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Friday, March 12 2010

KompoZer 0.8b3 in Slovenian

KompoZer logo

While most of the KompoZer 0.7.10 language packs have been upgraded to KompoZer 0.8, we’ve set up a Narro server to help localization teams work on new locales. The Finnish locale has been the first one to be fully translated, other locales are still in progress: Irish, Korean, Ukrainian, Brazilian, Swedish, Turkish, Bulgarian… and Slovenian.

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Tuesday, March 9 2010

KompoZer 0.8b3 in Czech

KompoZer logo

Jaroslav Krejčí (aka “JardaK”) has just submitted a Czech language pack for KompoZer 0.8.

We’ve imported the strings from the langpack JardaK did for KompoZer 0.7.10 and added the Mozilla 1.8 strings. Then, JardaK has translated all the new strings and fixed a few problems we had in the previous version.

As a result, there are now Czech builds of KompoZer 0.8b3 on the official download page for Windows, MacOSX and GNU/Linux. Thanks a lot JardaK!

Note: most of the langpacks we had for KompoZer 0.7.10 have been upgraded to 0.8 by now, but we’re still missing the Brazilian (pt-BR), Slovak (sk) and Bulgarian (bg) ones. Feel free to drop a message if you want to upgrade one of these langpacks. ;-)

Update (2010-03-15): the above note could be misunderstood, let’s clarify:

  • the Brazilian langpack is almost ready (~70 untranslated strings)
  • the Bulgarian langpack is in progress (> 500 untranslated strings)
  • nobody’s working on the Slovak langpack yet

Note that Narro allows several contributors to work on the same language pack simultaneously.

Tuesday, March 2 2010

KompoZer 0.8b3

KompoZer logo

We’ve just released KompoZer 0.8b3:

Localized binaries are available on the official download page:

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Tuesday, February 23 2010

KompoZer 0.8b2

KompoZer logo

KompoZer 0.8b2 is finally ready. Few visible changes, but a lot of bugfixes and code cleaning under the hood.

You can grab KompoZer 0.8b2 here:

Enjoy, and please report bugs!

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Sunday, February 14 2010


Another year, another FOSDEM. This year I haven't been surprised by the overall nerd factor, I guess that's a clear sign that I’ve significantly nerdified myself. Never mind — as Seth B. told me:

It’s okay to be a nerd. Look at Staś!

One Year In Review

I've had the opportunity to give a lightning talk about the work that has been done on KompoZer since the last FOSDEM — i.e. since the first alpha release of the 0.8 branch:

  • code cleaning: KompoZer 0.7 was built on Nvu, which required a 15'000 line C++ patch against the Gecko core. Most of this patch concerned UI improvements, which are now implemented in XUL/JavaScript. KompoZer 0.8 builds on an almost pure Gecko core — we just need a little patch for the PHP support.
  • new features: the DOM Explorer sidebar and the split view should help KompoZer users learning HTML and CSS, the new Site Manager (still in development) should solve most of the publication issues we inherited from Mozilla Composer.
  • team building: KompoZer isn't a one-man-project any more. Cédric Corazza and Frédéric Chateaux have joined the team to help me with the localization support and the quality assurance. Thanks to them I can focus on development.


KompoZer Labs

The best news in these last months is that the KompoZer community is growing. Last year, we've set up a KompoZer labs page with a few projects that we’d like to experiment, and five projects have already been selected by CoMETE students:

  • real-time collaborative HTML edition (XMPP/SXE)
  • CMS publication (XML-RPC)
  • enhanced DOM Explorer sidebar
  • easier CSS Editor
  • SFTP support

The CoMETE team is very motivated and these projects are making good progress — I'll detail them in another blogpost soon. In case you’re interested in working on another “Labs” project, or if you’d like to submit another idea for this “Labs” page, feel free to ping us on the #kompozer channel.

This FOSDEM has also been the opportunity to organize the development of the next KompoZer branch along with the SeaMonkey team. Last year, we’ve had a simple deal:

This deal is now becoming effective, and I already have a pre-alpha, Gecko 1.9.3 build of KompoZer. So instead of just porting KompoZer to Gecko 1.9.3, we’ll open a few tickets on Bugzilla to backport the main KompoZer features and bugfixes on comm-central: putting the code in a public place like BMO and getting reviews from other Mozilla developers should help keeping the project stable and open in the long-term. I’ll do my best to release an official alpha version before the Firefox Summit, with the features that I’ve announced in the EuMozCamp09: Bespin code editor, xml-rpc publication, collaborative edition…

Back To Real Life

I’m almost done with the urgent work, which means I can focus on KompoZer 0.8b2 again. I realize it’s been a while since the last release (0.8b1), so I’ll probably drop some of the unfinished work I’ve been doing on this branch to release the 0.8b2 version ASAP — hopefully next Sunday.

