“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing; to know in their hearts and see the evils going on around them, but to sit back and let it unfold whether out of fear, apathy or both.” — Edmund Burke, Irish Political Philosopher. (1730-1797.)

Please keep the pressure on political leaders, please sign our petitions. For those who have already, a big Thank You from all
the abused injured workers in Canada.

Tories Support of Wall Street

 Nov 18th 2009

In a world of never ending double-speak, it becomes increasingly hard to distinguish the difference between promise and intent. We do know that in the end actions and or inaction define the difference between liars and honorable men.

Canadians seriously need to look at the actions of both the Conservative Government in Canada, and the actions or inaction on the part of the Prime Minister.

Recently there was a news article in circulation in regards to Canada ignoring its responsibility to the injuries suffered by our soldiers in both Afghanistan and the Gulf War.


WCB POLICE The Permanently Disabled Workers of Canada.                     
Understanding why Workers Compensation needs protection from Injured Workers is the key to discovering the truth about the "deny all policy" of the Workers Compensation in all parts of Canada.


We do not condone terrorism as applied by Workers Compensation Boards specifically targeting the permanently disabled. Injured workers are here, to fight WCB sponsored terrorism. Join the movement demanding justice; help end the corruption. The WCB hides from the public, that the vast majority of injured workers affected are Permanently Disabled Workers.

The WCB is continually defying the Supreme Court of Canada, in its decisions to include CRPS as legitimately permanently injured workers. It does this by ruling that the CRPS is exaggerated by the injured workers. A public inquiry should be held into all instances of CRPS denial. The WCB is in fact reducing all CRPS claims to the equivalent or less than the governments Social Assistance.

What agreement must injured workers submit too?

Letter to the Editor
November 2 nd 2009

Mr. Goudreau / Mr. Stelmach;
As you know or should know there are numerous problems with the workers compensation system in Alberta. The problems are not entirely related to claims and benefits that are illegally routinely denied on a regular basis that are specific to medical issues. Medical issues relative to claims is only one part of a corrupt system that thrives in a culture of denial.
First and foremost, any one who signs a contract  that was presumably signed by workers and employers is provided with a copy of that contract. In Alberta, I have asked for a copy of the original agreement to determine just exactly what was agreed to. Clearly, the original agreement had to be signed by employers and workers. Who were the employers and who were the workers and were these employers and workers represented by legal counsel? Where in Alberta was this original contract signed? Who witnessed the signing?



Bob Layton exposes WCB on Global Television.

October 28th 2009

Bob Layton remarks that WCB Offices in Edmonton are known for great security, and that they need it. Bob openly tells the audience that in all the years he has been doing editorials, the number one complaint has been the WCB.

 Bob claims to have had at times, stacks of files from very unhappy and desperate injured workers. The complaints all seem to come down to the same basic thing, “I was hurt on the job……..”  (Click this link to watch the video)

 This video is perfect for all those people who are in denial about what is happening to injured workers. Also very clear is that our governments have left little options besides taking either illegal or extreme actions as options for those who want to do more than quit fighting for justice and live it out on skid row.



In Defense of Mr. Clayton, Hostage Taker

(Letter to the Editor)
(Oct 27th 2009)

Man enters a building with a rifle and holds nine people hostage. The fact he did it is indisputable. The reasons why are. Was Mr. Clayton doing what he normally would have done in any circumstance, or was he driven to seek justice on his own because there was absolutely no help for him in society?

If the former, then Mr. Clayton is definitely guilty and should bear the brunt of whatever sentence he gets.

If the latter, then we, as Canadians, lawyers, medical personnel, WCB employees, news media, government, friends, and family, are all to blame.



Hostage Taking

Letter to the Editor
Oct 26th 2009

Clearly, Mr. Clayton is sorry for what he was forced to do and that was to bring attention to his own claim as well as other workers with long outstanding claims, some going back to over 30 years or more. It also is perfectly clear that the Conservative Government lied to the people of Alberta that all long outstanding claims would be reheard after the Friedman Report determined that there was a culture of denial.

I am presently assisting a claimant on one of his claims that goes back 37 years, another of his claims going back 20 years, and another one of his claims going back 3 years. All benefits have been denied despite the fact the gentleman in question has been on CPP disability and AISH for many years, has very stringent work restrictions whereby his primary care doctors have determined that he cannot work at any job due to physical and mental problems created by WCB and supported by two different Psychiatrists. 

Unlike Mr. Clayton's claim, I know precisely all the details of the claim and would be more than willing to hand these claims over to the Government or the Crown.




Calgary Herald cozies up to the WCB

 Oct 25th 2009

In an article written on October 24th 2009 the Calgary Herald a subsidiary of Canwest Publishing wrote an article called “WCB not as bad as worst cases indicate.”

Let us examine what possible motive Canwest had in publishing this article.

Long ago a wise man said follow the money trail, and you will find the criminals responsible. The Calgary Herald is now protecting the WCB from the public and one has to ask, “What is the motive?” The Calgary Herald writes a scathing attack on the credibility of injured workers. They completely twist the truth in a deliberate attempt to cover up the negative press WCB is getting.

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NOTE TO INJURED WORKERS: As we are not a law firm, nor are we a funded organization, we cannot offer legal advise on your claim with WCB. What we can offer is information that may assist you in fighting your claim. If you have questions, you must ask them in our forums, and the answers you get are non professional answers from other injured workers. Please do not email the webmaster for advice on your claim.


We are here to serve Canadians as the official watchdog website of the Workers Compensation System in Canada. We were the first media outlet online willing to expose the entire truth in regards to a Workers Compensation "System" imposed on all working Canadians. WCBCANADA was created to serve injured workers and has been online since the year 2000 as the first and only Canadian website that is funded entirely by injured workers, and operated exclusively by injured workers.
