The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Super Saturday: Skillshares, RRFM, FNB, and Open House!


IMC brings three free events for Open House on March 13


Urbana, IL March 7, 2009:

March 13th - BILL STAINES: Songwriter & Folksinger in Concert!


Bill Staines: Folk Singer and Songwriter

presented by CU Folk and Roots, IMC Shows, and Heartland Galleries 


March 13th, 2010

Time: 8:00-10:00pm

Tickets $10 advance / $15 door


Bill weaves a magical blend of wit and gentle humor into his performances, and he is a favorite on Prairie Home Companion and Mountain Stage. Bill continues to drive over 65,000 miles a year, doing what he loves, bringing music to people.

UIUC Marches Forth for Public Education

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On March 4th, 2010 several organizations on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus and people across the country gathered to “march forth” in a National Day of Action to Defend Public Education. At UIUC, more than 300 came together for a spirited rally on what turned out to be the first sunny day of the new Spring.

The march began at the Alma Mater statue with a dedication to the Native American peoples who “granted” the land on which this land grant university was built. Miriam Larson led a modern-day adaptation of the classic Woody Guthrie song: “This land is your land, This land is my land, From Illinois to California, From Minnesota to Arizona, Land grants were made for you and me!”

March 2010 Progressive Community Calendar

March 2010 Progressive Community Calendar

Please comment with additional events!

UC2B Granted $22.5 Million for Infrastructure

The NTIA just sent out an official press release announcing that the infrastructure part of the broadband proposal submitted by a coalition of the two cities and the University is going to receive $22.5 million in federal funds for a fiber-optic infrastructure rollout.

Note that the SBA (Sustainable Broadband Adoption) and PCC (Public Computing Centers) parts of the proposal were rejected for Round 1 funding, so this increases the importance of submitting a strong application for those components for Round 2, in order that the infrastructure being contructed can be successfully utilized by the citizenry. The cities have 30 days to decide whether to accept the award.

Project description from the NTIA press release below:

Growing Hope! Local Food Panel


I gave an audible affirmation when Erin Harper, a member of Engineers Without Borders at Illinois, spoke of efforts to create a community garden at Washington School in Urbana. I learned that the school board has approved a community garden curriculum at Washington and that each class will grow food and take it home and perhaps one day sell it at a local food stand.

Marvin Reeves and Mark Clements from Campaign to End the Death Penalty at UIUC


Marvin Reeves (pictured on left) and Mark Clements (right) visited Champaign-Urbana on Wednesday night, Feb. 24, 2010. They spoke on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and on the topic of "Lynching Then/Lynching Now" as part of a national tour sponsored by the Campaign to End the Death Penalty. An audience of some 60 people filled a room in Gregory Hall.

Freed from prison in October 2009 after 21 years, Marvin Reeves spoke about how he was framed for murder by the testimony of an inmate in jail for burglary. His co-defendant Ronnie Kitchen made a false confession after being tortured by Sgt. Jon Burge of the Chicago Police Department. Reeves has since been awarded approximately $200,000 as compensation.

Mark Clements was sentenced to life without parole as a juvenile and was released in August 2009 after serving 28 years in prison. He spoke about the need to end the harsh penalities handed out to juveniles. He was also tortured into making a false confession by Chicago police who later worked alongside Sgt. Burge.

Feb. 26-28, 2010: Campus Antiwar Network National Conference @ UIUC.

Campus Antiwar Network flier.

For Immediate Release: January 12, 2010

Local Contact: Susan Song

Disappointment with Obama Administration reinvigorates national student antiwar movement.

Black History Month Issue of Public i Out Now!


The Black History Month issue of the Public i is out on stands now featuring an article by Michael Burns on the history of the Douglass Center. Also in this issue is an interview with Deborah Thomas, at whose home Kiwane Carrington was killed. There is an article on all-white juries by Jan Kruse. The GEO's Kerry Pimblott writes about ensuring that higher education is publicly accessible. The Public i's own Belden Fields writes a satirical aritcle comparing the NYPD to the Champaign Police Dept.


