Last updated: February 06, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 14°C - 29°C . Fine. Sunny.


Libs must share shame of Atkinson

THE Liberal Party is adding the final insult to the injury of the State Government's internet censorship debacle.

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Wisdom, too, in an ageing population

REVELATIONS that a pill may be developed to eliminate many diseases of ageing will please many.

A difference of opinion will not be tolerated

THE advent of direct democracy via the internet - where millions around the globe can freely exchange political ideas - is a concept that those who exercise power over ordinary people's lives and opinions fear greatly.

Censoring free speech in the secret state

MANY regimes around the world have attempted to do the unthinkable - censor free speech. The South Australian Government appears to be one body which is going to successfully apply such suppression.

151 comments on this story

State must cover KI's road shortfall

KANGAROO Island is one of the jewels in South Australia's tourism crown, attracting tens of thousands of visitors and millions of dollars from all over the world each year.

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Emission cuts fall victim to politics

THE fact that both sides of politics have signed up to an unconditional 5 per cent reduction of Australia's carbon dioxide output by 2020 is a triumph of hollow symbolism over substantial policy.

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Road safety rests with you... the driver

LESS than one month into the new year and South Australia is on target to record a similar sharp increase in the road toll as it did in 2009.

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State poised for robust expansion

THE South Australia economy, underpinned by a number of factors, has outperformed the national economy during the most challenging period in decades.

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National day a time for reflection

AUSTRALIANS have traditionally not succumbed to the kind of brazen flag-waving Americans are known for.

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Take pride in international success story

THE Tour Down Under has in 12 years become a global event.


Jos Valdman - The Advertiser

Jos Valdman

VALDMAN is the cartoonist for The Advertiser and AdelaideNow. He is fascinated by politicians and other zoo animals – especially Fandango the flamingo. 

Peter MacMullin - The Sunday Mail

Peter MacMullin

SUNDAY Mail artist MacMullin swears to abide by the cartoonists' charter of being forever frivolous and loosely accurate.


Andrew Bolt

andrew bolt

ANDREW Bolt is one of Australia's most successful and provocative bloggers. Love him or hate him, you just can't ignore him.

Andrew Fenton's Turkey Shoot

Andrew Fenton - new thumb

FILM writer Andrew Fenton takes aim at movies and pop culture in a blog named after the timeless Australian B-grade movie Turkey Shoot.

Samela Harris

Samela Harris

EXPLORE features writer Sa Harris's quirky and unique take on life in Adelaide, and the weighty issues of the world.

Guest bloggers

Man in silhouette

ADELAIDENOW frequently hosts guest bloggers – from household names to members of the public. Keep an eye out for some surprises!

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Story Tips


Stokes drug case hits home


ADELAIDE has called on its players to watch over each other, saying Mathew Stokes' drug charge is a "reminder" to all AFL clubs about the perils of illicit substances.


Chantelois gatecrashes art show

Michelle Chantelois - Thumbnail (100x75)

Michelle Chantelois has caused havoc by turning up at an art show opened by her former alleged lo...

Apple unveils iPad

Apple iPad

Apple chief executive officer Steve Jobs has launched the new tablet iPad computing device in San...

Floodwaters in the Outback

Floodwaters in the Outback

Flooding in the eastern states will inject about 300 billion litres of water into the Murray-Darl...

Sports Star of the Year

Sports Star of the Year

South Australia's finest attended the 2009 The Advertiser/Channel Seven Sports Star of the Year A...

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