Energy Reform

Online Energy Forum

CCAG Online Energy Forum

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Get involved in lowering the high cost of energy!

CCAG and AARP have held Energy Forums in Watertown, Hartford and Waterford--but in order to reach the greatest number of people with resources for lowering our energy bills, we are presenting this Online Energy Forum.

At this Online Energy Forum you can view videos of speakers at the Waterford forum, peruse Rep. Vickie Nardello's powerpoint presentation on energy, and follow links to resources that will help you lower your energy bills. You can also look at some of the proposed legislation to help consumers with energy costs, including a bill that would create a Connecticut Power Authority.

Most importantly, the Online Energy Forum is a resource that will be periodically updated with the latest information. We suggest that you bookmark this page ( so that if you need resources on energy assistance, you can find them.

In the video below from the Waterford forum, State Representative Vickie Nardello, House Co-Chair of the General Assembly’s Energy and Technology Committee, explains why Connecticut has the highest electric rates in the continental United States and how we can fight back.

Representative Nardello also discusses the major legislation that will be coming out of the Energy and Technology Committee, which includes a public power authority proposal and a windfall profits rebate. For the last three years, CCAG, AARP and Attorney General Richard Blumenthal have advocated for a public power authority. AARP has commissioned a study that proves Connecticut consumers would save money on their power bills if we had a public power authority.


Representative Nardello's Presentation

View Rep. Nardello's slides below:

Rep. Nardello explains how a Connecticut Power Authority will help Connecticut ratepayers.

Shirley Berger of Connecticut Legal Services speaks about ways that consumers can lower their energy bills.

Utility Day Events

Don Becker from CL&P speaks about the resources available to consumers.


Citizen's Oil Co-Op


CT Energy Info

Legal Assistance Resource Center of Connecticut


DSS Energy Hotline

  • 1 (800) 842-1132

General Assembly

2009 CCAG Legislative Agenda

The legislative agenda is the master plan for this session’s lobbying, research and issue communications with members focusing on five main areas of public interest.

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Solar Tour and Seminar: Discover how to "green" your office!

May 17 2008 12:00 pm
May 17 2008 3:00 pm

Come to a special tour of the first large new solar electric installation in a dental/medical office building!

Discover how to "green" your office!

The tour/seminars will take place on Saturday afternoon May 17 at 12 noon, 1:30 and 3:00 at Dental Associates in Farmington.

This event is a special invitation to all offices and building owners. We especially encourage all health professionals who either own their own buildings or can work with the owners of their building to produce clean grid-tied solar electricity. PACE believes that clean energy is synonymous with an improved health environment.

The tour/seminars are sponsored by PACE and co-sponsored by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund. The event will include experts from the Clean Energy Fund, the Connecticut Green Building Council, Solar Works and a dentist from the office.

For more information, visit People's Action for Clean Energy at


May 3 2008 11:30 am
May 3 2008 5:00 pm


On Saturday, May 3, a special solar tour and seminar will be held in Canton, Connecticut. The tour will showcase an outstanding passive solar timber frame home with solar energy systems that were installed in three stages. This is the 50th solar house tour sponsored by People’s Action for Clean Energy; it is co-sponsored by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund.

Space is limited! To make reservations and for more information, please visit People’s Action for Clean Energy at

People's Action for Clean Energy (PACE): More Solutions to an Inconvenient Truth

Nov 17 2007 5:00 pm
Nov 17 2007 9:00 pm



Unitarian Society of Hartford
50 Bloomfield Avenue, Hartford
(1/10 mile north from intersection of Rts. 44 & 189)

Admission is free to the public. Donations are welcome.

