Last updated: February 07, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 17°C - 35°C . Dry. Sunny.

Facebook face-off


TEENAGERS are shunning social networking site Twitter and turning their backs on blogging in favour of Facebook, a US report reveals.

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Atkinson's Call of Duty 2

Violent video game

THE anti-censorship lobby is increasing the pressure on Attorney-General Michael Atkinson, with R18+ computer games the next battleground.

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Hands-on review of the new Apple iPad

apple ipad

IT'S been called an "oversized iPhone" and the "iTampon" - now find out what the iPad is really like.

See first pics, review of Apple iPad

It's here! Apple unveils iPad

AFTER months of speculation, Apple has unveiled the iPad - a tablet computer which can access the web, newspapers, music, photos, eBooks and games.

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Brain can only handle 150 friends


HUMAN brains can only remember up to 150 Facebook friends, meaning you probably don't care about most people on your Facebook.

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Too much TV will put you in a box


VIDEO killed the radio star and now its coming after you too, according to research revealing disturbing TV-watching health trends.

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Sexbot's here, and what a doll she is

sex robot

WELL it had to happen eventually. The computer chip has met the blow-up doll and their lovechild is a high-tech robot girlfriend who can talk, but never says no.

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Push on for 3D-TV in homes


THE recent box office success of 3D films such as Avatar has spurred the TV industry to ramp-up its push into emerging technology that will allow us to watch digital TV in 3D.

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Hovering spy drone links to your iPhone

iPhone drone

A SPY drone that links to an Apple iPhone will go on the market this year, and could be flying over your back fence soon.

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Google phone to take a bite out of Apple

Google nexus

GOOGLE has unveiled its new Nexus One smartphone, in a direct challenge to heavyweight Apple's iPhone handsets.

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Best of the decade?


Trying to judge the best game of the past decade could start a war that would make the PlayStation v Xbox struggle look tame. So here are a handful of games that have had a huge impact.

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Apple tablet launch 'this month'

apple tablet

APPLE plans to unveil a long-awaited tablet computer this month, The Wall Street Journal reports.

SMS study sends grim message


TEXT-MESSAGING drivers are six times more likely to get into an accident than drivers who don't text, researchers say.

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Lost tempers as drivers blame GPS


THEY are designed to help drivers find their way, but two thirds of motorists say their GPS is to blame for wrong turns.

Parents clueless on video games


WITH computer games likely to be popular stocking fillers this Christmas a survey has shown mums and dads have no clue when it comes to ratings.

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One in three families apart at Christmas


ALMOST two thirds of Australian families will have an empty place at the dinner table this Christmas, according to research by a phone company.

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We've failed - Telstra's call for help


TELSTRA has admitted it doesn't know how to fix its woeful service standards, so it is calling on customers to tell it how.

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Battle for broadband turns to the skies


RESIDENTS of Adelaide's notorious broadband blackspots just 10km from the city have been forced to form co-operatives to access satellites for high-speed internet access.

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Modern Warfare 2 locked and loaded

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

LEGIONS of Aussies are preparing for war as one of the most anticipated, controversial video games of the year goes on sale across the nation.

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Video gamers aim for Atkinson's seat


SOUTH Australia's video game enthusiasts are hoping to topple Attorney-General Michael Atkinson from his long-held seat of Croydon at the 2010 state election.

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It's the year's most anticipated gadget - and for many devotees of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, the iPad may as well be named iWantOne.

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The action keeps coming

Brutal Legend

WE take a look back at an exciting couple of months in the world of video games - and preview the big titles coming up.

Modern Warfare 2 - explosive fun

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

THIRTY years after Space Invaders, the most hyped release in video gaming history has switched off the safety catch and sprayed the world with high-calibre controversy.

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FIFA 10 takes a dive off pitch


THE very definition of "flawed masterpiece", FIFA 10's frustrating bugs nearly outweigh its glorious gameplay.

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Guitar Hero 5 rocks the same old tune

Guitar Hero Online

THE Guitar Hero franchise is at the pinnacle of its success - a stadium-rock behemoth with legions of fans.

Uncharted 2 a glittering treasure

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

THE second adventure of wisecracking treasure hunter Nathan Drake is an awe-inspiring blockbuster of a game.

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Guitar Hero duo churn out tunes

Guitar Hero: Metallica

THE Guitar Hero franchise keeps pumping out the hits with enough regularity to give fans premature arthritis.

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Killzone 2 - lock, load and laugh

Killzone 2

WAR is hell. Especially when you're fighting frighteningly intelligent aliens with scary orange night-vision goggles.

Ninja Blade slices, dices and entices

Ninja Blade

YOU know those games that are so gloriously bonkers that the sheer weirdness around every corner overwhelms any nagging technical flaws?

Fight Night Round 4 - fight the power

Fight Night Round 4

A BOXING game? If I have watch grown men thump each other senseless, I'd rather it happen where it belongs - on the footy field or the car park of my local pub.

GTA Chinatown wars is easy fun

Grand theft auto: Chinatown wars

IF you haven't played a game from the Grand Theft Auto series before, don't worry. Becoming a gangster on the streets of Liberty City comes easily.


Net Adventures - December 12, 2009


IN ALL our pandamania, we could reflect on the fact that the panda is symbol of the World Wildlife Fund which now husbands some 1300 conservation projects around the world.

Net Adventures - December 5, 2009

Jonas Bendiksen

THE ForeignPolicy is one of those vast and engrossing e-zines which encompass comprehensive and alternative coverages of world affairs.

Net Adventures - November 21, 2009


A WONDERFUL blog about keeping birds at home without cages, comprehensive and rich in information on parrot health and behaviour.

Net Adventures - November 14, 2009

City of Adelaide

IF YOU want to chill your bones, consider the fate of fair City of Adelaide. There she sits - the older of only two surviving composite clipper ships in the world - the 'Cutty Sark' is the other.

Net Adventures - November 7, 2009

Action Center

ACTIONCENTER is a call to arms - young arms and old arms, united in seeking alms and trying to reduce world hunger.


Train smashes into stalled 4WD

rail crossing

THE occupants of a four-wheel-drive that stalled on a northern suburbs rail crossing last night fled the vehicle just before it was hit by a train.



Chantelois gatecrashes art show

Michelle Chantelois - Thumbnail (100x75)

Michelle Chantelois has caused havoc by turning up at an art show opened by her former alleged lo...

Apple unveils iPad

Apple iPad

Apple chief executive officer Steve Jobs has launched the new tablet iPad computing device in San...

Floodwaters in the Outback

Floodwaters in the Outback

Flooding in the eastern states will inject about 300 billion litres of water into the Murray-Darl...

Sports Star of the Year

Sports Star of the Year

South Australia's finest attended the 2009 The Advertiser/Channel Seven Sports Star of the Year A...

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