Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure e.V.

The FFII is a global network of associations dedicated to information about free and competitive software markets, genuine open standards and patent systems with lesser barriers to competition. The FFII contributions enabled the rejection of the EU software patent directive in July 2005, working closely with the European Parliament and many partners from industry and civil society. CNET awarded the FFII the Outstanding contribution to software development prize for this work. FFII continues to defend your right to a free and competitive software market by working towards genuine open standards, exclusion of software patents and informational freedom.


Document Freedom Day 2010

At Document Freedom Day 2010 (March 31st) the FFII lauded German radio stations for their usage of the open Ogg Vorbis format for live streaming. "We feel more honoured by this award than by a Grimme Award", said the managing director of Deutschlandradio online services while cutting the DFD cake with the slogan "rOGG on!".

Goddess Ashtonia

In a confidential manner the EU, US and Japan negotiate an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). No official drafts are published. ACTA will contain a new international benchmark for legal frameworks on the enforcement of copyrights, trade mark rights, patents and others. FFII ACTA WG presents an analysis of the planned Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

interop levels

FFII analyses a new European Interoperability Framework 2.0 Draft. FFII explains why a release in its current form would undermine interoperability enforcement. The new draft is a follow-up to a famous earlier document 1.0 with a strong emphasis on genuine open standards (and open source). The FFII makes 10 recommendations on how to improve the EIF 2.0.

Europen petition to stop software patents in Europe

New European petition to stop software patents: With support the FFII and others, software developers launched a petition in 28 languages to stop software patents and protect European innovators. It requests legislative clarifications to clear out the legal uncertainty and imbalances created by software patents. We encourage you to sign the petition,

The FFII's Amicus Curiae Brief

Bilski case at the Supreme Court: The FFII and IP Justice filed a joint Amicus Curiae Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. The case Bilski v. Kappos is expected to become a landmark ruling on the future of the U.S. patent system. Our Brief explains the interlink of software and business methods, and points out alternatives to the so called Machine-or-Transformation test used for categorizing patents. Bilski v. Kappos is considered the single most important decision worldwide on the issue of patents on business methods, software and algorithms since the rejection of the EU Software Patents Directive. Read more.

EPO referral on the question of software patents (G03/08)

EPO Referral on the question of software patents. Interested parties were invited to file statements - Amicus Briefs - to the EPO Enlarged Board Of Appeal. The FFII created a working group to contribute to the referral, and a dedicated staff team worked full time on this issue. The FFII submitted a statement, helped other players and raised awareness to many affected corporations about the Referral. More than 89 statements have been published by the EPO Register. Find out more about the G3-08 Referral.

Press Announcements


How to help us

The FFII is funded partly from individual membership fees, and partly from donations from individuals and larger sponsors from industry and civil society. We are not a trade association, and we rely on volunteers, your donations and other contributions to make a difference.

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