Coroner’s Inquest Into Kiwane’s Death / Court Hearing For Jeshaun

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At a coroner’s inquest on Thursday, February 18, 2009 into the police killing of Kiwane Carrington, six jurors ruled the death was an accident. This came after Illinois State Police Special Agent Lisa Crowder, who oversaw the investigation, stretched the facts in the case. Interviewed after the hearing, James Montgomery Jr., the attorney who has filed a civil suit on behalf of Carrington’s family, said the testimony was a “smoke screen” to make the youth look bad.

Crowder confirmed that it was a bullet from Officer Norbits’ gun that killed the 15 year old. Yet she also said that testing for the gunpowder residue on Kiwane’s clothes was never conducted. A forensics expert stated that from eye view it appeared as if the gun shot did occur at close range. Crowder’s explanation was that Kiwane had several layers of clothes on, making it difficult to conduct a test. Of course, the only layer that would require testing would be the outer layer. Crowder said the clothing is currently in the possession of the FBI, who is conducting their own investigation into the matter.

WILL Changes FM Format, Cuts Jobs and Eliminates Weather Department


Illinois Public Media General Manager Mark Leonard announced today steps the organization’s leadership will take to address ongoing budget concerns and ensure that Illinois Public Media is sustainable in a new financial and technological environment. Changes include:
· Elimination of nine staff positions

· Phasing out the weather department, resulting in the elimination of in-house forecasts for WILL Radio and WILL-TV. Weather reports and severe weather coverage will continue, provided by regular radio staff using National Weather Service information.

· A change in format for WILL-FM, which will become a dual-format radio station April 1, adding news programs from National Public Radio to its classical music line-up, while expanding classical music on the weekends and retaining its locally produced music programs

· Shifting WILL-AM staff responsibilities to provide more in-depth coverage of local issues, informed by outreach projects in the community

· Addition of three staff positions, including a Web developer, in critical areas or areas with potential for revenue growth

Layout Design Workshops!

Ever wished you could learn basic design principles for making stuff like posters, zines, business cards, CD art, books, brochures, or newspapers?

The Public i is holding a series of layout workshops this Spring, with our very own Dave P!

All sessions are held at the Independent Media Center at 202 S. Broadway in Urbana and are open to anyone who's interested. 

Some sessions are specifically about how to help out with layout for the Public i; others are about layout design in general and more tailored to participants' interests.

Current sessions include:

Thursday, February 11th, 6:30-7:30pm (Public i)

Saturday, February 13th from 3-5pm (Public i Feb. issue layout)

Thursday, February 18th, 6:30-7:30pm (Public i)

Saturday, February 20th, from 2-4pm (General Interest)

Thursday, February 25th, 6:30-7:30pm (Public i)

Saturday, February 27th, 2-4pm (General interest)

You can send an email to if you have any questions.

Smile Politely and UC-IMC Launch Kiwane Carrington Website

Re-posted from


Above is a screenshot from, the Kiwane Carrington Timeline, a website which communicates a timeline of events and documents pertaining to the Kiwane Carrington incident. The website is a joint project of the U-C Independent Media Center and Smile Politely, and is being released to the public for the first time this morning. From the site's About page:

This site is intended to be a permanent home for documentation, articles, reporting, and discussion regarding the death of Kiwane Carrington and the investigation and events that followed.

Items are arranged in a timeline format for ease of use and linear clarity. You will notice that many documents are concentrated on and around October 9, 2009, when the incident occurred.

Feb. 13th: A COSTUME BALL! w/ Duke of Uke & His Novelty Orchestra


Costumes! Music! Dancing! Fun!

Feb. 5-7: IMC Film Festival Schedule



The IMC is pleased to announce our second annual IMC Film Fest!  This celebration of the art of cinematography will once again highlight local and regional artists, giving them an opportunity to share their work and connect with other artists, community members, and organizations.  We’ve received a record number of submissions and expect a big turn out this year!

