The Atlantic The Christopher Hitchens Web

The Christopher Hitchens Web

last updated: 11.15.09

Newly Added

"The Author Who Played With Fire" (Vanity Fair December 2009, not available online, but is worthwhile to seek out.)

"Unless You keep saying that you believe in fairies, Tinker Bell will check out, and what's more, her sad demise will be your fault! Barbara Ehrenreich scores again for the independent-minded in resisting this drool and all those who wallow in it." -Hitchens's blurb on the back of Ehrenreich's Bright-sided.

The Lessons of 1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall is a reminder of the duty of solidarity." (Slate, 11.9.09)

"First, Silence the Whistle-Blower: The United Nations' shameful complicity in this year's corrupt Afghan elections." (Slate, 11.2.09)

"Faith No More: What I've learned from debating religious people around the world." (Slate, 10.26.09)
related link on Stephen Fry
COLLISION: Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson

"The Pity of War" (review of The Somme: The Darkest Hour On The Western Front by Peter Hart, Atlantic, November 2009)

Hitchens #5 most influential print/online columnist according to Mediaite

Did the Toppling of Saddam Hussein Lead to Recent Events in Iran? Given the connections between Iraq and Iran, it's not as unlikely as it sounds." (Slate, 7.6.09)

God Is Not Great on paperback bestseller list past two weeks

"The Captive Mind" (Atlantic, May 2009)

"Ankara Shows Its Hand: Turkey's scheming at the Strasbourg summit proves it doesn't belong in the European Union." (Slate, 4.20.09)

"The Swastika and the Cedar" (Vanity Fair, May 2009)

"The Texas-Size Debate Over Teaching Evolution: Sure, discuss Darwin's 'strengths and weaknesses.' Just not in biology textbooks." (Newsweek, 3.28.09)

"Let Them In: When governments refuse to let politicians and academics into their countries, it's nothing but old-fashioned censorship." (Slate, 3.30.09)

"The Revenge of Karl Marx" (review of Marx's "Das Kapital": A Biography by Francis Wheen, Atlantic, April 2009)

"Swat? Not! Handing the Swat Valley to the Taliban was shameful and wrong." (Slate, 3.9.09)

"Christopher Hitchens and the Battle of Beirut" by Michael Totten (2.25.09)

"Conversations With Chavez and Castro" By Sean Penn (The Nation., 11.25.08)

"Don't Say a Word: A U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith." (Slate, 3.2.09)

"Demons and Dictionaries" (review of Samuel Johnson: A Biography by Peter Martin, Atlantic, March 2009)

"Avigdor Lieberman's Chutzpah: The right to return cannot confer the right to expel." (Slate, 2.23.09)

"Don't Let the Mullahs Run Out the Clock: Obama must talk directly to the Iranian people." (Slate, 2.16.09)

"Christopher Hitchens In Paris" by Kelly sans culotte (2.10.09)

"Is Zimbabwe Now a Rogue State? And is it germ warfare when cholera sufferers are forced to cross international boundaries?" (Slate, 2.9.09)

"Farewell to a Much-Misunderstood Man: John Updike preferred to be wrong on account of the right reservations than right because of the wrong ones." (Slate, 2.2.09)

"A Wonderful Day for Washington, D.C.: Now it's time to hold President Obama accountable for his promises." (Slate, 1.26.09)

"Dear Mr. President..." (World Affairs, Winter 2009)

"The 25 Most Influential Liberals In The U.S." (Forbes, 1.22.09)

"No Regrets: Why I'm not sorry that George W. Bush beat Al Gore and John Kerry." (Slate 1.19.09)

"Cool Cat" (review of Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, and The Case Against Barack Obama by David Freddoso, Atlantic, February 2009)

"The Man Who Made Us Whole" (Newsweek, January 10, 2009)

"Assassins of the Mind" (Vanity Fair, February 2009)

"Bad Timing: Gaza could have been a model of the future Palestinian state. Instead, it is a place of repression and aggression." (Slate, 1.5.09)

"Suburbs of Our Discontent" (review of Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates, Atlantic, December 2008)

Year End Questions (New York Times, 12.31.08)

Something I never expected to read. Not being judgmental, just an observation.

