Shame on WikiLeaks: Framing Lawful Engagement as Anti-American Propaganda (Part One)

by Bob Owens

The video plainly shows U.S. forces identifying and killing armed Mahdi Army soldiers, following rules of engagement. (This is Part One of a two-part article).

To Keep America Safe, We Must Remake the Military in Obama's Image

by Dan Miller

The military must reflect the burgeoning civilian utopia it protects.

Obama's Nuclear Policy: What, Me Worry?

by Stephen Green

If you didn’t already question Obama’s judgment, now would be a good time to start. (And check out Ed Driscoll, also: "Our Postmodern President Tosses Ambiguity on the One Issue It Matters.")

President Weirdo Goes Anti-Nuke

by Roger L Simon

Over Easter, I wrote a post at this space titled "President Weirdo," which got a fair amount of attention pro and con. One day later, we have evidence that, if anything, I understated my case.

'Stop Me Before I Steal Again'

by Richard Fernandez

Jefferson County, Alabama, borrowed itself into bankruptcy, and the politicians insist someone else is — must be — to blame. Tragedy, farce — or prophecy?

Censorship by Language Reform

by Theodore Dalrymple

If the word "Mankind" is objectionable because of its masculinity, "Humankind" is no better.

Let’s Do It Right This Time

by Bernard Chapin

Hopefully, Republican ringleaders will learn from recent history and internalize the lesson that the political left — as opposed to conservative ideas and initiatives — are the real enemy and one that must be defeated.

President Weirdo

by Roger L Simon

Obama is such a strange dude that he makes Richard Nixon seem almost normal.

Massive Quake Swarm Strikes Southern CA, Baja Region

by Ed Driscoll

A mag-7.2 earthquake in the Baja region felt in San Diego and L.A. has been followed by numerous aftershocks.

PJM Political 04/03/10: Dissent Is Still Patriotic Edition

by Ed Driscoll

Andy Garcia, Roger L. Simon and even Perez Hilton protest Fidel Castro. The Tea Parties protest the passage of ObamaCare. Plus Steve Green, Ed Driscoll, James Lileks, Glenn Reynolds, and Dr. Helen Smith.

Dr. Helen: Is Control over Porn Really about Control over Men's Sexuality?

by Helen Smith

Does porn distort men's attitudes as much as romance novels and Lifetime TV distort women's?

Painting What Can't Be Seen

by Michael Carroll

Science and art combine.

C-SPAN's Archives a Treasure Trove of Wonkish Gems

by Jim Kearney

An overview of the thought-provoking entertainment available now that the public affairs network has unleashed 160,000 hours of searchable video on the web.

The War on Radical Islam Can Be Won; the War on Terror Cannot

by Ryan Mauro

We must focus on ideology, not tactics. Look at Nazism, which was certainly defeated.

Wachovia Touts 'Earth Hour,' Celebrates 'Human Achievement Hour' Instead

by Jeremy Kennedy

Wachovia/Wells Fargo Bank thought "Earth Hour" was a great idea. Brilliant, in fact.

Threats and Theater

by Joe Hicks

Threats have no place in any political discourse in the U.S. — but conservatives can't afford to let over-dramatized threats either paralyze them or goad them into stupidity. (Watch the latest Hicks File, and comment here.)

The Right and David Frum: The Real Issues to Confront

by Ron Radosh

Frum is continuing to make the strongest case possible for a Republican alternative that can reach the wide public at large.

Dr. David Gutmann: An American Zionist Hero

by Phyllis Chesler

He ran the British blockade in 1947-1948. Where are his counterparts today?

What Just Happened?

by Roger Kimball

In the kaleidoscope world of Obama, it’s hard to keep track.

A Three-Year Plan for the Repeal of ObamaCare

by Jeffrey H. Anderson

Whether or not it ultimately leads to victory will largely be a question of will.

Canada’s Sin: The Seal Slaughter

by Jamie Glazov

This grotesque and inhumane policy is currently supported by the Canadian government.