Healthcare: Local and Global Perspectives
On Friday night, we will open the festival with a discussion on the healthcare system, touching on both local and global aspects of this complex and timely issue.  The UCIMC has close ties the Gesundheit! Institute (, a non-profit organization founded by Patch Adams in 1972.  Several IMC members work closely with the project and we now have an AmeriCorps serving at the UCIMC who is working directly with Patch and Gesundheit!  Don't miss the opportunity to view global healthcare systems from a new perspective:

"Clownin' in Kabul" (Directors Enzo Balestrieri & Stefano Moser, 2002) will show from 6:00pm - 6:55pm

Feb. 11: Benefit for Haiti


I ♥(HEART) HAITI: An Informational Forum and Fundraiser

WHERE: Alice Cambpell Alumni Center, 601 S. Lincoln, Urbana, IL

WHEN: Thursday, February 11th, 7:00-9:00 PM (6:30 PM doors)

WHO: UIUC Students, faculty, and community members

Before this Valentine’s Day weekend, C-U Haiti Relief will present an informational forum, performance, and fundraiser for earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.  Speakers with intimate knowledge of the country will share their experiences and perspectives on current events.  Students will be given information on ways to participate in relief efforts.  The evening will close with a musical performance by a to-be-determined ensemble.  Specific speaker and musician lineup is forthcoming.

The event is free and open to the public. There will be a $5 suggested donation for attendants (all proceeds will go directly to Haitian disaster recovery).  A donation is by no means required for attendance.  Non-monetary donations (e.g., clothing, medical supplies) are also accepted.

U-C Progressive Community Calendar: February, 2010


Please post a comment if event details are incorrect or if you have an event to add!



Quench Series
Queer Qualifications: Disclosing LGBT Involvement
Illini Union, Rm 323, 12-1pm

Knit & Craft Nite
St. Jude Catholic Worker's House, 6pm


AEMS 2010 AsiaLENS Screenings:

Up the Yangtze
Spurlock Museum, 7pm

"Out in the Silence"

Etc Caf, Wesley Foundation, 7pm

Bike Project

Women & Trans Night
Feb 2, 6pm

January Issue of Public i Out Now!


With a response to the State's Attorney's refusal to press charges against Champaign police for the killing of Kiwane Carrington by Kerry Pimblott, a report on juvi "justice" statistics by Durl Kruse, a memorial to Honduran gay rights activist Walter Trochez, plus our first ever article in both English and Spanish about the DREAM Act.

Click here to read the full issue.

Join us for a fundraiser for the Public i and WRFU 104.5 Radio Free Urbana on Monday, Jan. 25, 6-9 pm, at the Clark Bar in Champaign.


ICC Complaint Filed Against Bush, Cheney, et. al. by UIUC Prof. Francis Boyle and Lawyers Against the War


From: Lawyers Against The War []
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:11 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: ICC Complaint Against Bush, Cheney et al


Champaign, U.S.A./The Hague, Netherlands (19 Jan 2010). -- Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign, U.S.A. has filed a Complaint with the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) in The Hague against U.S. citizens George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice, and Alberto Gonzales (the “Accused”) for their criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition” perpetrated upon about 100 human beings.  This term is really their euphemism for the enforced disappearance of persons and their consequent torture.  This criminal policy and practice by the Accused constitute Crimes against Humanity in violation of the Rome Statute establishing the I.C.C.

CUCPJ Delivers Petition With More Than 400 signatures, But Rietz Refuses To Drop Charges On Jeshaun

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On Tuesday morning, Jan. 19, Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice delivered an online petition with 377 signatures to State’s Attorney Julia Rietz asking her to drop the charges on Jeshaun Manning-Carter, the 15 year old who was with Kiwane Carrington when he was killed by Champaign police. A hard copy of the petition with another 60 signatures was also presented. Jeshaun is being prosecuting on felony charges of resisting arrest.