Hitchens currying favor with Bill Maher's audience to sell books

"America the Banana Republic" (Vanity Fair, 10.9.08)

"Goodbye to All That" (New York Review of Books, 7.17.97)

The Cruiser is dead at 91 (New York Times, 12.19.08)

snippet from "The Cruiser"

"Don't They Know It's Christmas?" by Nick Gillespie (Hit & Run, 12.11.08)

"Three Questions About Rick Warren's Role in the Inauguration: If we must have an officiating priest, surely we can do better than this vulgar huckster." (Slate, 12.19.08)

"Our Friends in Bombay: We must stand by our most important ally." (Slate, 12.1.08)

"Serving the Clintonian Interest: The last thing we need is a Clinton in charge of foreign policy." (Slate, 11.24.08)

"Barack to Reality: Obama's victory didn't magically eliminate America's problems and enemies." (Slate, 11.10.08)

Hitchens vs. Wilson sneak peak

"McCain's Shameful Slur: The Republicans' appalling attack on Rashid Khalidi. (Slate, 11.3.08)

Hitchens blog at

"Hitchens on McCain: 'Borderline Senile'" by Marc Cooper (10.24.08)

"Sarah Palin's War on Science: The GOP ticket's appalling contempt for knowledge and learning." (Slate, 10.27.08)

"John McCain is tipped to lose the US election battle" (Mirror)

Hitchens and Eric Alterman on Bloggingheads TV

"Vote for Obama: McCain lacks the character and temperament to be president. And Palin is simply a disgrace." (Slate, 10.13.08)

"Cruel and Unusual" (review of The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul by Patrick French, Atlantic, November 2008)

"Those Hard-Boiled Eggheads" by Maureen Dowd (New York Times, 10.14.08)

"How To Win Afghanistan's Opium War: The best way to deprive the Taliban of drug profits? The United States should buy Afghanistan's poppy crop instead of trying to eradicate it." (Slate, 10.6.08)

"Let Them Count Houses: Can't we escape this tiresome demagoguery about candidates' income and property?" (Slate, 9.1.08)

"Master of Conventions" (review of Miami and the Siege of Chicago by Norman Mailer, Atlantic, September 2008)

"The Verbal Revolution: How the Prague Spring broke world communism's main spring." (Slate, 8.25.08)

"South Ossetia Isn't Kosovo: Whatever Moscow says, there are at least six significant differences between the two situations." (Slate, 8.18.08)

"The Strange Case of David Irving" (Los Angeles Times, 5.20.01)

"Iraq's Budget Surplus Scandal: Why do we have such a hard time hearing good news from Baghdad?" (Slate, 8.11.08)

"The Man Who Kept On Writing: Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived as if there were such a thing as human dignity." (Slate, 8.4.07)

"On the Limits of Self-Improvement, Part III" (Vanity Fair, Septmeber 2008)

"Oh, Lucky Man: Why Obama's attitude on the surge hasn't harmed his campaign." (Slate, 7.18.08)

"Questions for Doris Lessing" by Deborah Solomon (New York Times Magazine, 7.27.08)

"Losing Sight of Progress" (Slate, 7.21.2008)

"on the Barack Obama cartoon controversy" (Mirror, 15/07/2008)

"The War Between the Wars" (Slate, 7.14.2008)

"Cassocks and Codpieces" (review of Salman Rushdie's The Enchantress of Florence, The Atlantic, August 2008)

"Book Drive for Iraq" (Slate, 6.30.08)

"Believe Me, It's Torture" (Vanity Fair, August 2008)

"The Male Brazilian: Catching On?" (College Candy, June 29,2008)

"Hitchens on Display" by George Packer (Interesting Times/New Yorker, 7.3.08)

"God, Politics and the Making of a Joyful Warrior" by John Meacham (Newsweek, June 23, 2008)

"A War Worth Fighting" (Newsweek, June 23, 2008)

"Christopher Hitchens Remembers Tim Russert" (Vanity Fair, June 14, 2008)

"Mourning Glory" (Slate, Juen 23, 2008)

"After Attacks, Michelle Obama Looks for a New Introduction" by Michael Powell and Jodi Kantor (New York Times, June 18, 2008)

"Still a Soixante-Huitard" (City-Journal, Spring 2008)

