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Tue. April 6, 2010 | Breaking News
Washington orders operations to capture or kill US-born Muslim cleric as America's top terrorist threat • Anwar al-Awlaki of al Qaeda was mentor of Ford Hood murderer and in contact with the Nigerian who failed to blow up an airliner last Christmas • More than 50 killed, hundreds injured in 7 blasts in Baghdad Tuesday, some knocking over Shiite residential buildings two days after 41 killed in previous wave • No extension for Israeli chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi's tenure which ends next February • Gen. Ashkenazi states that he did not seek a fifth-year extension of his tenure because a four-year stint was sufficient and appropriate • Israeli parliamentary delegation travels to Moscow for talks on Iran's nuclear program, signing of strategic dialogue pact with Russia • It is headed by foreign affairs and security chairman Tzahi Hanegbi • Lavrov: Russia may opt out of soon-to-be-signed nuclear reduction treaty if excessive US missile plans threaten its security • This is setback for Obama two days before he and Medvedev are scheduled to sign the treaty in Prague • Tehran: An Israeli attack will see Iranian missiles exploding in the heart of Tel Aviv • Seventy Indian paratroops killed by Maoists in Chhattisgarh province • Britain holds a general election on May 6 • Opposition leader David Cameron well ahead of PM Gordon Brown in all polls • Close to 70 killed in two massive explosions in Pakistan Monday •
Ashkenazi ends tenure as Israel's top soldier February. Galant leading candidate
DEBKAfile Special Report April 6, 2010, 9:14 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tags:  Gen. Ashkenazi   Gen. Galant 
Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi bows out in February

Defense minister Ehud Barak informed Lt. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi Tuesday, April 6, that his four-year tenure as IDF chief of staff would not be extended when it runs out next February. Barak and prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu decided that Israel needed a tougher and more hawkish military leader with Iran racing for a nuclear bomb and threats from its allies.
Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant, OC Southern Command, is top candidate. 


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Obama Set Limits for a Nuclearized Iran
The US Trident test-fire from Saudi supersedes sanctions and an Israeli strike.
Russian Caucasian War Expands
Caucasian rebel Doku Umarov vows to spread terror to all Russian cities.
Partners against Gobal Terror?
Only if US accepts Russia's war on Islamic extremists as war on terror.

Obama's Middle East drive heads for a fall
DEBKAfile DEBKA-Net-Weekly
April 6, 2010, 6:44 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Middle East peace   Obama 

The Middle East: No, he can't.

Behind the Jerusalem impasse, US president Barack Obama is pushing the Middle East hard into another sweeping territorial redesign as the cure-all for all its troubles. The unpublished details of Obama's super-plan are revealed in DEBKA-Net-Weekly's coming issue out next Friday - together with the reasons why Israelis, Palestinians and other Arab forces will reject it.

Don't miss this and more exclusives in our next issue out Friday. To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly, click here.


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New al Qaeda Levant chief plans fresh assaults from Gaza, Lebanon
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 6, 2010, 11:38 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Al Qaeda   Gaza   Lebanon   Saleh Al-Qaraawi 

New al Qaeda regional chief: Saleh Al-Qaraawi

In introductory interviews to Islamist websites, Saleh Al-Qaraawi, the newly-appointed al Qaeda chief in the Levant (Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and the Palestinian territories) threatens to loose a fresh wave of attacks on US and Israeli targets as well as UN peacekeepers in South Lebanon. debkafile's counter-terror sources report Al Qaraawi is presented as Commander of the "Abdullah Azzam Brigades" and an appointee of al Qaeda's No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri.  

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Iran gets fast sporting powerboat for arming with Russian torpedoes
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 5, 2010, 2:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Iran   powerboat   US warships 

Bladerunner 51 breaks world speed records

After laying hands on the record-breaking 61.5 mph speedboat, built for a British sporting adventurer, the Iranian navy plans to arm it with the reputedly fastest torpedo in the world, the Russian-designed Shkval (Squall), which moves at speeds of 360 kph. debkafile's military sources report Tehran is aiming for a seaborne weapon able to sink a US carrier in the Persian Gulf.

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Obama, Hu weigh sanctions tradeoff against Iran, Israel
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 3, 2010, 10:35 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Anti-Israel sanctions   China   US 

Matching up anti-Iran, anti-Israel policies?

Chinese president Hu Jintao indicated a willingness to consider abstaining on a UN Security Council vote imposing sanctions against Iran - if the United States reciprocated by withholding its veto on sanctions against Israel over construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.  debkafile's sources report US president Barack Obama did not reject the idea.


