US Gap Widens

July 9, 2009

Socialists often meet with the argument that while capitalism may have been a terrible system in the past, with the awful gap between rich and poor, today we are gradually improving things and such inequalities no longer exists. So what do the anti-socialists make of these recent statistics? “The rich-poor gap also widened with...
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Posted in Politics, USA |

The New Joads

March 26, 2009
The New Joads

Written by a friends of the WSP. You can contact them here. Not our perspective but important information. On Wednesday, March 18, 2009 a comrade and I drove from San Francisco to investigate the tent city in Sacramento that we had been hearing so much about in the bourgeois media. It had been covered in...
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Posted in Economics, USA |

Iraq: Violence Without End Or Purpose?

May 10, 2008
By Stefan

“Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” Michael Ledeen (American Enterprise Institute) Last month 100 U.S. veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan held hearings in Washington to describe their...
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Posted in USA, War |

Obama, the Rev. Wright and hesitation

May 3, 2008
By Dr. Who

The latest scandal that surrounds Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama’s previous involvement with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and that highlights his difficulty fully disowning this association with the politically radical pastor until a statement unequivocally doing so publicly on April 29th is angrily upsetting his fans and supporters who fear that the time...
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Posted in Elections, Politics, USA |

Wage Slavery in America: 90¢ an Hour and -20°F

April 11, 2008
By FN Brill

“This video is about a Red Pill reporters trip to southern Wyoming and the worker abuses he found in the sheep herder camps. All workers were here legally on H2A work Visa’s and the guides for the Red Pill were former Chilean sheep herders who wanted to speak out about the abuse they went...
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Posted in Capitalism, USA, Work |

Oh the Irony

April 9, 2008
By FN Brill
Oh the Irony

Prisoners in the New Hampshire state prison in Concord, New Hampshire, stamp license plates with the state’s motto: “Live Free or Die.” Source
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Posted in USA |

What it is ain’t exactly clear

February 20, 2008

If we may go by the trend emerging from the presidential primary results so far, we very likely will see the end of the CheneyBush era next November. Voters both Democratic and Republican have turned out in large, often record-breaking numbers to make preliminary choices from among the presidential candidates who have offered themselves....
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Posted in Elections, USA |

The Iowa caucuses: Wrong end of the crystal ball?

January 8, 2008

We read in the Boston Globe (Friday, January 4th) that the results of the Iowa caucuses among Democrats and Republicans are important for the unprecedentedly intense grassroots interest they reveal in the upcoming presidential election. But more to the point, to the extent voters in Iowa are still trying to make those two creaky...
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Posted in Elections, USA |

President Bush signs the order to militarize space

October 3, 2006

In signing the recent executive order creating a new National Space Policy, President Bush has announced that the US will reject future arms-control agreements that might limit US military manoeuvrability in space. The document further announces that the US “will preserve its rights, capabilities and freedom of action in space … and deny, if...
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Posted in Science, Tech, USA, War |

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