"Christopher Hitchens" by Alexander Linklater (Prospect May 2008)

"Mandela Envy" (Slate, 4.21.08)

"Flaws of Gravity" (Vanity Fair, 4.14.08)

"Arrested Development" (Atlantic, May 2008)

Hitchens on Withdrawal from Iraq

"Belief in Belief" (Free Inquiry, 1.23.08)

"Huck's Free Pass" (Slate, 1.21.08)

"Rebel with Causes" by Jerry Weinberger (City Journal, 18 January 2008)

"Prime Roller, Prepare to Meet a Wiseacre", by Michiko Kakutani (New York Times, 1.22.08)

"Victoria's Secret" (Atlantic, January/February 2008)

"And the real winner could be.." (Mirror, 05/01/2008)

"The Perils of Identity Politics" (Wall Street Journal, 1.18.08)

"The Case Against Hillary Clinton: Why on earth would we choose to put the Clinton family drama at the center of our politics again?" (Slate, 1.14.08)

"The Sidney Awards II" by David Brooks (New York Times, 12.28.07)

"Poetry and emotion" (The Mirror, 10/1/2005)

Sally Quinn interviews Hitchens ('s On Faith, 1.8.08)

"Does Religion Poison Everything? A Chat with Christopher Hitchens (The Black Republican, 1.9.08)

"Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in Debate: Does God Exist?" at the 92nd St Y in New York City, January 30, 2008

"Identity Crisis: There's something pathetic and embarrassing about our obsession with Barack Obama's race." (Slate 1.7.08)

"The Iowa Scam: The undemocratic caucuses are a terrible way to choose a presidential candidate." (Slate 12.31.07)

"Daughter of Destiny: Benazir Bhutto, 1953-2007." (Slate, 12.27.07)

"Something To Give Thanks For: Good news from Iraq." (Slate, 11.19.07)

"Norman Mailer: Remembering the pint-size Jewish fireplug." (Slate, 11.11.07)

"Divide and Conquer: The United States should be squeezing Turkey, not the other way around." (Slate, 10.29.07)

"Excerpt from The Portable Atheist" (USA Today)

"Tories and Radicals" by Richard Brookhiser (New York Times Book Review, 11.11.07)

Hitchensweb 10th Anniversary Link 1997 interview with the Progressive by Sasha Abramsky
(Personal favorite is the description of Abdullah Ocalan. The site should be back in fighting shape soon.)

Christopher Hitchens interview by Harrison Jordan (Notable Interviews)
(for the curious, Hitchens is wearing a yarmulke because the interview was conducted in a Shul and it is respectful for even non-believers to wear one.)

2007 National Book Award Nonfiction Finalist Interview by Jennifer Gonnerman

"The Courtier" (Atlantic, December 2007)

11.12.07 talk by Hitchens in Chicago "DO JEWS HAVE AN ATHEIST GENE?"

"Teresa, Bright and Dark" (Newsweek, 8.29.07)

"The New L-Word: Neocon" by Roger Cohen (New York Times, 10.4.07)

"A Death in the Family" (Vanity Fair, November 2007)

"The article that inspired a young man to enlist." (Slate, 10.3.07)

Mark Daily's MySpace page

"Maintained in China: Burma's foul regime depends on Beijing." (Slate, 10.1.07)

"God Bless Me, It's a Best-Seller" (Vanity Fair, September 2007)

"So Many Men's Rooms, So Little Time" (Slate, 9.3.07)

Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling (7.14.07)

"Transcending God" interview with Jennie Rothenberg Gritz (Atlantic, 7.12.07)

"Hitchens Book Debunking The Deity Is Surprise Hit" by By JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG (Wall Street Journal, 6.22.07)

"The Galloway Papers: Parliament's damning report about Saddam apologist George Galloway." (Slate, 7.23.07)

"Conrad's Heart of Darkness: The decline and fall of Conrad Black." (Slate, 7.16.07)

"Physician, Heal Thyself: Doctors are not immune to religious mania." (Slate, 7.9.07)

"Don't Mince Words: The London car-bomb plot was designed to kill women." (Slate, 7.2.07)

"The Grub Street years" (review of Dispatches for the New York Tribune: Selected Journalism of Karl Marx, edited by James Ledbetter, with a foreword by Francis Wheen, Guardian, 6.16.07)