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ME game-changer: US nuclear shield for Saudis, Gulf emirates
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
April 1, 2010, 11:13 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Trident   US-Saudi Arabia 

US nuclear-capable Trident ballistic missile

A submarine-launched US ballistic Trident missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads was test-fired from Saudi territory during a joint military exercise last week -  the first time a nuclear-capable missile was fired from the oil kingdom toward the Persian Gulf and Iranian shores.  A US defense spokesman denied the Trident's launch Wednesday, April 1, but Saudi security sources stand by the report.
DEBKA-Net-Weekly out Friday discusses this game-changer's strategic aspects. To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly, click here


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India orders Israeli armed UAVs - in case US drones reach Pakistan
DEBKAfile Special Report
April 1, 2010, 12:08 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  drones   India   Pakistan 

Harop killer UAV made in Israel

Indian defense ministry circles reveal a huge order of three types of armed unmanned aerial vehicles they have placed with Israel for deployment on the Indian-Pakistan border in readiness for the possible supply of American drones, including armed Predators, for which Pakistan is pushing hard. New Delhi seeks to counter their potential threat with Israeli Heron MALE, Searcher-II and Harpy killer drones.


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Gaza's hidden boom boosted by 1,000 tunnels, Israeli cash
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
March 27, 2010, 10:40 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Gaza 

It glitters and it's gold - in Gaza market

The Gaza Strip's 1.2 million inhabitants are described by foreign visitors with great pathos as starving, homeless and hopeless - and all because of the Israeli embargo. A new Egyptian report cited by debkafile presents facts and figures exposing the Palestinian territory's hidden economic boom, engendered by the huge "tunnel industry" and Israeli cash, which fill the markets with luxuries and enrich the Hamas rulers.

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Obama recalls bunker-buster bomb kits to bar Israeli strike on Iran
DEBKAfile Special Report
March 20, 2010, 6:54 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  bunker-busters   Israel   Obama 

Advanced BLU-100 recalled by President Obama

Shortly after the flare-up of a US-Israel row over new homes in East Jerusalem, US president Barack Obama ordered a consignment of Joint Direct Attack Munitions- JDAM already on its way to Israel to be diverted to the US Air Force base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. This step in mid-March, the pointer to a US arms embargo for preventing Israel attacking Iran's nuclear sites, is first revealed here by debkafile's military sources.

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DEBKA-Net-Weekly    A sampling from past issues
Obama's New Iranian Venture
DEBKA-Net-Weekly #436 March 12, 2010

Tags:  US-Iran 

Gen. David Petraeus

Gen. Petraeus reveals some Gulf rulers are worried enough about a nuclear-armed Iran to accept a US or even an Israeli military operation to abort it. Arabs, Israelis and even some US generals frown on the secret Obama dialogue with Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

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Ahmadinejad's message to Karzai
DEBKA-Net-Weekly #436 March 12, 2010

Tags:  Afghanistan   Iran 

Mahmoud Ahmedinejad

Tehran is fearful of US troop concentrations in western Afghanistan when the main thrust of the coalition's campaign against Taliban is in the south. Iran does not believe US curbs on an Israeli attack are for real.

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Iran Generated War Frenzy to defer US sanctions
DEBKA-Net-Weekly #435 March 5, 2010

Tags:  Ahmadinejad   US-Iran 

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad scripted a step-by-step performance and show of allied unity to convince Washington that Iran, Syria, Hizballah and eleven radical Palestinian groups were poised to ignite a Middle East religious war. The gambit worked - at least for now.

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Obama is going after regime change in… Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis
March 25, 2010, 1:33 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Netanyahu   Obama 

Put all his weight behind cowing Netanyahu

All the fine words about America's friendship and strategic support for Israel melted away in the flames of the rift between the Obama administration and Israel which burst out in the open during the Israeli prime minister's visit to Washington. President Barack Obama made it brutally clear that the Netanyahu government is an obstacle to his Mid East goals. He therefore has no qualms about seeking regime change in Jerusalem - even ahead of Tehran.

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Washington sharpens crisis with Israel, may give Palestinians military shield
DEBKAfile Special Report
March 18, 2010, 11:36 AM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Gen. Petraeus   Israel   Obama 

US Centcom chief Gen. David Petraeus

The Obama administration demands Israel extend its West Bank construction freeze to East Jerusalem for the duration of peace talks and offer more concessions to the Palestinians. This - plus a pledge not to attack Iran - is the price for ending the crisis. Gen. Petraeus's suggested transfer of the "Palestinian territories" to his Central Command is tantamount to providing the Palestinians with a US military shield against Israel, say debkafile's military sources.

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Gates clarifies US Iran policy in Riyadh after Biden fails in Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
March 10, 2010, 5:37 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Iran nuclear   Robert Gates   Saudi Arabia 

US defense secretary Gates in Kabul

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates arrived in Riyadh Wednesday, March 10, flying in unexpectedly from Kabul in Afghanistan, after the Saudis demanded urgent clarifications of the Obama administration's Iran policy. debkafile's military sources report the demand followed the failure of US Vice President Joe Biden's talks with Israeli leaders to resolve their differences on Read more

Syria, Lebanon host Iranian troops, Qatar also willing
DEBKAfile Special Report
February 27, 2010, 8:57 PM (GMT+02:00)

Tags:  Ahmadinejad   Qatar   Syria 

Triumphant in Damascus

Iran last week further consolidated its anti-US coalition and honed its hard edge against Israel by important defense treaties with Syria (covering Lebanon) and Qatar, home to the biggest US air base outside America. These treaties open doors for Iranian troops to be stationed in all three countries. debkafile's military sources say they have already arrived in Syria and Lebanon.

The Iranian president remarked "the ...

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