Evolution in Action: Do 'Civilized' Women Like Girly-Men?

by Richard Fernandez

Science proves it: women from more "civilized" — read "liberal" — countries like men with low testosterone. But will the he-men go quietly?

Rumors of the Death of AR-15 Greatly Exaggerated by Anti-Gun Advocate

by Bob Owens

The "collapse" of the AR-15 market: wishful thinking or pure fantasy?

Coulter and the Camel

by David Solway

Did Ann Coulter have a point when she recommended camels over airplanes?

PJM Political: Full Metal Podcast

by Ed Driscoll

Adam Baldwin from Full Metal Jacket, plus author Theodore Dalrymple, who calls in from France, and Jonathan Tobin of Commentary on Teddy Roosevelt. Hosted by the Vodkapundit, Steve Green!

As Seen on Drudge: Climategate Meets the Law

Watch's exclusive interview with Sen. Jim Inhofe on his call to investigate Al Gore. (Don't miss Charlie Martin's "Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe to Ask for DOJ Investigation.")

Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism

by Roger L Simon

"Why is the Democratic Party clinging to racism like a wall full of barnacles on the hull of a rusted ship?"

Obama as Undergrad

by Michael Ledeen

What happens when the stereotypical American undergrad from the stereotypical Ivy League college in the age of PC becomes POTUS?

Is the Individual Mandate 'Severable' from the Rest of ObamaCare?

by Clarice Feldman

A round-up of different legal views from lawyers and scholars regarding the constitutionality of mandates in the bill and other issues that impact the legal case against ObamaCare.

FBI Informant on Weather Underground Furious at NY Times Comparison to Tea Party

by Bob Owens

Larry Grathwohl detests the attempt to equate the peaceful exercise of the First Amendment to rampaging terrorists.

Smashing the Left's Stereotypes about Tea Partiers

by Bob McCarty

Interviews with three activists who don't fit the media's narrative on membership in the tea party movement.

Tariq Ramadan: A Viper in Our Midst (Thanks to Hillary Clinton)

by David Solway

The stealth jihadist, once banned from the U.S., is welcomed back in to speak this month.

Merit-Based March Madness

by Tom Blumer

Here’s how to address the mediocrity problem, expand the field, and create a whole new level of interest and excitement.

Obama, Kipling, and the Bomb

by Roger Kimball

President Obama announced that the United States won't respond with nuclear weapons even if it suffers a crippling biological, chemical, or cyberattack. Are you feeling safer now?

After Climategate, Should Savvy Investors Short Carbon Credits? (PJM Exclusive)

by Ira Stoll

With confidence in the pseudo-commodity fading, wouldn't a short sell be a rock-solid investment? Financial pros weigh in.

Apple's Plan to Conquer the World

by Charlie Martin

Paper print is dead; accept it. With the release of the iPad, we can see Apple's strategy to replace it. (Also, see A Qik Look at the New World of Smartphone Video on Edgelings.)

Iran on the UN Human Rights Council?

by Claudia Rosett


Terrorism as a Rising Political Expression

by Andie Brownlow

Small-scale terror attacks and left-wing accusations of violence and terroristic tendencies are as prevalent as the new security measures.

Obama's Postmodern Presidency

by Victor Davis Hanson

Call it "postmodern." It would be old-fashioned to call it "lying."

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Why Real Revenue Will Lag CBO Forecasts

by Tom Blumer

ObamaCare's tax revenue won't be as much as predicted, and its costs will be greater. You can take that to the bank.

With U.S.-Israel Relations, It's Netanyahu vs. the Yahoos

by Joe Hicks

Obama’s push for the welfare state at home is replicated in his European-style views on Israel. (A transcript of the latest edition of the Hicks File," online now at

Burqa Bans, No — Free Speech Bans, Yes

by Phyllis Chesler

"Human rights" in Europe seem to apply only to specific "offended" groups, and only to certain offenses. Is open discussion in danger in the U.S.?