Look Forward to Anger: It's impossible to satisfy "Rage Boy" and his ilk. It's stupid to try." (Slate, 6.25.07)

"A Different Argument" interview by Sean Nelson (The Stranger, 6.6.07)

"The Church of Skepticism" by Sean Nelson (The Stranger, 6.13.07)

New Yorker Cartoon

"Free Scooter Libby: The case gets weirder by the day." (Slate, 6.18.07)

Gore and Ronnie Raygun pass up Hitchens, who moves ahead of Einstein

"Think of England" (review of On Chesil Beach: A Novel by Ian McEwan, The Atlantic, July/August 2007)

review of God is Not Great by Johann Hari (15/6/2007)

"It's Now or Never" (Sunday Times, 6.10.07)

"The Three Atheists" by Stanley Fish (6.10.07)

Review of God is Not Great by Sam Schulman (Commentary, June 2007)

"Siege of Paris: The creepy populism surrounding high-profile defendants." (Slate, 6.11.07)

"What's Next for Kurdistan? A question every American politician needs to address." (Slate, 6.4.07)

Columns and Commentary 2007 National Magazne Awards winner, "Vanity Fair: Graydon Carter, editor, for three columns by Christopher Hitchens, Childhood’s End, January; The Vietnam Syndrome, August; Oriana Fallaci and the Art of Interview, December."

"A Family Tradition" (New York Times Book Review, 6.3.07)

"Christopher Hitchens on the Essential Stupidity of Religion" by Dwayne Booth (L.A. Weekly, 5.29.07)

"To believe or not to believe" (The Economist, 5.30.07)

god Is Not Great review by Jeremy Foster (Flakmagazine, 5.30.07)

"The French Correction: The principled new foreign minister shows how much France has changed of late." (Slate, 5.28.07)

"Secularism in the Elimination Round" by Jacques Berlinerblau (Chronicle of Higher Education, 6.1.07)

"The Catholic Boom" by David Brooks (New York Times 5.25.07)

"Astrology Not the Only Cosmic Hoax" (Washington Post, 5.23.07)

"Atheists with Attitude: Why do they hate Him?" by Anthony Gottlieb (New Yorker, 5.21.07)

"Thank God for Christopher Hitchens: For he has written the finest of the down-with-God books." by Mark Warren (Esquire, 4.25.07)

Peanut Envy: The latest absurdities to emerge from Jimmy Carter's big, smug mouth." (Slate, 5.21.07)

discussion of World Bank developments (LateLine)

Hitchens on Hannity and Colmes

podcast of interview on NPR (5.11.07)

"Christopher Hitchens Is a Treasure: A good, useful atheist." by Michael Novak (National Review Online, 5.17.07)

"Faith-Based Fraud" (Slate, 5.16.07)

Hitchens on Anderson Cooper show

"The Hitchens/Sharpton Smackdown" (Slate, 5.14.07)

"Unbelievable" by Daniel C. Dennett (Boston Globe, 5.13.07)

"In God, Distrust" by Michael Kinsley (New York Times Sunday Book Review, 5.11.07)

May 14, 2007, The Future Forum Presents: Christopher Hitchens and Marvin Olasky A Debate on Religion and Politics

"Is Christianity Good for the World?" Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson debate. (Christianity Today, 5.8.07)

audio of Hitchens discussing God is Not Great on Late Night Live

Hitchens on Charlie Rose (click on video image)

Hitchens, Sharpton and Faith By Sewell Chan (5.7.07)

"The Lion Roared" (cognitive karaoke, 5.8.07)

audio of Sharpton debate

"Londonistan Calling" (Vanity Fair, June 2007)

Q & A about above piece (Vanity Fair, June 2007)

"Partners in Crime: Robert Dallek's new book reveals the depravity of the Nixon-Kissinger double act." (Slate, 5.8.07)

"The Woman Who Made Iraq: Gertrude Bell scaled the Alps, mapped Arabia, and midwifed the modern Middle East." (review of Gertrude Bell Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations by Georgina Howell, Atlantic Monthly, June 2007)

"'god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything' by Christopher Hitchens" by Jack Miles (Los Angeles Times, 4.29.07)

