Next Eurhistock conference: the programme

Date March 17, 2010

The programme of the next Eurhistock conference, organized by S. Battilossi, D. Chambers and myself at Cambridge Judge Business School on April 8-10 is available here

thanks to David for his organization !

Portuguese team shares bibliography

Date March 17, 2010

Maria Eugenia Mata and Jose Rodrigues Da Costa have produced a bibliography on the Portuguese financial market and the Lisbon stock exchange which they propose to share with project’s participants. Ask at

L. Borodkin joins with a Russian team

Date February 23, 2010

Members may include: Prof. Dr. Leonid
Borodkin (Head of the Centre for Economic History at the History Faculty, Moscow Lomonosov State University); Assist. Professor, Dr. Anna Dmitrieva (same
affiliation); Prof. Dr. Pavel Lizunov (Northern Federal University, Arkhangelsk); Darya Anisimova and Ekaterina Fedoseyeva (MA students at Lomonosov); Dr. Gregory Perelman (San Francisco Univ.)

Hello, fellow historian of financial market

Date February 23, 2010

This  blog is created in order to help develop research on the history of European financial markets in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially stock exchanges. It should serve as a tool for the participants of a research project under construction that aims at understanding the functionning of the European financial market as a whole, or as a number of interactions (to be specified) between national (or eventually local) financial markets, in particular a competition among stock exchanges.

Any interested reader is welcome to post comments. All participants in the project should post messages as well as comments.

Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur