass health care reform with a public option, using the reconciliation process if necessary.

    Below is an excerpt from the petition thanking Senator Reid and telling him to continue standing with Sen. Dodd for the public option. Will you sign it?

    We, the undersigned residents of Connecticut, urge you on behalf of the 68% of our neighbors that want a public health insurance option to ignore Senator Lieberman’s threats to side with the Republicans and insurance companies in blocking real reform and to use the reconciliation process to pass the Kennedy/Dodd public option if necessary.

    Click here to sign the petition urging Senator Reid to pass a bill with the public option.

    Please consider forwarding this message to your family, friends & neighbors, and as always thanks for all that you do.

    John Murphy

    CCAG Political Director

    This is an e-mail that was recently sent to our Action Alert subscribers. To make sure you are always first to know about upcoming events, and actions you can take, please take a moment to sign up for e-mail action alerts:

    Once you have clicked "Subscribe" be sure to check your e-mail for a message from us. You will need to confirm your subscription in order to receive e-mail action alerts.
    Note: You may need to use your browser's back button to return to this page.

    Sen. Dodd Statement on the Public Option

    Sen. Dodd: Leading the Fight for Health Insurance Reform

    Senator Dodd released a statement on the Public Option today:

    “I fought for a strong public option – in the HELP Committee and in this merger process – because it is the best way to keep costs low and insurance companies honest,” said Dodd. “Majority Leader Reid has made a bold and right choice to endorse the HELP Committee public option, along with a provision allowing states to opt out. At its core, health care reform is about making insurance more stable and affordable for those who have it, and available to those who don’t, while improving quality and lowering costs. I believe that the public option is a key component to successful reform, and I will continue to lead the fight for it on the Senate floor.”

    He's taken his leadership role on health care reform seriously, and you can thank him for it. Just call 1-877-264-4226 to be connected to Senator Dodd's Washington office, and thank him for fighting for real reform.

    Standing with Sen. Dodd and President Obama for Health Care Reform

    Friday October 23 in Stamford, health care activists braved the October chill to rally across from a fundraiser for Senator Dodd featuring President Obama. Our message was simple: We want quality, affordable health care for everyone -- with a strong public option -- and we expect Sen. Dodd and Pres. Obama to deliver it.

    More photos can be viewed on the CCAG Facebook page or at Zooomr.

    Reporting for CT News Junkie, Sharon Bass wrote about the rallies going on outside the event:

    After showing their might at town hall meetings, tea partiers who came to protest President Obama’s pit stop for U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd at the Stamford Hilton Friday were, well, a disappointment. Expected to turn out in the hundreds, they numbered at best 200. Expected to put on a loud lively show, they were subdued.

    Gathered on Greenwich Avenue, just down the hill from the hotel, the not-so-angry right who came to protest Dodd’s re-election bid was met by a slightly bigger crowd of Dodd supporters. However the real topic du jour was health-care reform.


    Across the street were the lefties — Health Care for America Now, Organizing for America and labor groups. John Murphy, lead organizer for HCAN’s Connecticut operation, and Rich Sivel, health-care organizer for Council 4, AFSCME, stood together in support of Dodd and a government-run public health-insurance option. As well as for the tea party movement.

    “I’m glad they’re (tea partiers) here, because they’ve made Dodd a better legislator,” said Murphy. “The more they act up, the better (Dodd) gets.”

    For a report from inside the event, check out Christine Stuart's story at CT News Junkie.

    Support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency Without Weaking State Protections

    Why do we need State consumer protection laws, once we have the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA)?

    States must be able to address problems within their borders, before they become nation-wide problems. Purely local problems do not need national legislation. These issues are best dealt with at the State and local levels.

    Won’t this result in the CFPA and the States issuing rules on the same topic?

    No. Historically, the States have stepped in where Federal policymakers have failed to establish adequate protections. The CFPA is intended to avert such failures in the future. If the CFPA does its job, it will ensure that consumers are adequately protected, and States will not feel compelled to go further. State legislators are subject to the same pressures as all other policy makers, and they do not seek out reasons to push back against the lending industry. Keeping alive the States’ traditional role will provide a backstop against lapses at the federal level and extra assurance that consumers will be appropriately protected. This will also incent industry to cooperate with efforts by the CFPA to issue protections that are appropriately robust and effective.

    Are there other advantages to retaining the State’s traditional role in policymaking?

    State laws responding to local problems provide useful models and data points for policymakers in other States and at the Federal level. This keeps our policies vibrant and innovative, and enables Federal policymakers to develop best practices based on the experiences of the States.

    Click here to continue reading two news clips about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

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