A juvenile hearing was held at 2 p.m. with about 15-20 supporters showing up at the Champaign County Courthouse, although they were not permitted in the courtroom as is routine in juvenile cases. State’s Attorney Rietz appeared in court and local African American attorney Alfred Ivy represented the defendant. Attorney Ivy asked Judge Heidi Ladd for a continuance, saying that he and the State’s Attorney were working toward a resolution. Rietz had no objection, stating that according to Principal Richard Kelly of the READY Program where Jeshaun goes to school, he was attending class and doing well. Yet despite this good record, Rietz was still unwilling to drop the charges.

IMC Film Festival Announces Extension of “Call for Submissions” Until January 20

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The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) is proud to announce that it will host the second annual IMC Film Festival during February 5, 6, and 7, 2010, and is now accepting submissions! This celebration of the art of cinematography will once again highlight local and regional independent artists, giving them an opportunity to share their work and connect with other artists, community members, and organizations.

Filmmakers are invited to submit their works by filling out the attached Submission Sheet (attached in word and in pdf format) and following those instructions.  As well, the IMC Film Festival is open to all – free of admission charges! SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS NOW FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2010, 5 p.m.

Here is the link to the IMC Film Fest 2010 website:
And you can check out films from last year's event at:

IMC Film Fest Submission Guide-1.pdf145.72 KB

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service to kick off King's School Art Drive

AmeriCorps Representatives

January 14th, 2009 (Urbana, IL) –  This year on Martin Luther King, Jr Day the local AmeriCorps program at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is launching an art supply drive for the Martin Luther King Jr. Elemtary School's art program in Urbana.  The art drive will kick off on January 19th and run for several weeks with drop off locations throughout the Urbana-Champaign community.  January 19th, 2010 is celebrated as the AmeriCorps National Day of Service which is happening all across the country. 


We ask that those in the community who support art education consider donating art supplies in the following weeks.  Items that we encourage are: construction paper, pencils, safety scissors, crayons, markers, glue sticks, colored pencils, and colored printer paper.  All safe, children-friendly materials are welcome! 

Announcing the IMC Computer Help Desk


In order for communities to survive and thrive in a world full of
technology, they need to build a new model of tech support. This model
should focus on democratizing technology - on disseminating, copying
and distributing tech knowledge among everyday computer users.

This model may start with a central location to help users with their
computers, but cannot end with that single source of
knowledge. Communities must develop a "critical mass" of tech
knowledge among community members in order to control their own lives
in a technology-dependent world.

The IMC Computer Help Desk is up to this challenge. The
Urbana-Champaign community has had a deficit of realistic personal
computer support options since Prairienet faded away.

When a user calls, emails or walks in to the IMC Computer Help Desk
they will not be talked down to or misled. Further, the IMC Computer
Help Desk will not perform any repair or maintenance for
anyone. Instead, the support technicians at the Help Desk will help
users solve their own problems. The Help Desk can help fix almost any

Sign the petition to drop the charges against Jeshaun Manning-Carter!

CU Citizens for Peace and Justice is launching a petition drive to demand that State's Attorney Julia Rietz drop all charges against Jeshaun Manning-Carter.

The best friend of Kiwane Carrington, Jeshaun was with him on Oct. 9 when he was killed.

He is currently being prosecuted with felony charges of resisting a "peace" officer.

His next court hearing is Jan. 19 at 2pm in Courtroom C.

Until then you can sign the petition here:


You can also call State's Attorney Julia Rietz at 384-3733.

Tell her the best thing to do for this youth is to drop the charges against him - not send him to juvenile detention or reform school.


FOIA’d Emails in Kiwane Carrington Case Reveal Monitoring of Local Activist Groups


On November 3, 2009, several people spoke before Champaign city council about the police killing of Kiwane Carrington and demanded that Police Chief R.T. Finney, who was at the scene, be fired. After public comments, City Manager Steve Carter responded by saying that he had conducted his own investigation, talking to the state police and State’s Attorney Julia Rietz, and concluded that Finney had done nothing wrong. “He is an excellent police chief,” Carter said.

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