Friday, December 4 2009

KompoZer Addons Mini How-To

There are two items in my long todo-list that I can’t address properly before KompoZer 0.8 is released:

I won’t be able to work on these items before January 2010, so here’s a very quick how-to for add-on developers. I’ll suppose you’re already familiar with Firefox add-on development, or that you can read the related documentation on MDC.

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Wednesday, November 18 2009

New locales for KompoZer 0.8b1

Two locales have just been added to KompoZer 0.8b1:

The corresponding binaries are already online. Freek, András: thanks for your contribution, you’ve done a great job!

Five Six other locales are almost complete (>95% according to Narro):

  • Simplified Chinese (only 10 strings left and I forgot it!!!)
  • Japanese (only 20 strings left)
  • Finnish
  • Brazilian
  • Slovenian
  • Turkish

If you want to contribute to these translations, please contact us on the #kompozer chan. We’ll provide technical help if needed.

Bonus: Cédric has just packed a few dictionaries for KompoZer 0.8:

The reason is, I’m working on KompoZer’s inline spellchecker at the moment — Thunderbird’s source code is a perfect example for that. Expect to get a fast and reliable spellchecker in the upcoming beta2!

Two French books about KompoZer

Two books about KompoZer have just been published in French:

Créez gratuitement votre site web avec KompoZer KompoZer — Apprenez, pratiquez, créez

The first one, “Créez gratuitement votre site web avec KompoZer” is the French translation of Kim Ludvigsen’s booklet, “Hjemmesider med KompoZer(“Create your website with KompoZer”). Kim is in charge of the KompoZer forum on MozillaDanmark, and he’s the Danish localizer of this project.

The second one is a more extensive book: “KompoZer : apprenez, pratiquez, créez(“KompoZer: learn, practice, create”) has been written by Jean-Marc Juin, Framasoft contributor, and has been reviewed by my friends Yves Mairesse and Alain Lorieux, moderators of the KompoZer forum on Geckozone.

I confess I haven’t read any of these two books — I only have a Danish copy of Kim’s booklet — but I’m happy to see them at the bookstore! :-D

If you’ve heard of other KompoZer books, please let me know.

Tuesday, November 17 2009

Deux livres sur KompoZer

C’était dans le tube depuis quelque temps, les deux livres consacrés à KompoZer arrivent quasiment en même temps dans les bacs.

Créez gratuitement votre site web avec KompoZer Le premier n’est pas à proprement parler une nouveauté : « Créez gratuitement votre site web avec KompoZer » est la traduction française du livret « Hjemmesider med KompoZer » de Kim Ludvigsen.

Kim est responsable du forum KompoZer sur MozillaDanmark, ansi que de la localisation de KompoZer dans cette langue. Son livret fait le tour des fonctionnalités de KompoZer tout en restant concis.

KompoZer — Apprenez, pratiquez, créez

Le second est un livre plus complet : « KompoZer : apprenez, pratiquez, créez » a été rédigé avec soin par Jean-Marc Juin, alias « Fun Sun » sur Framasoft.

Bonus : mes amis Yves Mairesse et Alain Lorieux, modérateurs du forum KompoZer sur Geckozone, ont participé à la relecture de ce livre. Le développement de KompoZer 0.8 ne m’a malheureusement pas permis d’y prendre part — mais ce n’est probablement pas plus mal pour le lecteur, Yves et Alain étant plus pédagogues que moi.

Je n’ai lu aucun de ces deux livres (je n’ai que l’exemplaire Danois du livret de Kim) mais j’avoue que ça fait classe de voir des livres traitant de KompoZer à la Fnac ! :-D

Si vous avez entendu parler d’autres livres sur KompoZer (dans d’autres langues), n’hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.

Mise à jour : MozillaZine-fr en parle mieux que moi.

Friday, November 13 2009

Download mirrors for KompoZer, anyone?

Since has changed its File Release System, it's much easier to publish a bunch of binaries for each KompoZer release. Unfortunately, it's become pretty buggy and we’re getting more and more reports from users who couldn’t download files from there. Even worse: most of the negative reviews on are about the erratic download service.

I can't blame they offer a free service and KompoZer couldn't have existed without in the first place. But now that the project is taking a good shape, we’d like to get a better download service, and it looks like it won’t be possible with SourceForge, unfortunately. So we’re thinking of hosting the binaries on our own mirrors.

According to the download stats, the required bandwidth is currently about 60 GB a day — and we expect it to be much more when the final 0.8 version is released.

SF download stats

Our hosting’s bandwidth is only 500GB/month and we can't afford to buy more. We’d need roughly another 1.5TB/month for the 6,000 daily downloads, and probably twice as much when the final 0.8 is released. The idea would be to have several mirrors, each offering 0.5TB/month or more.

Please drop me a comment if you can offer some bandwidth. Thanks!

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