I’ve decided not to post an Insanity video.
There’s no real difference between that and this,
and therefore isn’t worth the time to work it,
or the disk space to host it.
One gives AP. One gives Hit and Crit. If you’re Fury, or if you can make use of the Hit as Arms, pick up Icewalker. Otherwise, the straight AP is the way to go. As always, go with Rawr/spreadsheet.
Okay, cool.
However, I would never recommend either of these enchants as your standard boot enhancement.
I’m going to lay out some slightly more advanced techniques to really maximize your damage output. At this point in the game, it’s about absolutely maximizing performance in any way possible.
I like buffs. They help me do what I do, better. While you can’t always control what buffs you get from the other members of your raid (Heroic Presence, why do you taunt me so?!), you can control what buffs you give yourself – namely, the consumables that you use to improve your performance.
I am soon (within the next few days) moving my main character, Aerowyn, from Elune to Uldum, to begin my trial in Poor Play.
However, I’ve hit a hitch. Aerowyn, Aero, all that jazz, is already taken over there. So I’m having to resort to drastic measures in terms of naming my character.
To solve my dilemma, I’ve decided to get a feel for others’ opinions. On the sidebar, there is a poll up, asking this very question. Make sure to come back to this post and leave a comment if you select “Other”!
I’m now happily settled on Uldum, under the (Armory-unique!) moniker of Soleniae. The actual switch itself took about 17 minutes from submitting the request to having the character available on the new realm. Pretty impressive!