Is Netanyahu 'Apologizing to the Obama Administration'?

by Ruthie Blum Leibowitz

Part II of a two-part interview with Moshe Arens — former Israeli defense minister, foreign minister, and ambassador to the U.S. (Read Part I here. And don't miss Joe Hicks at PJTV on "Netanyahu vs. The Yahoos.")

Civil War or Civil Decline? Can America Save Itself?

by Adam Graham

The future may look bleak, but there is hope in the coming crop of conservative leaders who must embrace the Constitution and pull us back from the brink.

The Return of the Show Trial?

by Tim Dunkin

In the past, we could disagree without having to be hauled up before Congress for a good talking-to by the most powerful people in society.

The Psychology of UCI's Muslim Student Union

by Aaron Elias

Radical chic, California campus edition.

A Reason to Believe

by Richard Fernandez

A secular meditation for the season.

Obama's Stage Magic

by Charlie Martin

Watching the Obama administration's energy policy is a lot like trying to learn stage magic. You have to learn to look where he doesn't want you to look.

Is Obama Using 'Hard Power' to 'Get Israel to Toe the Line'?

by Ruthie Blum Leibowitz

Part I of a two-part interview with Moshe Arens — former Israeli defense minister, foreign minister, and ambassador to the U.S.

Obama Seeks to Impose a Solution on Israel — Which Is Not a Change in Policy

by Ted Belman

For forty years, the U.S. State Department has sought to force Israel to accept a plan that would mean national suicide for the Jewish state.

Czar Wars: Can the Rebels Fight Back?

by Amit Ghate

There is something troubling about Americans’ newfound willingness to accept and submit to czarist authority.
(And don't miss Glenn Reynolds' look at "Obama's House of Czars" at PJTV.)

Today's Medical Care: Like Star Trek’s Sickbay

by Clayton E. Cramer

Treating eye cancer with an invisible beam of protons: Star Trek or U.S. health care?

EPA Wasted $13,000 on Low-MPG Car Rentals in Copenhagen — Were Offered Free Zero Emission Cars (PJM Exclusive)

by Richard Pollock

And no — the cars used by the U.S. delegation were not compatible with the new CAFE standards.

Obama Is Now Showing His True Colors as a Radical

by Leon de Winter

As his presidency progresses, Obama can't hide his real feelings toward Israel, the tyrannical thugs of the world, and the free-market system.

Cultural Kommisar Attacks Filmmaker Reitman

by S. T. Karnick

Like old-fashioned Marxist criticism before the fall of the Berlin Wall, a critic at Slate characterizes Oscar-nominated filmmaker Jason Reitman's deviancy from progressive politics as revolting decadence.

A Kind and Noble Bigot: Analyzing 850 Years of English Anti-Semitism

by Barbara Kay

A tremendous new book from Anthony Julius offers a sweeping history of England's unusual strain of Jew hatred.

Krugman, King, Blow, and Rich: Blinded by Hatred of Tea Partiers

by Bob Owens

Millions of law-abiding, peaceful, middle-aged female protesters, and they see firehoses and "good ol' boys."

Environmentalism: The New Home of the Luddite Reactionaries

by Roger L Simon

The entire environmental movement is verging on becoming an enemy of science itself.

Is Being 'Americanized' a Capital Crime in America for Muslim Women?

by Phyllis Chesler

Cultural differences should not be a defense for murder, or for being an accomplice to murder.

'Drill, Baby Drill'? Not Hardly

by Rick Moran

By the time the first drop of oil makes it to market from Obama's announcement on Wednesday, he will have been out of office for years.

So Can We Have Our SUVs Back Now?

by AWR Hawkins

In light of the farce that is "anthropogenic global warming," and the Obama administration's new drilling plans, can we have our SUVs back now?

German University Name Pays Homage to Inspiration for Nazis

by John Rosenthal

Despite a student protest initiative, the university will continue to bear the name of the 19th century German chauvinist and anti-Semite Ernst Moritz Arndt.

Adam Baldwin: From Full Metal Jacket to Big Hollywood

by Ed Driscoll

Ed Driscoll talks with the co-star of NBC's Chuck, and Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket, in the unedited interview from this week's PJM Political.