5:00-7:00 PM


Solar energy installers (Connecticut Clean Energy Fund)
Environmental Exhibits
City Line Pizza, homemade desserts, coffee

7:00 PM Annual Meeting - Rep. James O'Rourke, President


Lifetime Achievement:
The American Solar Energy Society (
(represented by Steven and Marilyn Strong)
Legislative: Rep. Steve Fontana; Rep. Vickie Orsini Nardello
Business: Van Zelm, Heywood & Shadford, Inc.
Media: Jennifer Boyd (CPTV "The Warming of Connecticut")

8:00 PM


Steven J. Strong -
Award Winner & President of Solar Design


(860) 693-4813 or

PACE is a non-profit public health organization

CL&P Scraps Bonus Request

Hartford Courant - November 9, 2007
By MARK PETERS Courant Staff Writer

Connecticut Light & Power agreed Thursday to withdraw its request that ratepayers pick up the cost of bonuses paid to top executives in the face of mounting criticism from customers, elected officials and consumer advocates.

The cost of incentive bonuses has traditionally been paid by shareholders, not ratepayers.

The utility company's decision came four days after The Courant reported how CL&P, the state's largest power company, had asked regulators for permission to pass on the $3.5 million cost of annual executive bonuses through higher electric rates.

CL&P officials had defended the change, contained in hundreds of pages of documents related to its request for a rate increase, as a cost of doing business that should be passed on to customers. They said the incentives help the company recruit top talent and ensure that executives do the best job possible.

CL&P Bonuses Spark Fight

Hartford Courant - November 5, 2007
By MARK PETERS Courant Staff Writer

Connecticut Light & Power, which is facing sharp criticism over its customer service, has quietly asked state regulators to make ratepayers pick up the tab for millions of dollars in bonuses paid to top executives.

In the past, shareholders - not electricity customers - have paid for the often six-figure incentive plans for top officers of both Northeast Utilities and its CL&P subsidiary, including NU's president and CEO, Charles Shivery, and CL&P President Raymond Necci.

Money from electric rates traditionally has covered only the salaries of company officers. Money for bonuses typically has come from company earnings.

Now CL&P is arguing that incentive bonuses are part of its costs, so customers should start paying them.

But consumer advocates and large-scale electric users are promising a fight, saying electric rates shouldn't be used to fatten already lucrative executive pay packages.

Energy - 2007 Legislative Highlight

Energy - Deregulation of CT’s electric industry has resulted in CT having the highest electric rates in the continental United States and it has failed to lower prices for ratepayers in any other state where they have deregulated. The General Assembly passed a bill (HB7432) that fell far short of the energy reform policy that is needed to provide rate relief to CT’s consumers. The (bill) included investments for energy-efficient appliances, which CCAG supports, but we opposed the bill because even as its proponents admitted, it did nothing to lower electric rates or offer a structural change in the way this broken system works. CCAG fought hard to pass a Windfall Profit Rebate that would have resulted in $355 million going back to the consumers pockets and a Public Power Authority that would have provided more affordable electricity than that of the unregulated for profit generators. A Windfall Profit Rebate is not the long term energy reform solution we need but was the best short term way to bring relief to the rate payers immediately.

A letter to State Legislators from consumer and environmental groups regarding rate relief

Dear Legislator,

Connecticut needs a sound energy policy that protects consumers and promotes a clean, secure energy future for our state. As the leading retiree, consumer, environmental and low income family interest organizations in Connecticut, it is our fervent hope that a bill can be worked out between both chambers that meets these needs.

We are cautiously optimistic that negotiations between the House and Senate will result in a single bill addressing Connecticut’s needs: a clearly articulated energy policy for the future

There are many points of agreement between the two bills, but also significant unresolved issues. Critical outstanding issues that must be resolved include:
• Cost-of-service generation – Retail competition has resulted in Connecticut having the highest electric rates in the continental United States and it has failed to lower prices for ratepayers in any other state.

Both the Senate and House support cost-of service generation in the short term for generation capacity needed for reliability. Cost-of-service generation must also be included for base and peak generation in all of Connecticut’s future energy planning.

CCAG Supports House Bill 7098


We must decide whether to continue pricing electricity based on the highest cost the markets will bear or whether to move to a system that gives control back to the state by requiring prices to be based on the cost to produce the electricity and a reasonable profit.

Refusing to make a decision supports the current system that is not working and leaves control in the hands of generators, hedge funds & retailers.

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