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by sotf last modified 2007-01-18 15:26

An article about StreamOnTheFly by László Kovács, András Micsik, Martin Schmidt and Markus Seidl has been published in ERCIM News 66!

StreamOnTheFly is a networked archiving and exchange system. It can be used for digital audio data, such as radio programmes and podcasts, but also for audio arts and any other meaningful data you can imagine. Find out, how you can use StreamOnTheFly either as a platform to publish your content or how to use it to retrieve information from thousands of hours of radio and podcasting programmes.

  • Read more details and who is using StreamOnTheFly in the  About section
  • Read how a radio station can use StreamOnTheFly in the Broadcasting Section
  • Podcasters can easily integrate their work into StreamOnTheFly.
    Find out the details in the Podcasting Section
  • StreamOnTheFly is an open source software project. How you can benefit or contribute is described in the Development section

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