help out!

Like what we do? Want to help out?

As it says on the front page, is a resource for all people who wish to fight to improve their lives, their communities and their working conditions. We want to discuss with one another, learn from successes and failures of the past and develop strategies to increase the power we, as ordinary people, have over our own lives.

If you agree with these aims, and think that is a worthwhile project, we’d love you to help us out. The site is maintained and funded entirely by volunteers. As such we appreciate any assistance anyone can give.

We could do with some help in the following areas, and if you think you can do anything within these areas or any others (even its just suggestions), please get in contact - either here or in our Feedback forum.

Spreading the word about the site, linking to it or to particular section/articles from your own website, blog etc. is always appreciated! Share articles on social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and social bookmarking sites like digg and stumbleupon.

A great way to spread libcom's services and bring people great content is to syndicate content from our site - see our RSS feeds at the bottom of each index.

You are also encouraged to add links to our content on relevant pages on online discussion forums, newspaper comment sections and editable websites like Wikipedia.

This is always useful, as we need money to pay our host, and also pay for advertising like leaflets etc. With our upgrade our hosting costs have increased 20-fold, so are especially appreciated. You can donate to us here.

We aren't super geeks. We are always looking for people to help us with technical tasks, or even just advise us on stuff we don't understand. Current projects - making more of the site database driven, setting up our own server, creating a mirror of the site. If you have 'mad skillz' please let us know how you can help, or ask us for more info.

Mirroring content
Websites can go offline unannounced anytime, so if you can have articles from our site up on yours (with a reference link to us too) then that can help assure that the information will always be available. Also if you would be able to mirror our entire site please contact us.

Please feel free to register on the site, and post any comments to articles or forum topics which interest you, even if it's just to thank the author for posting up a text which you have enjoyed. Feel free to start discussions in our forums about issues which affect you, or about big news stories of the day.

If you spot any errors on our site, like typos or wrong dates, or if you see an article which could be formatted better or have additional hyperlinks to related texts please edit it. See our guidelines on editing articles here. Edits then going to a moderation queue. If you don't feel confident editing directly, post a comment to let us know about the error.

Submit content
The more quality information the site holds, the better resource it is. You can help with the content of the site in two ways – either every now and again or by becoming a regular contributor. We are happy for any and all contributions. However for interested parties we do have a style guide with information about the main kind of content, focus and tone we are aiming for.

Aside from mailing us minor improvements as mentioned above we particularly desire articles written from a libertarian class struggle perspective of between 400 and 2,000 words for the news, history and library sections. Please have a browse through the section for important ideas which are missing or pages which could be improved on. Please also feel free to write and submit your own news to our news page, post up interesting stories you have found elsewhere, or scan texts which you have access to. For any interesting articles you have which don’t look like they fit anywhere, there’s always our library.

If you want to and have the time, you can become one of our contributors. Contributors have access to additional site functions like personal blogs, and can take responsibility for several different areas of the site:

News – write, find, edit and submit news regularly to keep it up-to-date and provide a quality resource for libertarian news and analysis. Adopt-a-source - if you help out with, or particularly like one publication or website you can take responsibility for posting all relevant news from it to our site.
Topics – adopt a feature - if there is a particular topic you are interested in, such as ID Cards, say, we can help set up a feature page and give you access to it to keep it updated
Library – become a libcom librarian! Find obscure or interesting articles, books and documents and make them available to all. We have a wish list of sites we want archive here, take a quick look and if you have 10 minutes here or there post an article across.
Anything else – if you want to help out with any other sections on a regular basis email us and we can sort something out.

Art and design
If you have artistic or design skills, and would like to help out with our site, we would love to hear from you. Please send us an e-mail.

So if you’re interested in helping out in any way, contact us.