Hitchens at NYPL May 7th

"Citizen Hitch: Godless provocateur Christopher Hitchens pledges allegiance to America" (Radar, 4.30.07)

"A Loser's History: George Tenet's sniveling, self-justifying new book is a disgrace." (Slate, 4.30.07)

"Are You There, God? It's Me, Hitchens." by Boris Kachka (New York Magazine)

"Pundit Christopher Hitchens picks a fight in book, 'God is Not Great'" by Bruce DeSilva (Associated Press, 4.25.07)

"Legalize It" (Foreign Policy, May/June 2007)

Hitchens on CSPAN

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything is now available! (Thanks to visitors for their patience during the hiatus. Any links you find about the book will be appreciated.)

""Mormonism: A Racket Becomes a Religion"" excerpt from God Is Not Great (Slate, 4.27.07)

"Was Muhammad Epileptic?" excerpt from God Is Not Great (Slate, 4.26.07)

"Religion Poisons Everything", excerpt from God Is Not Great (Slate, 4.25.07)

offer from The Liberal

"Suck It Up: After the shootings came an orgy of mawkishness, sloppiness, and false sentiment." (Slate, 4.24.07)

"A Hell of a Country: Ali Allawi's new memoir shows Iraq's collapse was inevitable." (Slate, 4.23.07)

"Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates" (City Journal, Spring 2007)

"One Fraught Englishman" (review of The Life of Kingsley Amis by Zachary Leader, Atlantic Monthly, May 2007)

"Holiday in Iraq (Vanity Fair, April 2007)

"Sliming Wolfowitz: The World Bank president did nothing wrong." (Slate, 4.17.07)

"The French Reaction: Le Pen rises again. (Slate, 4.16.07)

"The You Decade: There's a new narcissistic pronoun in town." (Slate, 4.9.07)

"These Men Are "Peacemakers"? Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams make me want to spew." (Slate, 4.2.07)

"The Omnivore: Clive James champions justice and common sense, with style." (review of Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories From History and the Arts by Clive James, Atlantic Monthly, March 2007)

"Mesopotamia Split?: Considering Peter Galbraith's proposal for Iraq." (Slate, 3.26.07)

"So, Mr. Hitchens, Weren't You Wrong About Iraq?. Hard questions, four years later." (Slate, 3.29.07)

"Blood and Oil: Three cheers for Iraq's new hydrocarbon law." (Slate, 3.12.07)

Hitchens writes for Slate and The Daily Mirror and is a contributing editor to The Atlantic Monthly and to Vanity Fair.

Here, you can find a brief biography at The Nation website.

He contributes to such publications as Critical Quarterly, Foreign Policy, Free Inquiry, The Globe and Mail, Granta, Grand Street, The London Review of Books, Harper's, The Los Angeles Times Book Review, New Left Review, Newsweek International, The New York Observer, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Book Review, The Times Literary Supplement, The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the Weekly Standard.

On television, Hitchens sometimes appears on Hardball with Chris Matthews, Charlie Rose, Uncommon Knowledge, The Chris Matthews Show, Real Time with Bill Maher, The Tavis Smiley Show, and CSPAN's Washington Journal.

Hitchens has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Pittsburgh, and the New School of Social Research.

Mr. Hitchens was born in Portsmouth, England and educated at the Leys School, Cambridge, and Balliol College, Oxford, where he read Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. From 1971-1981, he worked in Britain as book reviewer for the Times; social science editor of the Times Higher Education Supplement; assistant editor and staff writer for the New Statesman; researcher/reporter for London Weekend Television; and chief foreign correspondent for the Daily Expresss. In 1981, he emigrated to the United States.

From 1982-2002, he wrote a column called the "Minority Report" for the Nation.  Since 1992, he has been columnist and contributing editor at Vanity Fair and, at different times, Washington editor and columnist for Harpers magazine, American columnist and correspondent for the Spectator (London), the New Statesman (London), the Times Literary Supplement (London), Sunday Today (London), and the Sunday Correspondent (London). As foreign correspondent and travel writer, he has written from more than sixty countries on all five continents.


Audio and Video

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Books by Hitchens

Documentary Films written and narrated

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E-mail: peterk11(a)